Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/525

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A. D. lyiO' .Anno nono Ann ^ Reginje. C. 2r. 473 of raifmg, levying, colIe£liiig, and accounting for the fame) ftiall, from time to time, for ever be paid '^^■»'«<i for ether into the Receipt of her Majefty's Exchequer, and fliall be iffued and appHed for the Purpofes in this A8: ^'"^-^'^'^°J contained, and for no other Ufe, Intent, or Purpofe whatfoever; any thing in the faid A£t of the faid ^^adcfcpciualby eighth Year of her Majefly's Reign, to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. _ 26 Gm i. c. 3, VI. And be it further enacled by the Authority aforefaid, That all the Monies that Ihall come into the Receipt of the Exchequer, upon or for all and every the Rs^tes, Duties, Impofitions, and additional Impo- ^"" ^ppi""^' fitions, which were granted or continued by the faid A£t ot the faid eighth Year of her Majefty's Reign, p'rja^ed tJthe from the lafl Day oi July one thoufand feven hundred and fixteen, to the firft Day of Augujl one thoufand uica of this Aft, feven hundred and twenty, and all Arrears thereof, fliall be applied and appropriated, and they are hereby appropriated to the Ufes and Purpofes of this Aft, and to no other Ufe, Intent, or Purpofe whatfoever ; any thing in the faid Aft of the eighth Year of her Majefty's Reign, to the contrary notwithftanding ; and the faid Rates, Duties, Impofitions, and additional Impofitions, and every of them refpeftively, fhall be raifed, levied, collefted, anfwered, and paid, in fuch Manner and Form, and by fuch Ways and Means, and fubjeft to, and under fuch Penalties, Forfeitures, and Difabilities, as is and are contained in the faid Aft of the faid eighth Year of her Majefty's Reign. VII. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That the feveral Duties upon Candles, which Duties upon by an Aft made in the faid eighth Year of her faid now Majefty's Reign, intituled, An A£i for laying ccr- Candles, and tain Duties upon Candles., and certain Rates upon Alonies to be given with Clerks, Apprentices, ana Servants, to- "l'°" clerks, wards raifmg her Majefiys Supply, for the Tear one thoufand feven hundred and ten, were granted to her Ma- andservan?s jefty, her Heirs and Succeflbrs, for the Term of five Years, to be reckoned from the firft Day oi May one % Anna, c, 9. thoufand feven hundred and ten, fliall, by virtue of this Aft, be further continued, and be payable, as continued for well upon all Wax Candles and Candles called or fold for Wax Candles (notwithftanding the Mixture of ^"• any other Ingredients therewith) as upon all Tallow Candles, to be imported into, or made in any Part f'^^/'T'^^ of Great Britain, from and after the firft Day of May, which fhall be in the Year of our Lord one thou- ,/j" "^^l„^'" fand feven hundred and fifteen, for ever; and alfo that the faid feveral Rates upon Monies to be given with c. i6. n Geo. Clerks, Apprentices, and Servants, which were granted to her Majefty, her Heirs and Succeflbrs, by the i- c. 30. 23 faid laft-mentioned Aft, for the Term of five Years, to be reckoned from the firft Day o^ May one thou- ^™' *• '^- ^^^ fand feven hundred and ten, fhall be further continued, and be payable for and upon all Monies or other ""^^ '^"' *• Confideration to be given with Clerks, Apprentices, or Servants, as in the fame Aft are mentioned, from and after the firft Day of May, which fhall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and fifteen, forever; and that the faid Aft laft-mentioned, and all Powers, Provifions, Penalties, Articles, and Claufes therein contained, as well for and concerning the faid Duties upon Candles, and the faid Rates upon Monies or other Confideration to be given with Clerks, Apprentices, and Servants, fhall continue, and be in full Force for ever, and fliall be applied, praftifed, and executed, for raifing, levying, collefting, anfwering, and paying, as well the faid Duties upon Candles, as the faid Rates upon Monies or other Con- fideration to be given with Clerks, Apprentices, or Servants, hereby continued, and all Arrears thereof, according to the Tenor and Intent of this prefent Aft, as fully- to all Intents and Purpofes, as if all and every the Claufes, Pov/ers, Matters, and Things in the fame Aft contained, had been again in this Aft re- peated and particularly enafted. ' Vin. And whereas the laid Duties and Impofitions on Candles, and Rates on Monies or other Confi- ^f^^^ Principal

  • deration to be given with Clerks, Apprentices, or Servants, which were granted by the laft-mentioned &c. borrowed '

' Aft, are thereby made fubjeft and liable to the Satisfaftion of certain principal Sums which were borrow- upon Candles, ' ed upon the fame Aft, and the Intereft due and to be due for the fame, (which Principal and Intereft are Clerks, Appren- ' to be duly paid eft and diicharged in the firft Place) Now it is hereby further declared and enafted by i,'"^'?fir*V' the Authority aforefaid. That from and immediately after the Time that all the Principal and Infereft Mo- theDuties'to be nies, which by the faid laft-mentioned Aft are charged or chargeable on the feveral Duties on Candles, applied to the and Rates on Money or other Confideration to be given with Clerks, Apprentices, and Servants, (hall be Ufesof this AcI, fully paid off and fatisfied, according to the true Meaning of the faid laft-mentioned Aft, or that fufficient * Anns, c. 9. Money fliall be referved in the Exchequer for that Purpofe ; then a'l the Monies which from thenceforth fliall arife by the faid Impofitions on Candles, and Monies or other Confideration to be given with Clerks, Apprentices, or Servants, which were granted by the faid laft-mentioned Aft, as aforefaid, (except the ne- "-f ""'■'""^ ^'»- ceflkry Charges of raifing, levying, collefting, and accounting for the fame) fhall, from time to time, ^^ f"fart'her"i{"* paid into the Receipt of the Exchequer diftinftly, for the Purpofes in this Aft exprefled, and for no other Geo.z.c. 22. Ufe, Intent, or Purpofe whatfoever. 20 Geo. 2. c.45, IX. And for the better feciiring the Payment of the faid Intereft Monies or Annuities, after the Rate ofi^Geo.t.c. 23, fix Pounds per Centum per Annum, upon and for all the faid Debts, Deficiencies, and Sums of Money, in- tended to be provided for by this Aft ; and that all Perfons and Corporations, concerned and to be concern- ed therein, their Executors, Adminiftrators, Succeflbrs, and Affigns refpeftively, may have, receive, and enjoy, certain Annuities or yearly Payments, to be computed after the Rate of fix Pounds per Centum per Annum, for the feveral and refpedtive Monies to them refpeftively due, and to grow due, according to the true Meaning of this Aft, and fuch fpecial Benefit of Trade, and other Advantai^es as are hereafter in this Aft exprelTed, fubjeft neverthelefs to fuch Power of Redemption, as in this Aft is provided in that Behalf; be it therefore enafted, and it is hereby enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the refpeftive Receivers Commiflloners General of the Cuftoms in England and Scotland for the time being, a*- their refpeftive Offices, from time to " i*"^ Cuftoms time, fhall f:parate and keep apart, all and every Sum and Sums of Money arifing by fuch Part of the feve- Mo'nk'sTTfine'^ ral Rates and Duties, Impofitions, and additional Impofitions, and Sums of Money, hereby granted, con- by this Aft. tinned, or appropriated, for the Purpofes in this Aft mentioned, as is or fhall be under the Care or Ma- nagement of the refpeftive Commiffioners of the Cuftoms for the time being, as the fame fliall, from time to time, arife or be paid into the refpeftive Offices of the faiJ Receiver General of the Cuftoms, by the Colleftors of the fame, or by any other Perfon or Perfons whatfoever ; and in like Manner that the re- VoL. IV. P P P fpeftive