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Anno tertio Jacobi I.
A. D. 1605.

covering this, hidden Treason not many Hours before the appointed Time for the Execution thereof: (6) Therefore the King's most excellent Majesty, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and all his Majesty's faithful and loving Subjects, do most justly acknowledge this great and infinite Blessing to have proceeded meerly from God his great Mercy, and to his most holy Name do ascribe all the Honour, Glory and Praise: (7) And to the End this unfeigned Thankfulness may never be forgotten, but be had in a perpetual Remembrance, that all Ages to come may yield Praises to his Divine Majesty for the same, and have in Memory THIS JOYFUL DAY OF DELIVERANCE;

Thanks shall be given to god in every church yearly upon the fifth Day of November.Be it therefore enacted by the King's most excellent Majesty, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same. That all and singular Ministers in every Cathedral and Parish Church, or other usual Place for common Prayer, within this Realm of England and the Dominions of the same, shall always upon the fifth Day of November say Morning Prayer, and give unto Almighty God thanks for this most happy Deliverance : (2) And that all and every Person and Persons inhabiting within this Realm of England and the Dominions of the same, shall always upon that Day diligently and faithfully resort to the Parish Church or ; Chapel accustomed, or to sme usual Church or Chapel where the said Morning Prayer, Preaching, or Other Service of God shall be used, and then and there to abide orderly and soberly during the Time of the said Prayers, Preaching, or other Service of God there to be used and ministred.

The Minister shall give warning of the Day the Sunday before; III. And because all and every Person may be put in Mind of this Duty, and be then better prepared shall give Warning said Holy Service, Be it enacted by Authority aforesaid. That every Minister shall give warning to the Parishioners publickly in the Church at Morning Prayer, the Sunday before every such fifth Day of November, for the due Observation of the said Day : And that after Morning Prayer or Preaching upon the said fifth Day of November, they read publickly, distincftly and plainly this present Act.


An Act for the Attainder of divers Offenders in the late most barbarous, monstrous, detestable and damnable Treasons.

Certain Perfons attained of High Treason for conspiring to blow up with Gunpowder the Parliament-House practised in the Time of Queen Elizabeth.}}IN most humble Manner beseechen your most excellent Majesty, your most loyal, faithful and true hearted Subjects, The Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, That whereas Arthur Creswel Jesuit, who at the Time of his Profession to be a Jesuit took Upon him the Name of Joseph Creswel, Oswald Tesmond Jesuit and Thomas Winter late of Huddington in the County of Worcester, Gentleman, the last Day of June in the four and fortieth Year of the Queen Elizabeth of famous Memory, at Valedolid within the Kingdom of Spain, and at divers other Days within the same four and fortieth Year of the said late Queen, at Valedolid aforesaid, and elsewhere within the same Kingdom of Spain, by the Means, Procurement and Privity of Robert Catesby, late of Asby in the County of Northampton, Esquire, Francis Tresham, late of Ruston in the said County of Northampton, Esquire, and Henry Garnet Jesuit, (assuming upon him to be Superior of the Jesuits within this Realm of England) and others, being all natural-born Subjects of this Realm, did traiterously and against the Duty of their Allegiance, move and incite Philip, then and yet King of Spain, then being at open Enmity and Hostility with the said late Queen, with Force to invade this Kingdom of To what Intent the Treasons were pactisedEngland, and to join with the Papists and discontented Persons within this Realm of England, to depose and Overthrow the same late Queen of and from her Crown, and of and from all her Royal Estate, Title and Dignity, and to suppress and abolish the true Religion of Almighty God, truly and sincerely professed within this Kingdom, and to restore the Superstitious Romish Religion within the same, and to bring this ancient, famous and most renowned Kingdom to utter Ruin and miserable Captivity under foreign Power : (2)-And for that the greatest Impediment unto the same Invafion, would be the Want of Help of good Horses, the said Thomas Winter, the rather to encourage the same King thereunto, was to offer to the same King on the Behalf of the Papists of England, to give him Assistance presently upon the Landing of his Forces, with one thousand five hundred, or two thousand Horses; (3) and that for their better Accomplishing thereof, he should move the same King to furnish the Papists of England with a good Sum of Money, partly to be imployed to provide and furnish the Horses, and partly in Pensions, to be imployed upon some such as were to be prepared for that Service:THe King of Spain's Answer to the Traitor's Motion(4) All which the said Thomas winter did relate to the said King of Spain, who (the said Kingdoms of England and Spain then standing in Hostility) took that Offer in very good Part, saying, That he would respect and account of the Catholicks of England, (meaning the Papists) as of his own Castilians, and thereupon agreed that he would make Invasion, and set Foot in England, about the Spring then next following, and would by way of Exchange send over unto the Papists of England one hundred thousand Crowns, to be paid at two several Days agreed upon. All which Particulars are extant in the Confession of some of the chiefest Offenders ; at which Time sundry Papists oi England did extraordinarily furnish themselves by the traiterous and wicked Perswasion and Means of sundry Jesuits, both with Horse and Armour.

II. But before these Things could be effected, Almighty God called the said late Queen to his Mercy: Immediately after whose Decease, that is to say, in the same Month of March, wherein (he departed out of this World, Christopher Wright, late of London, Gentleman, was imployed by the said Robert Catesby, Francis Tresham, Henry Garnet and others, into Spain, to negotiate with the said King of Spain, by the Means of the said Creswel the Jesuit, and others, to proceed in that Invasion. which the said Thomas Winter had before negotiated with him :Preciser in Flanders of Invasion of this Realm. ( 2 ) And afterward on the two and twentieth Day of June in the first, Year of your Majesty's. Reign over this Realm of England, Sir William Stanley, Knight, Hugh Owen, Esquire, William Baldwin, Jesuit, and others, did by and with the traiterous Procure--
