42 Incapable to in- herit any Lands^ Sec. Next of Kin, being a Proteftant, to enjoy the fame, and not account- able, Sec. except for wilful Wafte. ' Explained by 3 Geo. 1. c. iS. V 4-' Papift, &c. inca- pable to inirchale LandSj &;c. Aft not to ex- tend 10 Popilh Prieft faying Mafs, &c. in fa- reign Minifter's Houfe, fo as he be not King's natural- born Subjefl:, &c. 3 Jac. I. c. 5. I'drfon convifted of fending Child, &c. beyond Sea, to be educated in the Romifli Re- ligion, to forfeit 200 1, fopirti Parent refufmg to allow his Proteftant Child, &c. fitting Maintenance, on Complaint there- of. Lord Chancel- lor, &c. to make Order therein. PR. J3 & 14 Car. 2. c. 27. ' Continued by 9 Geo. J. c. 30. §.1. to May 1744. and fur- ther continued for 21 Years by 11 Geo. 2, c. 7,' C. 5. Anno undecimo 6c duodecimo Gulielmi III. A.D. 170a. fcent, Devife or Limitation, in Poffeffion, Reverfion or Remainder, any Lands, Tenements or Hered i- taments, within the Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, ox: Town of Berwick upon Tweed: And thi^t during- the Life of fuch Perfon, or until he or {he do take the faid Oaths, and make, repeat and fub- fcribe the faid Declaration in Manner as aforefaid, the next of his or her Kindred, which fhall be a Pro- tertant, fhall have and enjoy the faid Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, without being accountable for the Profits by him or her receix'ed during fuch Enjoyment thereof as aforefaid : But in cafe of any wilful Wafte committed on the faid Lands, 7'enements or Hereditaments, by the Perfon fo having or en- joying the fame, or any other by his or her Licence or Authority, the Party difabled, his or her Executors " and Adminiftrators, fliall and may recover treble Damages for the fame, againft the Perfon committing fuch Wafte, his or her Executors or Adminillrators, by Action of Debt in any of his Majefty's Courts of Record at IFcJlminftsr ; and that from and after the tenth Day of April, which fhall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred, every Papift, or Perfon making Profeilion of the Popifh Religion, fha'l be difabled, and is hereby made incapable, to purchafe, either in his or her own Naaie, or in the Name of any other Perfon or Pcrfons, to his or herUfe, or in Truft for him or her, any Manors, Lands, profits out of Lands, Tenements, Rents, Terms or Hereditaments, within the Kingdom of ^w^/ff/zrf, Do- minion of Wales, and Town of Berwick upon Tweed; and that all and fmgular Eftates, Terms, and any other Interefls or Profits whatfoever out of Lands, from and after the faid tenth Day oi April, to be made, fufFered or done, to or for the Ufe or Behoof of any fuch Perfon or Pcrfons, or upon any Truft or Confidence, mediately or immediately, to or for the Benefit or Relief of any fuch Perfon or Peribns, fhall be utterly void and of none Effect, to all Litents, Conftrudtions and Purpofes whatfoever. V. Provided alv/ays. That nothing in this Ait contained fhall be conftrued to extend to any Popifh Prieft for faying Mafs, or officiating as a Prieft, within the Dwelling-houfe of any foreign Minifter re- Cding here, fo as fuch Prieft be not one of his Majefty's natural-born Subjects, nor naturalized within any of his Kingdoms or Dominions, and fo as the Name of fuch Prieft, and the Place of his Birth, and the foreign Minifter to whom he fhall belong, be entered and regiflred in the. Office of the principal Secretary of State. ' VL And v/hereas by an Aft made in the third Year of King James the Firft, intituled, An ASt to ' prevent and avoid Dangers tvhich may grow hy Popijh Recufants, whoibever fhall be convidted of fending, ' or caufing to be fent, any Child, or any other Perfon under their Government, into Parts beyond the ' Seas out of the King's Obedience, to the Intent that fuch Child or Perfon fo fent fhould be educated in ' the Romifli Religion, contrary to the faid A(£t, is to forfeit one hundred Pounds, one Half to the ' King's Majefty, and the other Half to him that fhall fue for the fame :' For the greater Encouragement and P^eward of thofe who fhall difcover fuch Offenders, be it enadted by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Sum of one hundred Pounds fhall be to the fole Ufe and Benefit of him or her who fhall difcover and convidt any Perfon fo offending, to be recovered in fuch Manner as in the faid recited Aft is enafted ; any thing in the faid Aft to the contrary notwithftanding. Vn. And to the End that the Proteftant Children of Popifh Parents may not in the Life-times of fuch their Parents, for want of fitting Maintenance, be neceffitated, in Compliance with their Parents, to em- brace the Popifli Religion, contrary to their own Liclinations ; Be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the faid five and twentieth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred, if any fuch Parent, in order to the compelling fuch his or her Proteftant Child to change his or her Religion, fhall refufe to allow fuch Child a fitting Maintenance, fuitable to the Degree and Ability of fuch Parent, and to the Age and Education of fuch Child, then upon Complaint thereof made to the Lord High Chan- cellor of England, or Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, or CommilTioners for the Great Seal for the time being, it fhall be lawful for the faid Lord Chancellor, Lord Keeper, or Commiffioners, to make fuch Order therein- as fhall be agreeable to the Litent of this Aft. C A P. V. An Aft for the Repair of Dover Harbour. From i May 1700. to i May 1709. Duty to be paid for all Ships, isc. from 20 to 300 Tuns, for every loading and difcharging in England, for, from, to, or hy Dover, &c. towards Repair of the Harbour, 3 d. per Tun. Aliens the like. Coals to pay Three Halfpence per Chaldron. Grindftones Three Halfpence per Tun. Number of Tuns to be made from Entry of Goods. No Goods to be entered till Oath made of Ship's Burthen, (Sc. Receivers of the Monies to keep Account thereof, and pay the fame once a Month to the Cafhier of the Cuiloms at London, &c. who is to pay the fame to the Treafurer of Dover Harbour, to be expended in Repair of the faid Harbour. No Coafter or Fifherman to pay but once a Year. Warden, ijc. to caufe the Repair of the Harbour to be fet upon, and give Order therein, i3c. Treafurer may convey the Du- ties for five Years, for 6000/. to be lent at 6/. per Cent. Perfons difburfing Monies for Repair of the Harbour, t3 be accountable on Oath. Account to remain in the Navy Office. If the Harbour be fuf- ficiently repaired within the Time limited, Colleftion to ceafe. Ships belonging to JVeymoiitb, &c. ex- empted, as alfo Great Yarmouth, and Ra?nfgate. CAP,