528 C. 18. Anno undccimo Georgii Regis. A. D. 1724. or Affigns refpe£lively, until the fame fhould be redeemed according to the Provifoes and Power of Re- demption therein after contained ; whieh Annuities fhould be computed after the Rate of five Pounds per Annum for every one hundred Pounds, and proportionably for any greater Sum fo to be advanced or paid, and the fame fhould be payable Quarterly, in Manner as therein is mentioned; and by the faid Act, amongft divers other Claufes and Things therein contained, it was enacted, That all the Monies to be contributed on the faid A<5f, fhould be deemed, reputed and taken to be one Joint Stock, on which the faid Annuities fnould be attending, and that the fame fhould be. transferrable at the Bank of England: And it was thereby provided, That it fhould be lawful for your Majefiy, your Heirs and SuccefTors, at any Time, upon one Quarter of a Year's Notice, to be given in Manner as by the faid Act is directed, to redeem the faid Annuities, and every of them, by paying to the then Proprietors of the fame Annui- ties the Confideration or Purchafe-Money, which was originally paid for the fame, and all Arrearages of the faid Annuities, which fhall be incurred till the Time of fuch Payment to be made at the then next enfuing quarterly Feaft-day ; and that from and after fuch Payment made, or referving Money in the Exchequer to make fuch Payment on Demand, then and not till then, the fame Annuites and every of them, fhould from thenceforth ceafe and determine, and the faid Revenues fhould be difcharged of, from and againft the fame : And to the End your Majefty, your Heirs and SuccefTors, might be ena- bled to reimburfe yourfelf or themfclves, fuch Sum and Sums of Money, as in Purfuance of the faid Aft fhould be ifiued out of the Civil Lift Revenues, for or towards Payment of the faid Annuities, or for or towards the Redemption thereof, it was thereby further enacted, That it fhould and might be lawful for your Majefty, your Hejrs-and SuccefTors, to caufe a Deduction to be made, not exceeding fix Pence in the Pound, out of all Monies which, from and after the firft Day of Augujl one thoufand feven hun- dred and twenty-one, fhould be paid for and upon all Penfions and Annuities, charged upon any of the faid Hereditary or Temporary Duties, and for and upon all Salaries, Fees and Wages, payable for or in refpect of Offices of Profit, granted by or derived from the Crown, and for and upon all other Pay- ments from the Crown whatfoever, or for or upon any Arrearages of them or any of them, incurred or to be incurred, (the Pay of Commiffion and Non-Commiffion Officers, and private Men ferving in the Navy or Army, only and always excepted) the fame Deductions to be made for theUfe of your Majefty, your Heirs and SuccefTors, for the Benefit of your or their Civil Government, folong as the faid Annuities fhould, by Virtue of the faid Act, be payable out of the Revenues charged therewith as aforefaid, and un- til the fame Annuities fhoukl be redeemed purfuant to the faid Act, as by the faid Act, (amongft divers other Claufes and Provifoes therein contained) relation being thereto had, more fully and at large it doth and may appear: And whereas in Purfuance of the faid Ait, the faid whole Sum of five hundred thoufand Pounds hath been advanced or contributed, and the Annuities attending thereon, and charged on the faid Civil Lift Revenues, amount to the yearly Sum of twenty-five thoufand Pounds ; and whereas the faid Sum of five hundred thoufand Pounds, fo contributed on the Credit of the faid Act, was not fufficient for anfwering the Purpofes intended by the faid Act, by difcharging all the Arrears then due to your Ma- jefty's Servants, Tradefmen and others, by Means whereof, and of feveral extraordinary Expences arifen fince the making of the faid, divers Arrears of Salaries, Wages, Diet, Monies and other Allow- ances, and fundry Debts for Emptions, Provifions and other Caufes, ftill remain due to your Majefty's Servants, Tradefmen and others, amounting to a very confiderable Sum in the whole :' Now your Ma- jsfty's moft dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Commons of Great Britain in Parliament afTembled, being deeply fenfible of the Bleffings they enjoy under your Majefty's wife and happy Government, and being defirous, not only that your Majefty may partake of the Benefit of the prefent happy State of the publick Credit, but alfo that your Majefty, in the Adminiftration of your Civil Government, may not remain under any Difficulties in refpect of the Arrears or Debts contracted as aforefaid, and being therefore defi- rous that a Sum not exceeding one million of Pounds Sterling, may be raifed to enable your Majefty, as well to redeem the faid Annuities of twenty-five thoufand Pounds per Annum, as to difcharge the faid Debts and Arrears, do for that End and Purpofe moft humbly pray your Majefty, that it may be enacted, i$c. EXP. See 12 Geo. 1. c. 2. " Treafury may iffue new Exchequer-Bills, not exceeding 1,000,000/. at 2d. per Diem Intereft. Coun-
- f terfeiting thefe Bills is Felony. Contractors to have one Part of the Cheques, Indents or Counterfoils,
- ' to prevent Counterfeits. Treafury to contract with Perfons to circulate thefe Bils at 3/. per Centum per
" Annum. Contractors after 24 June 1725. may direct thefe Bills to carry a lower or higher Rate than " 2d. per Diem. So long as thefe Bills remain uncancelled, the Deduction of 6 d. perl, to continue, " Thefe Exchequer-Bills charged thereon, and on the Civil Lift. The Sums iffued out of the Civil Lift " Revenue, about thefe Bills, to be deemed Part of the yearly Sum of 700,000/. 500,000/. to be applied " for Redemption of the Annuities of 25,000/. per Annum. At Michaelmas yearly, Exchequer to take " an Account of all the Monies received of the Deductions of 6d. per I. is'c. His Majefty by Letters Pa- " tent made before 24 Decern. 1725. may appoint a yearly Sum for an Annuity at 3/. per Centum, till re- 's deemed. His Majefty may direct the Sum to be raifed on that Credit, &c" CAP. XVIII. An Act for regulating Elections within the City of London, and for preferving the Peace, good Order and Government of the faid City. HERE AS of late Years great Controverfies and DifTentions have arifen in the City oi London and other ' Officers W at the Elections of Citizens°to ferve in Parliament, and of Mayors, Aldermen, Sheriffs and other