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A. D. 1605
Anno tertio Jacobi.
C. 3,4.
ment, and the Consent of the Offenders aforesaid, from and out of Flanders, in the Parts beyond the Seas, under the Government of the Archduke, traiterously imploy and send Guy Fawks, late of London, Gentleman, unto the said King of Spain, to negotiate with him on the Behalf of the said Papists of England, for Invasion to be had against this Realm of England, to the same Effect as was committed to the said Christopher Wright, as is aforesaid : And the said Guy Fawks and Christopher Wright, though they had all the Furtherance of the said Creswel the Jesuit that he could give, yet finding no such Entertainment with the said King, who (as by the Sequel appeareth) grew into Detestatipn with the said Propositions and Negotiations, as they expected or desiredThe King of Spain detested the Treason. ; but being wholly disappointed of all their The King of Hopes concerning that Matter, the said Robert Catesby, and divers other Persons within this Realm, did send over the said Thomas Winter into the said County of Flanders, to procure the said Guy Fawks, a natural-born Subject of this Realm, and yet a most traiterous, desperate and bloody-minded Person, then serving as a Soldier in the Low-Countries, to come over into this Realm, and by and with the traiterous Conspiracy and ConsentThe Practisers of the Gunpowder Treasom; and thier wicked Intent. of the said Henry Garnet, Oswald Tesmond, John Gerrard, and other Jesuits, and Thomas Pearcy, late of London, Esquire, John Wright, late of London, Gentleman, the said Christopher Wright, Francis Tresham, Robert Winter, late of Huddington. aforesaid, Esquire, John Graunt, late of Norbrook in the county of Warwick, Esquire, Ambrose Rockwood, late of Staningfield in the County of Suffolk, Esquire, Everad Digby, late of Gotehurburst in the County of Buckingham, Knight, Robert Keys, late of London. Gentleman, and Thomas Bates, late of London, Yeoman, to underatke the Execution of the most wicked, barbarous, execrable and abominable Treason that ever could enter into the Heart of the most wicked Man, by blowing up with Gun-powder the House of Parliament, at such Time as your most excellent Majesty, and your dearest Consort the Queen, and the most noble Prince Henry, together with the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, the Judges of the Realm, and the Knights, Citizens and Burgesses of Parliament, should be in the said Parliament-house assembled, (for which most traiterous and barbarous Purpose there were secretly laid in a Vault or Cellar under the Parliament-house, thirty-six Barrels of Gun-powder, or thereabouts) to the utter Overthrow and Subversion of the whole State of this flourishing and renowned Kingdom, if God of his infinite Mercy had not most miraculously, by your Majesty's blessed Direction, discovered the same, in finding out the said Barrels of Gun-powder in the said Vault or Cellar, but few Hours before the Time appointed for the Execution thereof; (3) all which most heinous, horrible and damnable Treasons are most manifest and apparent by the voluntary Confessions and Acknowledgments of the Offenders themselves ; Of which most barbarous, bloody and detestable Treason for conspiring and preparing to blowup the said Parliament-house with Gun-powder, the said Robert Winter, Thomas Winter, Guy Fawks, Robert Keys, Ambrose Rookwood, John Graunt and Thomas Bates, have been lately indicted, and during this present Session of Parliament, arraigned, convicted by Verdict, and therupon attained : (4) And the said Sir Everard Digby, Knight, hath likewise been indicted, and during this prefent Session of Parliament convicted and attainted by his own Confession of Record upon his Arraignment, according to the Laws of this your Majesty's Realm, as by the Records of their several Indictments and Attainders it doth and may more plainly appear; Certain of the Traitors put to Death(5) and for the which Offences the said Sir Everard Digby, Robert Winter, Thomas Winter, Guy Fawks, Ambrose Rookwood, John Graunt, Robert Keys and Thomas Bates, have suffered Pains of Death according to their Demerits: (6) And the said Robert Catesby, Thomas Pearcy, John Wright and Christopher Wrightsome slain in the field were lately slain in open Rebellion, by them and others the said most wicked Traitors moved and stirred within divers Parts and Counties of this Realm, shortly after the said Discovery of their said most detestable and damnable Treason, in conspiring and preparing to blow up the said Parliament-house as aforesaid :Hugh Owen (7) and the said Hugh Owen doth (of Purpose, and for Fear of condign Punishment according to his Demerits) reside and keep himself beyond the Seas, by Means whereof he cannot in Respect of such his voluntary Absence, "be arraigned, and publickly by due Trial of Law, upon apparent Testimony and Proof against him, be proceeded withal for his said most heinous and abominable Treasons : Francis Tresham. (8) And the said Francis Tresham being likewise one of the said most detestable Traitors, and being apprehended and imprisoned in the Tower of London, having by sundry his Examinations confessed himself a principal Traitor in all the said most wicked and abominable Treasons, died in the said Tower, during the Time of his said Imprisonment, and before he could be indicted of the said Treason, &c.EXP.

The Convictions and attinaders of the Traitors confirmed.
The forfieture of the offenders.
The Forfieture of certian Traitors which weere not arragined.
From what days thier several Forfeitures shall have relation.
All the lands and Goods of the Traitors attained shall be in the actual possesion of the King.
A Saving Right of others.
Goods, Chattels or Debts of the Traitors given, released or discharged before the fifth Novemeber last.


An Act declaratory, explaining the Branch of an Act[1] made in the first Session of this Parliament, intituled, " An Act authorising certain Commissoners of the Realm of England to treat with the Commissioners of Scotland, for the Weal of both Kingdoms.'[2]


An Act for the better discovering and represilng of Popish Recusants.

For as much as it is found by daily Experience, that many of his Majesty's Subjects that adhere in thier hearts to the Popish Religon, by the Infecton drawn from thence, and by the wicked and devlish Counsel of Jesuits, Semminaries, and otner like persons dangerous to the Church and State, are so far perverted in the Point of their Loyalties and due Allegiance unto the King's Majesty, and the Crown of England, as they are ready to entertain and execute any treasonable Conspiracies and


  1. 1. Jac. 1. c. 2.
  2. 4 Jac. 1. c. 1.