A. D. 1746. Anno decimo nono Georgii II. C. 23- — 25. ( : 1 c A P. XXIII. An Aft to continue two Acts of Parliament; one for encouraging the Growth of Coffee in his Majefty's Plantations in America, and the other for the better fecuring and encouraging the Trade of his Majefty's Sugar Colonies in America.
- "1T7 HERE A S an Act parted in the fifth Year of the Reign of his prcfent Majefty, intituled, //..• 5060.2.4.14.
■ VV -Aft f or encouraging the Growth of Coffee in his Majejly's Plantations in America; anJ to continue ' and be in Force from the twenty-fifih Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-live, td
- the twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-nine, and from thence to the
- End of the then next SefTion of Parliament : And whereas another Ad"l palled in the fixth Year of the 6 Geo. i.e. 13.
' Reign of his faid prefent Majefty, intituled. An At! for the better J'ecuring and encouraging the Trade c/ hi.
- Ma/e/ly's Sugar Colonies in America, to continue and be in Force tor the Term of five Year;, to be com-
- puted from the twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-three, and to the End
- of the then next SefTion of Parliament : And whereas by another A6'c paflld in the eleventh Year of the n Geo. 2.c. i3.
' Reign of his faid prefent Majefty, the feveral Terms granted by the tw>o before mentioned Acts W-ic en-
- larged and continued from the Expiration of the (aid Terms, for the further Term of feven Years, and
1 from thence to the End of the then next SefTion of Parliament : And forafmuch as the faid recited Acts
- have, by Experience, been found beneficial, and arc fit to be further continued ;' Be it therefore enac-
ted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Content of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembk'd, and by the Authority of the fame, That the before mentioned Acts, and each of them, and all the Powers and Claufes therein co taincd, Thc / cc: ' ;J Aa » ftiall be, and are hereby continued to be in full Force and Effect from and after the Expiration of trie re- y" t l? ocd ,or 7 fpedtive Terms by the faid Acts feverally granted, enlarged and continued, for and during the further qj, e i'ccc. z. c. Term of feven Years, and from thence to the End of the then next Seffion of Parliament. 24. Farther ccntinuid by z^Ca. %. c, 35. 32 G«, 2. f. 23. and the 6 Geo. %.c, 13. ' Farther continued by 26 Geo. 2. c, 32.' and 1 Geo, 3. c. 9 CAP. XXIV. An Act to impower Lora Pitt, Widow, to erect a Bridge or Bridges over the River Froome ; and to make a Caufeway to the Eaft End of the Town of Dorchejier, over Forthington Moor in the County of Dor- fet. PR. CAP. XXV. An Act: for calling any fufpected Perfon or Perfons, whofe Eftates or principal Refidence are in Scotland, to appear at Edinburgh) or where it fhall be judged expedient, to find Bail for their good Behaviour. EXP.
- J HERE AS a wicked and unnatural Rebellion againft his Majefty, hath been raifed and ca-
- ried on within that Part of Great Britain called Scotland: And whereas, at this Juncture, it is
4 neceflary for the publick Safety, and for the Safety of every particular Subject, to prevent their being ' feduced to rebellious, feditious, and unlawful Practices againft his Majefty's Sacred Perfon, Govern- ' ment, and the Laws, and that by fuch Methods as may be moft eafy to the Subjects;' Be it therefore enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiri- tual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament afTembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That from and after the fifteenth Day of May one thoufand feven hundred and forty-fix, and until The King's Ad- the twentieth Day of Nove?nber following, the King's Advocate, or his Deputy of Scotland, may and fhall, v » ca| e. &<•■ in upon a Warrant under his Majefty's Hand, or Sign Manual, apply to the Lords Juftice General, Juftice ^J^' "J™ Clerk, and Commiffioners of Jufticiary in Scotland, craving that Letters maybe iffued; and upon Pro- signManual duction of fuch Warrant, the faid Lords Juftice General, Juftice Clerk, and Commiffioners of Jufticiary, from his Majefly, or a Shiofum of them, are hereby authorized and required to caufe Letters to be iffued in his Majefty's to apply forLet- Name, and at the Inftance of his Advocate, or his Deputy in Scotland, for his Highnefs's Intereft, in f ers - common Form, commanding and charging fuch Perfon or Perfons, having their Eftates or ordinary Re- ne ° r r a i l-c'^o fidence within Scotland, to appear at Edinburgh, or any other Place or Places in Scotland before the faid iffue Letters, S:c. Court of Jufticiary, then and there to find fufRcient Bail for the loyal and peaceable Behaviour of every fuch Perfon or Perfons, and to appear when and were the faid Court fliall direct; and the faid Letters to con- Letters 2re to contain a Warrant for citing of the faid Perfon or Perfons, being within Scotland, perfo- ta!n ? Warrant rally, or at their Dwelling-houfes, or at the Difcretion of the faid Court, upon Caufe fhewn, to cite in q^^'" m the fame Manner as by the Law of Scotland, where there is no Tutus Accefus, is directed upon fifteen free the" i7 no Tutus Days, or not being within Scotland upon fixty Days, according to the Forms ufed for citing Perfons who Acceflus. are abfent out of Scotland. II. And