286 C. ii. Anno fexto Georgii Regis. A. D. 17 19, on Forfeiture demanded as aforefaid) every fuch Officer for every fuch Offence fhall forfeit the Sum of forty Shillings to ot 40s. every fuch Maker or Manufacturer. Officers to be XI. Provided always, That every Officer who fhall be impowered to make fuch Charge as aforefaid _ Jty ji-il Scales and on Plate are hereby required to keep fufficient and juft Scales, and Weights at the Place or Places where Obflmc'ting _ XII. And be it enacted, That if any Maker or Worker of Plate or Manufactures of Silver fha!l ob- officer, torieits fl- vw % or hinder any of the faid Officers in the Execution of any the Powers given to him or them by this Act, for afcertaining and fecuring the faid Duties upon Plate or Manufactures of Silver, the Perfon or Perfons offending therein fhall for every fuch Offence forfeit the Sum of twenty Pounds. Makers not to XIII. And it is hereby further enacted, That no Maker or Manufacturer, who fhall make or work or remove Plate caufe to be made or wrought any Plate or Manufacture of Silver as aforefaid, after the faid firft Day of without due _ June one thoufand fcven hundred and twenty, during the Continuance of the faid Duty, fhall (under pain ©/To).' ° n pam of forfeiting forty Pounds for every Offence] remove, carry or fend away, or differ to be removed, car- ried or lent away any fuch Plate or Manufacture of Silver, by or for him, her or them made or wrought of which no Account fhall have been firft taken by the proper Officer of the faid Duty from the Work- houfe or Place where the fame fhall have been made of wrought, without giving to the proper Officer four and twenty Hours Notice at leaft of his, her or their Intention to remove, carry or fend away the fame, that fo the faid Officer (without his own wilful Default) may have Time to weigh and take an Account thereof. FSjtenot fur- XIV. And for better afcertaining the faid Duties upon Plate and Manufactures of Silver hereby charge- vevediobekeptable as aforefaid, it is hereby enacted, That all Perfons, by or for whom any fuch Plate or Manufactures reparation pinfhall be made or wrought, fhall from Time to Time keep all the Plate or Manufactures of Silver fo made or wrought, and which fhall not have been furveyed and taken an Account of, feparate and apart from all the Silver Plate or Manufactures which fhall have been furveyed and taken an Account of as aforefaid, for the Space of four and twenty Hours after the making or working the fame, unlefs fuch Plate or Manufac- tures of Silver fhall have been fooner furveyed and taken an Account of by the faid proper Officer; on pain to forfeit for every Offence therein the Sum of ten Pounds. Plate concealed XV. And it is hereby enacted, That if any of the faid Perfons, by or for whom any fuch Plate or Ma- forfeits .20/. nuiactures of Silver fhall be made or wrought as aforefaid, fhall fraudulently hide or conceal, or caufe to be hid or concealed, any. Silver Plate or Manufactures chargeable by this. Act, with Intent to defraud his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, then and in every fuch Cafe the Offender fhall forfeit the Sum of twenty Pounds for every fuch Offence. Plate found in XVI. And it'is hereby further enacted, That all Plate and other Manufactures of f ilver, which fhall be u r)V r. te o Work * found in a private Workhoufe, and all private Utenfils for making or working fuch Plate or Manufactures, fch'ed' & °' tm * of which no Motice fhall have been given purfuant to this Act, If- all be forfeited and left ; and the fame, or the Value thereof, fhall and nay be feized and recoveied by any Officer of the faid Duty on Plate and Ma- nufactures of Silver, for the King's Ufe Pl.ite and Mate- rials chargeable with the Duties ir arrear &:~ j'iaiyu ^1 iui.n i unv v^j ±< ker or Makers of fuch Plate rr Manufactures, fhall be liable and fubject to, and are hereby made charge- able with all the Debts and Duties for Plate or Manufactures of Silver in arrear and owing by fuch Maker or Makers, Worker or Workers refpectively, for any Plate or Manufactures cf Silver made by him, her ' or them, or in his, her or their Workhojfes or Places aforefaid, and alfo be fubject to all Penalties and Forfeitures incurred by fuch Perfon or Perfons, fo ufing fuch Workhoufe or other Place, for any Offence againft this Act relating to the faid Duty upon Plate or Manufactures of Silver ; and that it fhall and may be lawful in all fuch Cafes to levy Debts and Penalties, and ufe fuch Proceedings, as may lawfully be done in cafe the Debtor or Offender were the true and lawful Owner of the fame. On Oath that XVIII. Provided always, and it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That in cafe any Perfon the Duty has or Perfons whatfoever fhall, at any Time or Times after the faid firft Day of June one ihoufand {even b rftt^v'-' L,nd hundred and twenty, during the Continuance of the Duty by this Act impofed upon wrought Plate or ""om^heCu- Manufactures of Silver export by way of Merchandize for any foreign Parts, any wrought Plate or Ma- ftohier, &c. nufactures of Silver by this Act charged or chargeable with the faid Duty of fix Pence per Ounce, and Exporter of the fame fhall appear to have been made or marked as aforefaid, after the faid firft Day of June one thou- Plate may draw f an d feven hundred and twenty, and fhall give fufficient Security before the Shipping thereof for Expor- tzGZcste "'2 6 Matron, that the particular Quan ities cf fuch Plate or Manufactures of Silver, intended to be exported as 'aforefaid, and every Part thereof, fliall not be relanded or brought again into Great Britain, and fliall make Proof upon Oath, or by fuch Affirmation refpectively, as" aforefaid, that the fame Silver Plate or Manu- factures were actually made or marked as aforefaid, after the faid firft Day of June one thoufand feve'n hundred and twenty, (which Securities fhall be taken in the King's Name, and to his Ufe, and the laid Oaths '