474 C. 21. Anno nono Ann ^ Regina3. A. D. 1710. AnJ the Com- fpefiiive Comminioners and Governors of the Revenue or Receipt of Excife in England znA Siotlaiid for the mi(rio;iersofthe(.;jj^g being, at their refpedtive Head Offices, from time to time, fliallfeparate and keep apart all and every Sum ' and Sums of Money arifing by fuch or fuch Part of the feveral Rates, Duties, and Sums of Money, hereby granted, continued, or appropriated, for the Purpofes in this Adt mentioned, as is or fhall be under the Care or Management of the faid Commiffioners and Governors of the Revenue, or Receipt of Excife, for the time being, as the fame fhall, from time to time, arife or be paid into the faid Offices of Excife by the and the Com- Receivers or Collectors of the fame, or by any other Perfon or Perfons whatfoever; and alfo that the Com- miffiofiers of the miffioners for marking and ftamping of Vellum, Parchment, and Paper, or for managing the Duties there- Stamp Duties, ^pon for the time being, fhall, at their Head Office, caufe to be feparated and kept apart in like Manner, all and every the Monies arifing by the Rates upon Monies or other Confideration to be given with Clerks, Apprentices, or Servants, hereby granted, continued, or appropriated, for the Purpofes in this A&: men- ' tioned, which is under the Care or Management of the faid Commiffioners or Managers laft-mentioned, for the time being, as the fame fliall, from time to time, arife or be paid into the faid Office of the faid The Money to Stamps by the Receivers or Colleftors of the fame, or by any other Perfon or Perfons whatfoever; and as be paid weekly ^gjj j]^g fgjj Receivers General of the Cuftoms, and the faid Commiffioners and Governors of the faid into theExche- Rgyenue or Receipt of Excife in England, as the faid Commiffioners for marking Vellum, Parchment, and ^""' Paper, or for managing the Duties thereupon, for the time being refpedlively, are hereby required and ftriclly enjoined, from time to time, for ever, to pay weekly, to wit, on TVednefday in every Week, if it be not a Holyday, and if it be, then the next Day after that is not a Holyday, all and every the Monies arifing by fuch or fuch Parts of the feveral and refpedive Duties, Rates, Impofitions, additional Impofi- tions, and Sums of Money, hereby granted, continued or appropriated, as is or fhall be under the Care or Management of the faid Commiffioners, Governors, or Managers refpeftively, into the Receipt of the Ex- chequer of her Majefty, her Heirs and SuccefTors, diftindl and apart from all other Monies whatfoever ; and the P.eceivers General of the Cuftoms and Excife of Scotland for the time being refpeflively, are hereby required and ftricfly enjoined, from time to time, to tranfmit and pay into the faid Receipt of the Exche- quer in England., diftincS and apart, as aforefaid, all the Monies which fliall arife in Scotland, as aforefaid, for the Purpofes in this Act exprefTed. X. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That there fhall be, from time to time, for Books for Entry ever, provided and kept in the Exchequer, (that is to fay) in the Office of the Auditor of the Receipt, fe- to be kept in the veral Books, in which all the Monies which ought to be paid in weekly, or otherwife, as aforefaid, and Exchequer. which fhall be brought into the fame Receipt, fhall be entred apart and diftindl from all other Monies paid or payable to her Majefly, her Heirs or Succeflbrs, upon any Account whatfoever. Commiffioners XL And be it further enaited, That if the faid Receivers General of the Cufloms, Commiffioners, or &c. not paying' Governors of the Revenue or Receipt of the Excife, or the faid Commiffioners for marking of Vellum, or mifapplying Parchment, and Paper, or for managing the Duties thereupon, for the lime being refpectively, {hall refufe the Monies, for- qj. nggleft to pay, or caufe to be paid into the Exchequer, all or any the Sums appointed to be paid by them felt their Places, fgygrally, as aforefaid, in fuch Manner as they are refpe£fively required by this Aft, or fhall divert or mif- apply any Part of the fame, then they and every of them fo offending, fliall forfeit their feveral Offices and Places, and fhall be incapable to ferve her Majefty, her. Heirs or Succeffors, in any Office or Place of Profit or Truft whatfoever, and fhall be liable to pay double the Value of all and every Sum and Sums of Money fo diverted or mifapplied, with full Cofls of Suit, to any Perfon or Perfons, Body Politick or Cor- porate, who fliall be entitled to any Annuity or Payment out of the Fund by this Acl fettled, and will fue for the fame Forfeiture by Aftion of Debt, or of the Cafe, Bill, Suit, or Information, founded upon this Aft, in any Court of Record of her Majefty, her Heirs or Succeffors, wherein no Effoin, Protection, Privilege of Parliament, or other Privilege whatfoever. Wager of Law, or more than one Imparlance, fhall be granted or allowed. Head Offices of XU. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the Head Offices of the Cuftoms and the Cuftoms, Exclfe, and the chief Office for the marking of Vellum, Parchment, and Paper, fhall for ever be feveralfy Excife, &c. con- and refpeiffively continued, with a fufficient Number of Commiffioners, and a Comptroller in each and tinued for ever, gygj-y gf them, for performing and executing fuch Matters and Things as are by this Adl enjoined to be done or performed by fuch Commiffioners and Comptrollers relpeftively, according to the true Meaning hereof. C trollersin XIII. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That the refpective Comptrollers in the faid refpec- th^refpeaive tive Offices for the time being, fhall keep perfect and diftindt Accounts in Books fairly v/ritten, of all the Offices to keep Monies which fhall arife of or for the faid feveral and refpe£live Impofitions, additional Impofitions, Dti- dirtinaAccounts fjgs. Rates, and Sums of Money, by this A<ft granted, continued, or appropriated, as the fame fhall from of the Monies ^^^ (-q (-1^15 arife, or be raifed ; to which Books all Perfons concerned fhall have free Accefs at all feafona- arMng y t is j^j^ Times, without Fee or Charge; and if any fuch Comptroller or Com.ptrollers, as aforefaid, fhall neg- tSt his or their Duty therein, then he or they fo offending fnall forfeit his or their Office or Offices, and Places, and be rendred incapable, as aforefaid, and fhall alfo forfeit the Sum of one hundred Pounds to any Perfon cr Perfons, Body Politick or Corporate, entitled to any Annuity or Payment by this A6t, and that will fue for the fame, as aforefaid, togetlier with Full Cofts of Suit, to be recovered, as aforefaid. Colleftor, &c. XIV. And be it further enafted. That if any Collector or Receiver of any the Impofitions, additional detaining the Impofitions, Duties, Rates, or Sums of Money, by this A<St granted, continued, or appropriated, fliall Monies, to be (jgi-^ij^ ^11 or any Part of the Monies by him collefted or received, contrary to his Duty,, then he or they, difmiffeJ, &c. jTqj. |-^^Jj Offence, fhall be difmiffed from his or their Employment, and be charged with Interefl for the Mo- nies fo by him or them detained, after the Rate of twelve FonnAs per Centum pa- Annum, and be liable to anfwer treble Damages to all and every Perfon and Perfons, Bodies Politick or Corporate, that fhall be grieved by fuch Detention, and who will fue for the fame, in Manner as aforefaid : And if any Colledlor ©r Receiver of any of the faid ImpofitionSj additional Impofitions, Duties, Rates, or Sums of Money, 4, hereby