Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/309

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A.D.i'/o6. Anno quinto Ann/e Reginje. C. 28. 257 thoufand and twelve Pounds feven Shillings and fix Pence, for defraying her Majefty's Share of the Agio Bread and Forrage, for twelve thoufand Prujfians imployed in her Majefty's Service in the Netherlands; PruflUn Troops, and for or towards a Sum not exceeding twenty thoufand Pounds, for an additional Subfidy to the Land- grave of l/f/7? C^t/Zi.'/ for augmenting his Troops, and marching them into /:ffl/y, and for defraying their L^ndgrare of Expence of Bread, Waggons, and Carriages, and of Hofpitals for their Sick and Wounded, for the Ser- HelTcCaflel. vice of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and feven; and for or towards the making good a Sum not exceeding nineteen thoufand feven hundred fifty-five Pounds nine Shillings and fix Pence, for defraying her Majefl:y's Proportion of the Agio Bread and Forrage for the faid twelve thoufand Prujfians^ from their Prumans. coming into her Majefly's Service, until the faid three and twentieth Day Oi Decanber one thoufand fe- ven hundred and fix, and for or towards the making o;ood a Sum not exceeding eleven thoufand feven hundred and eighty Pounds and eighteen Shillings, for defraying her Majefty's Proportion of the extra- ordinary Charge for the Augmentation Troops of the Landgrave of Heffi CnJJil imployed in Italy, from the Augmentation twentieth Day of Mny one thoufand feven hundred and fix; and for or towards the making good a Sum Troops of Hcffc. not exceeding thirty-four thoufand fix hundred and feven Pounds thirteen Shillings and five Pence Half Penny, for Levy-money to recruit feveral Horfes of the Foreign Troops in her Majefty's Pay, th^.t were killed or died of the common Diftemper in Flanders, in the Year one thoufand feven hundred and five; and for or towards the making good a Sum not exceeding eleven hundred forty-fix Pounds, for a further Allowance of Levy-money for recruiting the Horfes of the Englljh Horfe and Dragoons lofl: in the Levy-momy, fame Campaign in Flanders; and for or towards the making good a Sum not exceeding feven thoufand five hundred feventy-three Pounds, for Levy-money to recruit other Horfes of the End'ijh Horfe and Dra- goons, and for Officers Horfes which died of the common Diftemper after the faid Campaign there, be- tween the one and thirtieth Day of OHoher one thoufand feven hundred and five and the latter End of February following; and for or towards the making good a Sum not exceeding eleven thoufand two hun- dred ninety-eight Pounds, for Levy-money for recruiting the Horfes of the Englijh Horfe and Dragoons, which were killed and died of the common Diftemper in the Low Countries, between the firft Day oi May one thoufand feven hundred and fix and the one and thirtieth Day oi December following; and for or to- wards the making good a Sum not exceeding fixteen thoufand fifty-five Pounds twelve Shillings and fix Pence, for defraying her Majefty's Share of the Levy-money for recruiting the Horfes of the Danijh Troops in the Pay of England and Holland, that were loft in the fame Manner between the firft Day of January one thoufand feven hundred and five and the laft Day oiO£lober one thoufand feven hundred and fix; and for or towards the making good a Sum not exceeding one thoufand feven hundred feventy-five Pounds, for the like Lofs fuftained by the Troops oi Hanover in her Majefty's Pay during the laft Campaign in Flanders; and for fatisfying and difcharging the Sum of three hundred ninety-eight thoufand eighty five Pounds ten Shillings, m; ntioned in the fifteenth Article of the Treaty of Union between England and Scotland coiifirmed by Afts of Parliament in both Kingdoms, being the Equivalent to be anfwered by the faid Ar- Equiralent tide to Scotland, for fuch Cuftoms and Excifc which Scotland is to be charged with, and will be appli- '^""^y- cable to the Debts of England, and for enabling her Majefty to make a Recompence not exceeding two ^'^""1^5,""^" thoufand^ fix hundred forty-one Pounds, to the Mayor, Aldermen, and Citizens of the City oiCarTiJle, ^'^ ° ^«i'"e- for fuch Tolls as they are to be deprived of by the fixth Article of the faid Treaty of Union : Which Ke- compence is to go to and for the fame Ufes and Purpofes to which the faid 7'olls ought to have been ap- plied; and for enabling her Majefty to make a Recompence, not exceeding five thoufand Pounds to Jofepb Mvfgrave, Thomas Miijgrave, and George Mufgrave, Sons of Sir Chrijlopher Mvfgrave Baronet, deceafed, in tull difcharge of all Tolls in Wejbnoreland and Cumberland, that were granted to Sir Philip Mufgrave Baronet, by King Charles the Second, and which are fpecified in the Grants of King James the Se- cond, and King William the Third, to the late Sir Chrijlopher Mufgrave; and for enabling her Majefty to apply what may be convenient for the better fecuring the Iflands of Nevis and St. Chrijtophers, and fup- plying tlTfcm with Neceffaries in order to a Re-fettlement; and to no other Ufes, Intents or Purpofes whatfoever. XIX. Provided always. That out of the Monies to be iffued to the Guards and Garrifons, as afore- For Maintenance faid, there fliall and may bo taken and applied any Sum not exceeding eighty-feven thoufand one hun- of Marines. dred twenty-five Pounds ten Shilliiigs, tov/ards the Charge of maintaining the Soldiers raifed, and to be raifed, for Sea- Service, with their Officers, and the contingent Charges thereunto belonging; and out of the Afcnies to be iiTued for the Service of the Navy and Sea Services, as aforefaid, there fhalP^e taken aild applied fuch Sums as, together vvith the faid Sum, not exceeding eighty-feven thoufand one hundred twenty-five Pounds ten Shillings, ftiall be neceiTary for the Charge of m^aintaining the faid Soldiers for Sea Service, with their Officers,^ and the contingent Charges thereunto belonging; any thing hereia contained to the contrary notwithftanding. CAP. XXVIIi. . . An Aift for raifing the Militia for the Year one thoufand feven hundred and feven, notwithftandingEXP the Month's Pay formerly advanced be not repaid; and for an Account to be made of Trophy Money. Vci-. IV, LI CAP. XXIX,