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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/738

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672 C. 26. Anno decimo nono G e o r g i i II. A. D. 1746. rerCiina appear- ing to find Bail, &c. or tc coaimitted. Penalty of Dif-

  • t>;d>eiice.

And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That upon the Appearance of the Per- fon or Perfons fummoned, purfuant to the Letters aforefaid, it fhall be lawful for the faid Court, to require fuch Perfon or Perfons to find fufficient Bail, in fuch Sum as they in their Difcretion fhall think fit not exceeding the Sum of one thoufand Pounds Sterling, for the loyal and peaceable Behaviour of every fuch Perfon or Perfons, and to appear at fuch Place as the faid Court fhall appoint, at any Time within the Space of fix Calendar Months from the Date of fuch Bail ; and every fuch Perfon refufing or neglecting to give fuch Bail, fhall by the Court be committed to Pnfon for the Space of fix Months, or until fuch Bail fhall be found ; and every Perfon being guilty of wilful Difobedience, in not appearing fhall incur the Penalty of Single and Life Rent Efcheat, to be brought in for hfsMajefty's Ufe, and fhaf. one Year's Imprilonment. purfuant to fuch Summons, ftiah _. .».,-, ,_ iTf. _„ j /i, a ij De iurther fined in the Sum of five hundred Pounds oterling, and be liable to CAP. XXVI. An Aft to attaint Alexander Earl of Kellie, William Vifcount of Stratballan, Alexander Lord Pitjligc y David Wcmyfs Efquire, commonly called Lord Elcho, eldeft Son and Heir Apparent of James Earl of Wemyfs ; James Drummond Efquire, eldeft Son and Heir Apparent of William Vifcount of Stratballan • Simon Frajer Efquire, eldeft Son and Heir Apparent of Simon Lord Lovat ; George Mur- rav Efquire commonly called Lord George Murray, Brother to James Duke of Athol '; Lewis Gordon Eiciuire commonly called Lord Lewis Gordon, Brother to Co/mo George Duke of Gordon ; James Drum- mond takino- upon himfelf the Title of Duke of Perth ; James Graham, late of Duntroon, taking himfelf the Title of Vifcount of Dundee; John Nairn, taking upon himfelf the Title or Stile of Lord Nairn ■ ' David Onlvie, taking upon himfelf the Title of Lord Ogilvie ; John Drummond, taking upon' himfelf the Stile or Title of Lord John Drummond, Brother to James Drummond, taking on himfelf the Title of Duke of Perth ; Robert Mercer Efquire, otherwife Nairn, of Aldie ; Sir JFilliam Gordon of Park, John Murray of Broughton, Efquire; John Gordon the elder, of Glen- hu-ket- Donald Cameron the younger, of Lochiel; Doctor Archibald Cameron, -Brother to Donald Cameron the younger of Lochiel; Ludovick Cameron of Tor Cajlle, Alexander Cameron of Dungallon ; Donald Mac Donald of Clanranald, junior, Son to Rbonald Mac Donald of Clanronald % Donald Mac Donald of Loch- tarie Alexander Mac Donald of Keppoch, Archibald Mac Donold, Son of Col Mac Donald of Barifdale } Alexander Mac Donald of Glencoe, Evan Mac Pherfon of Clunie, Lauchlan Mac Lauchlan of Cajlle Lauchlan John Mac Kinnon of Mac Kinnon, Charles Stewart of Ardftnel, George Lockbart, eldeft Son and Heir Apparent of George Lockbart of Carnwath ; Lawrence Oliphant the elder, of Ga/k ; Law- rence Oliphant the younger, of Ga/k; James Graham the younger, of Airih ; John Stewart, commonly called John Rov Stewart ; Francis Farquharfon of Monalterye, Alexander Mac Gilivrae of Drumagl'ijb ; Lauchlan Mac Intojh, Merchant at Jnvemefs ; Malcolm Rofs, Son of Alexander Rofs of Pitcalny ; Alex- ander Mac Lead, Son to Matter John Mac Leod Advocate ; John Hay, Portioner of Reftalrig, Writer to the Signet ; Andrew Lumfdale, otherwife Lumjdain, Son to William Lumfdalc, otherwife Lumfdain^ Writer in Edinburgh; and William Fidler, Clerk in the Auditor's Office in the Exchequer of Scotland; of High Treafon, if' they fhall not render themfelves to one of his Majefty's Juftices of the Peace, ©n. or before the twelfth Day of July in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fev«n hundreJ and (orty-ux,, and fubmit to Juftice. P R, CAP. XXVII,