A. D. 1719. Anno fexto Georgii Regis. C.^rr. 285 or leflTer Quantity, to be paid by the Makers or Workers thereof refpectively, and to be fccurcd to be paid in fuch Manner and Form as in and by this Ait are afterwards prefcribcd in that Behalf. V. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Duties by this Act impofed upenTbcDutyon wrought Plate to be imported fhall be raifed, levied, recovered and paid, and be brought into the Exche- vl ' : ] '-P' rH ' A quer (to and for the Ufes and Purpofes in this Act expreffed) by fuch Rules, Ways, Means and.Mc- jjj^j"'^"^ thods, and under fuch Penalties and Forfeitures, and with fuch Allowances, and in fuch Manner and- or nkxrWirc Form, as the Duties upon gilt and filver Wire imported, impofed by an Act of the tenth Year of the Reign icAnn. c 26. of her faid late Majefty Queen Anne, or by any Act of Parliament relating thereto, arc prefcribed and ap- pointed to be raifed, levied, recovered, anfwered and paid. VI. And for the better afecrtaining, charging and fecuring the Duty by this Act fet and impofed upon 5" ^ •" " v or Silver Plate to be made or wrought, or to be touched, allayed or marked in Great Britain, as aforefaid j.po'jnt Comtmf- it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That fuch Commiffioners or Perfons as His Ma- fioners for Plate jefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, or the Commiffioners of the Treafury, or any three or more of them, or w ' r 5 u B htinG "» t the High Treafurcr of Great Britain for the Time being, fhall from Time to Time, by one or more Com- B " tairi; miffion or Commiifions for that Purpofe, appoint, fhall be his Majefty's Commiffioners for the Receipt and Management of the faid Duties by this Act fet and impofed upon the faid Silver Plate, to be made or wrought in Great Britain, or to be touched, allayed and marked as aforefaid; which faid Commiffioners, *'.']" arc, r ° fJ " or the major Part of them refpectively, fhall, and have hereby Power, by Commiffions under their refpec- officers. ' tive Hands and Seals, to fubftitute and appoint under them fuch Officers, as {hall be requifite in that Be- half; and that the fame Commiffioners and Officers for the faid Duties on wrought Plate fhall have out of thofe Duties fuch Salaries and Rewards for their Services therein, as the faid Commiffioners of the Treafury, or any three or more of them, or the faid High Treafurer for the Time being, fhall think rea- fonable to eftablifh and allow in that Behalf; and that the refpective Commiffioners for the faid Duties on wrought Plate to be made, touched, aflayed or marked in Great Britain as aforefaid, for the Time being, The Money ari- fball trom Time to Time caufe all the Money to arife of or for the faid Duties on Plate to be made, fin s by thi^Uuty wrought, touched, arrayed or marked in Great Britain as aforefaid (the neceffary Charges of Management [h a "kxcLcouer excepted) to be paid, as the fame fhall arife, into the Receipt of his Majefty's Exchequer in England, for the Ufes and Purpofes in this Act exprefTed. VII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Goldfmith, Silvcrfmith or other fcoldfmiths, &c. Manufacturer, who at any Time or Times after the faid firft Day of June one thoufand feven hundred Ihe^'-xtc'^"" and twenty fhall work or make in Great Britain any Silver Veffel, Plate or Manufacture of Silver, fhall of -,;,,.;., x*mcs give Notice in Writing at the next Office for the faid Duties on wrought Plate of their refpective Names and w 0: k- and Places of Abode, and of the Houfes or Places by them refpectively made ufe of for the working or hcufc:s . r » re- making of Silver Plate or Manufactures of Silver; upon pain to forfeit the Sum of twenty Pounds f r' f = ltur *'« it *6"1; every Offence in making or working, or caufing to be made or wrought, any fuch Plate or Manufacture of Silver in any Houfe or Place after the faid firft Day of Jime one thoufand feven hundred and twenty, without having firft notified the fame as aforefaid. VUI. And it is hereby enacted, That from and after the faid firft Day of June one thoufand feven hun- Coiafmitijs to dred and twenty, during the Continuance of the faid Duty on wrought Plate, all and every the Gold- "^ -n'tm-tr' fmiths, Silverfmiths and other Manufacturers, who fhall make or caufe to be made or wrought any Plate on Forfeiture 1 • liable to the Duty by this Act intended to be charged thereupon, fhall once in every Month make a true of io©1. Entry in Writing at the next Office for the faid Duties of all the Silver Plate or Manufactures of Silver by them feverally made or wrought within fuch Month refpectively; which Entry fhall contain the 'Weight and Kinds of all the Silver Plate and Manufactures mentioned therein, and how much thereof refpectively was made in each Week, on pain to forfeit for every Neglect of Entry the Sum of one hundred Pounds; and every fuch Entry fhall be made upon the Oath of the Manufacturer or «>ther Perfon for whom the En,r,es '° Sa Plate was made, or of the chief Workman employed therein, or (if he or fhe be a Quaker) then upon ^{a°,T.n A&t- his or her folemn Affirmation to the beft of their refpective Knowledge and Belief; which Entries, Oaths nlit ion. and Affirmations fhall and may be made with and adminiftred by fuch Officer or Officers as fhall be ap- pointed to take the fame, without any Fee or Charge whatfoeve:. IX. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Goldfmith, Silverfmith and other T , h ^ ~ e ,™ D Perfon, who fhall make and work, or caufe to be made or wrought, any Plate or Manufacture of Silver J ^ j- lX " liable to the faid Duty by this Act granted, fhall from Time to Time, within fix Weeks after they re- Ve;ks, fpectively fhall make or ought to have made fuch Entry as aforefaid, pay and clear off all the faid Duties for Plate or Manufactures of Silver, which fhall be due from them refpectively, upon pain of forfeiting on Forfntare of double the Sum of the faid Duty whereof the Payment fhall have been fo refufed or neglected. double the Duty. X. And it is hereby enacted, That all and every the Officers for the faid Duties on wrought Plate or ^.fworkium"" Manufactures of Silver fhall, at all Times in the Day-time, be permitted upon his or their Requeft, to^ in thl , p' av .' enter the Workhoufe or other Place which fhall be made ufe of by any Maker or Worker of fuch Plate cime to take-a'a for the making or working of fuch Plate or Manufactures of Silver liable to the faid Duty, and to take an Account of ail Account of the juft Weight of fuch Silver Plate or Manufactures which fhall have been fo made or fj ii,te lubIe co wrought from Time to Time; and fhall thereof make Return in Writing to the faid Commiffioners of an ^ m u a ',^ a the faid Duty, or fuch as they fhall appoint to receive the fame from Time to Time, leaving a true CopyR eturn t0 the thereof (if demanded) with the Maker of the faid Silver Plate or Manufactures, upon whom fuch Return CommrfTKmcrs, of the faid Officer fhall be a Charge; and if the faid Officer fhall refufe to give or leave fuch Copy (being le "' ln R a Cc fY demands w " ht! " Ma,irr <