Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/310

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258 C. 29. Anno quin,to Ann^ Rcginse. A. D. 1706. 5 Anna Art'cle S, For preferving an Equality of Trade. S^y &M. c. 7. ^^ 'i^Ann. c. 14. 4 Ami. c. 12. Foreign Salt im- ported afrer i May 1707, to be ■weig,hed, cellar- ed, and locked up. ML-rchant to have any Qn^an- tity, &^c not under forty Bufliels, paying Duty in fix Months. Penalty on land- ing foreign Salt not fo fecured, or removing it without Permit. Provifo if Quan- tity amount not 10 forty Bulhels, AUowances for Salt carried C«allwife. This Claufe ex- plained by 6 Ann3£, c. 12. fca. I. iz Months al- lowed for Pay.- ment of Duties on Rock Salt. 9 Months on 0- therEngliihSalt^ CAP. XXIX. An A£t for Eafe of her Majefty's Subjefts in relation to the Duties upon Salt, and for making the like Allowances upon the Exportation of white Herrings, Flefh, Oatnneal, and Grain called Beer alias Bigg, as are to be made upon Exportation of the like from Scotland. HERE AS by the Articles of Union between the Kingdoms o? England zni Scotland, which are agreed upon and confirmed by an Aft of this prcfent Parliament, there are certain Conce/Tioni made for the Advantage of her Majefty's Subje£l:s of that Part of Great Britain called Scotland^ in Mat- ters relating to the Duties upon Salt, and other Goods and Merchandizes, as are herein after-mentioned whereby her Majefty's Subjecl-s m England, trading in Salt and other the Commodities herein after parti- cularly expreffed, will be liable to great Difadvantages, unlefs Provifion be likewife made for their Eafe in the faid Trade :' We your Majefties moft dutiful and loyal Subjeits the Commons, in Parliament flembled, being defirous ^hat there may be as great an Equality of Trade as is poifible among all your Majefty's Subjedts, do bcfeech your Majefty that ' "^" ' "'^ l- :..-.. ■ . „ moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice Commons, in Parliament aflembled, and by the „ - ..^.. be imported into the Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, or Town of Berwick upon Tiveed from and after the firft Day of May one thoufand feven hundred and feven, fhall, upon the landino- thereof be weighed, cellared, and locked up in the Prefence of an Officer for the Duties on Salt, undei; the Cuf- tody of the Merchant or Importer (who is to be at the Charge of the Cellarage or Store-houfe) and fuch Officer as the Commiffioners for the Duties on Salt for the time being, fhall appoint, in the Port or Place where the fame fhall be fo imported and landed ; and that it fhall and may be lawful to and for the Merchant or Importer of the faid Salt, from time to time, in the Prefence of an Officer for the Duties on Salt, and by Warrant or Permit, under fuch Officer's Hand and Seal, to have what Quantity thereof his Occaftons may require, not under a Weigh or forty Bulhels at a time, giving Security for the Duty of what Quantity he receives, payable in fix Months time after the Delivery of any fuch Salt ; and in cafe fuch Merchant or Importer fhall pay ready Money upon the Delivery of the Salt, he fhall have after the Rate of ten Pounds per Centum per Annum out of the faid Duties abated him. II. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That if fuch foreign Salt imported, fhall not, upon the landing thereof, be fecured, as aforefaid, the fame fhall be liable to Payment of Duties and to fuch Penalties and Forfeitures, for not paying or fecuring fuch Duties, as if this A(St had not beere made; and that no Salt fo cellared and locked upon, as aforefaid, fhall be removed from any fuch Cellar or Place, without Notice firft given to the Officer appointed for that Purpofe, and without a Warrant or Permit for conveying the fame, as aforefaid ; upon Pain of forfeiting fuch Salt, and alfo upon Pain of for- feiting ten Shillings fer Bufhel, and alfo the Sum of twenty Pounds for every fuch Ofi^ence, to be reco- vered from the Perfon or Perfons who imported the fame ; and that every Carrier, or Perfon who fhall carry, convey, or remove any fuch Salt without Notice firft given to the Officer, and without a Warrant or Permit for conveying the fame, Ihall be liable to the like Forfeitures of ten Shillings per Bufhel, and* alfo twenty Pounds for every fuch OiFence. III. Provided neverthelefs, That where the whole Quantity of foreign Salt, liable to Duty, imported in any Ship or Veffel, does not amount to forty Buftiels, the Duties fhall be paid and fecured, according; to the Provifions made by former Laws ; any thing herein to the contrary notwithftanding. ' 'IV. And whereas Salt carried Coaftwife is or m,ay be liable to Wafte,' Be it enadfed by the Authoritvi aforefaid. That any Merchant or Perfon who, from and after the faid firft Day of May one thoufand' feven hundred and feven, fhall fhip any EngliJJj Salt, or Rock Salt, to be carried Coaftwife (viz.) from one Port of England or Wales, or the Port of Berzuick upon Tivecd, to any Port of England or Wales, or Berwick upon Tiueed, the Duties having been paid, or fecured to be paid, according to- former Laws, fball have an Allowance made to him, after the Rate of three Bufhels for every forty Bufhels of EngUJ}] white' Salt, and after the Rate of one Bufhel and an Half for every forty Bufliels ai E-nglifn Rock Salt fo fhipped to be carried Coaftwife, and proportionably for a greater or lefs Quantity, in Confideration of the ordi- nary W^e in the Carriage thereof, which Allowance fhall be made but once for the fame Salt, although ■ fuch Salt be carried from feveral Ports Coaftwife as aforefaid, and the proper Officer of the Port, where fuch Salt or Rock Salt fliall be firft fhipped to be carried Coaftv/ife, fliall not only exprefs the faid Allow- ance on the Coaft Cocquet or Tranfire for the fame, but alfo give gratis to the faid Alerchant, or other Perfon there fliipping the fame, a Certificate under Hand and Seal, of the Number of Bufhels of Salt fo fhipped, and how much the Allowance hereby directed to be made at the Rates aforefaid doth amount to, which Certificate being produced to the Officer who firft received the Duties of the faid Salt, or took Security for the fame, the Officer laft mentioned fhall repay {o much Money as be received for Duties of the faid Salt, or Rock Salt, as is to be allowed for Wafte' as aforefaid ; and if the Duties thereof fhall not then have been paid in Money, then the faid Officer fhall. difcount the faid Allowance for V/afte on the faid Security. _ ' ■ ' ' V. And it is hereby enaiSled, That in all Cafes where, by the former Laws relating to the Duties on Salt, the Time for Payment of the Duties on Rock Salt is appointed to be nine Months, there fhall be twelve Months Time allowed, inftead of the faid nine Months ; and where the Time for Payment of the Duties on other Englijl) Salt is by the faid former Laws appointed to fix Months, there flial) be nine Months 4