A. D. 1724. Anno imdecimo Georgii Regis. C. 16, 1 7. 527 C A P. XVI. An Aft for rebuilding the Pier and Harbour of Parian in the County of Cumberland. I.1TT HEREAS by an A£t of Parliament parted in the fourth and fifth Years of the Reign of her 4 & 5 Ann*, YV ' ate Majefty Queen Anne, intituled, An Ait for enlarging the Pier and Harbour c/"Parton, in c. iS. the County of Cumberland, a Duty was laid upon all Coals ihipt or put on board any Ship or Vefiel in the faid Pier and Harbour of Parton, for the Term of eleven Years, for and towards enlarging, deep' ning, cleanfing, maintaining and repairing the faid Pier and Harbour: And whereas the. Term tor which the faid Duties were granted, is fincc expired, and feveral of the Truftees, who were appointed by the faid A£t for putting the fame in Execution, living remote, others very little concerned or inte- refted in the Prefervation of the faid Harbour, and feveral others being dead, the Works of the faid Harbour were neither built nor kept in Repair as they ought have to been, but have for fome Years palt been wholly neglected, and are now become ruinous, to the great Damage of the Inhabitants there, who had built Houfes upon a Profpeft of aconfiderablc Trade in Exportation of Coals, and other the Pro- duce of the Country, from the faid Harbour, to the Lofs of the Coal Trade, and of his Majefty's Cu- rtains there :' For Remedy whereof, and for preventing the utter Lofs of the faid Harbour, Be it en- abled, &c. PR. " Duties on Coal continued from I May 1725. for 15 Years. Farther continued from the Expiration of " this Term for 21 Years, by 5 Geo. 2. c. 13. An Half-penny Duty for every 192 Gallons of Coals laden " in the Harbour. The Bounds and Limits of the Harbour. The Duties for all Goods landed at Par- " ton, viz. For every Hogfhead of Tobacco three Pence; for every Hogfhead of Sugar fix Pence ; for " every Tun of Wine, Brandy or other excifeable Liquors two Shillings; for every Ton of Hemp or " Flax eighteen Pence; for every hundred of Deals eight Pence; for every Laft of Pitch or Tar eight " Pence; for every Ton of Iron one Shilling; for every Barrel of Herrings one Penny; for every Ton " of Raft or other Timber four Pence; for every Pack of Linen containing two hundred Weight one " Shilling, to be paid by the Merchants. Tonnage to be paid by Mafters of Ships at their Arrival. " After 15 Years one third of the Tonnage only to be paid. No Stones to be taken away from any " Rock within forty Yards of the Weft Side of the Pier. No Ballaft or other Annoyance to be thrown " into the Harbour. Ships running foul on the Pier, Damage to be made good. Truftees to meet at " leaft once a Year to audit Accounts, is'c." CAP. XVII. An Act for redeeming the Annuities of twenty-five thoufand Pounds per Annum., charged on the Civil Lift Revenues, by an Act of the feventh Year of his Majefty's Reign; and for difcharging the Debts and Arrears due from his Majefty to his Servants, Tradefmen, and others. MOST Gracious Sovereign ; Whereas by an Act of Parliament made and paffed in the feventh . c e0t j, ^.j,; Year of your Majefty's Reign, intituled, An Act for raifng a Sum not exceeding five hundred thou- c. 27. [and Pounds, by charging Annuities at the Rate of five Pounds per Centum per Annum, upon the Civil Lift Revenues, till redeemed by the Crown; and for enabling his Majefly, his Heirs or Succejfors, (by caufmg fuch a Deduction to be made as therein is mentioned) to make good to the Civil Lift the Payments, which '/hall have been made upon t he faid Annuities ; and for borrowi;ig Money upon certain Lottery Tickets ; and for difcharg- ing the Corporations for AJJiirances of Part of the Money they were obliged to pay to his Majefty ; and for ma- king good a Deficiency to the Eaft ;nd'ia Company, it was enacted, That yearly and every Year, from and after the Feaft of the Nativity of Saint John Baptift in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and twerrty-one, acertain yearly Fund, to be computed after the Rate of five Pounds per Centum per An..nm, for and upon all the Annuities to be purchafed on the faid A<9r, was and fhould by Force and Virtue of the faid A£t, be fettled and eftablifhed, and be payable in the Manner and Form therein ex- preffed and declared, for fatisfying and difcharging the fame Annuities, from Time to Time, until the fame fhould be redeemed by your Majefty, your Heirs and. Succeffors, according to the true Intent and Meaning of the faid Act; and that the faid yearly Fund was and flioulj be charged and chargeable upon, and be payable out of all the Revenues, additional Revenues, Duties and Branches whatfoever, fettled or appointed for the Support of our Majefty's Houfhold, and the Honour and Dignity of the Crown, as well thofe which are Hereditary, as thofe which were granted during your Majefty's Life, and every of them, for and during the whole Term of your Majefty's Life, unlefs all the faid Annuities mould fooner be compleatly redeemed, according to the Provifo and Power of Redemption therein contained in that Behalf; and in cafe qf your Majefty's Demife before the compleat Redemption of all the faid Annuities, then the faid yearly Fund was thereby charged upon the faid Hereditary Revenues, Duties and Branches and every of them, until the compleat Redemption of all the faid Annuities : And by the faid A£t it was enafted, That any Perfon or Perfons might contribute, advance and pay to the Per- fon, and in the Manner therein mentioned, any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding in the whole the Sum of five hundred thoufand Pounds, for the Purchafe of any Annuity or Annuities, to commence from the faid Feaft of the Nativity of Saint John Bapiijl one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-one,. to be paid and payable to fuch Contributor or Contributors, his, her or their Executors, Adminiitjators 4 car