A. D. 1746. Anno decimo nonoGEORGii II. C. 27. 673 CAP. XXVII. An Act for the more effe£lual fecuring the Duties now payable on Foreign- made Sail Cloth
- imported into this Kingdom •, and for charging all Foreign- made Sails with a Duty •,
and for explaining a Doubt concerning Ships being obliged at their firfl fetting out to Sea, to be furnifhed with one compleat Set of Sails made of Britijh Sail Cloth. ' "I/HEREAS by an Aft made and paffed in the ninth Year of the Reign of JhLs prefent Ma ; v Ct0 - :,c- W'
- VV jefty, intituled, An Act for farther encouraging and regulating the Manufitiure of Britifh Sail
' .Cloth ; and for the more effectual fecuring the Duties now payable on Foreign Sail Cloth imported into this , 3 6eo. a. e. i8i ' Kingdom ; and which by an Act made in the thirteenth Year of his prefent Majefty, was continued lo ' the twenty-fifth Day of December one thoufand ken hundred and fifty, and from thence to the End '. of the then next SefTion of Parliament; it was enacted, That from and after the twenty-fourth Day ' of June one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-fix, all Foreign-made Sail Cloth or Canvas, ufually
- entered as Holla/ids Duel: or Vitry Canvas, which fhould be fit and proper to be made ule of for the y„ f vm „ p,,_
'making of Sails, for navigating Ships or VefTels, and which fhould be imported into Great Britain by vijiiiu refer it ' way of Merchandize, and for which any Duties had been granted, or were made payable, or ought t ff£mr c '*f r ' ', to be paid to his Majefty, fhould be ftamped at the Time of landing thereof, at or in the Port or Place & i9 .
- where the fame fhould be imported or landed ; and that the Commiflioners of the Cuftoms of Great wAnn.'ft. j.
- Britain fhould provide, or caufe to be provided, and to be diflributed to the proper Officers of the* - ^
- Cuftoms of the Ports where fuch Foreign-made Sail Cloth or Canvas fhould be imported, a diffident , 'c7«."z. V.zy,
' Number of Stamps, with which the faid Officers were thereby required to ftamp every fuch Piece or
- Parcel of Foreign-made Sail Cloth or Canvas ; and which Stamps fhould exprels or denote the Place
- or Country from whence the fame Sail Cloth or Canvas was imported ; and the faid Commiflioners
' were thereby required to take Care that the faid Stamps fhould be fo contrived, that the Impreffion ' thereof might be durable, and fo as the fame might be the leaft liable to be counterfeited; and divers ' Penalties and Forfeitures were by the faid Act directed to be levied and inflicted, in order to prevent ' the counterfeiting of fuch Stamps, and felling Foreign-made Sail Cloth or Canvas with counterfeit ' Stamps, and the working up the fame unftamped, in fuch Manner as is therein mentioned : And c whereas not only great Numbers of Sails made up in Foreign Parts, made of Foreign Canvas are ufed ' by Matters of Ships and VefTels for navigating fuch Ships and VelTels into this Kingdom^ but alfo ' great Quantities of Foreign-made Sail Cloth and Canvas, fit for making Sails, are imported into, and ' made and wrought up into Sails in this Kingdom, without paying the Duty, or being ftamped as ' by the former Laws is directed, to the great Prejudice of his Majefty's Subjects, and the Diminution ' of the publick Revenue ;' For the remedying and preventing whereof for the future, Be it enacted by the King's moll Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and bv the Authority of the fame, That from End after the tvventy-fouth Day of June in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hun- to ? n) j" c Entry 1 " dred and forty-fix, every Mafter of any Ship or Veffel belonging to any of his Majefty's Subjects, navi-upon Oathot' gated with any Foreign-made Sail or Sails, or who (hall have any Foreign-made Sail or Sails on board ail Foreign- his Ship or Veffel, (hall, at the Time of making his Entry or Report of fuch Ship or Veffel at the Cu- ™^& - a ' 3 ° n ftom-houfe where fuch Ship or Veffel fhall be entered, alfo make an Entry and Report upon Oath, of all and every Foreign-made Sail and Sails ufed in, or being on board every fuch Ship or Veffel ; and the Mafter of fuch Ship or Vefiel final], before fuch Ship or Veffel fhall be cleared by the Officers of the an d before .Cuftoms inwards, where fuch Ship or Veffel makes any Difcharge of her Lading, pay to his Ma- clearing, pay jefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, the like and the fame Duties as are charged upon, and made payable . Sar»e<H>Y by an Act of the twelfth Year of the Reign of her late Majefty Queen Anne, intituled, An Afa for IZ Annx,R. i. ' the better Encouragement of the making of Sail Cloth in Great Britain, for all Foreign-made Sails imported c- j6. by way of Merchandize. be forfeited to his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors ; and fuch Mafter (hall for every fuch Offence alfo forfeit the Sum of fifty Pounds, which faid Sum of fifty Pounds (ha'.l be applied, one Moiety thereof to The Mafter to' "the Ufe of his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, and the other Moiety thereof to the Perfon or Perfons forfeit 50I. who fhall fue for the fame. III. Provided always, and it is hereby enacted and declared. That if die Mafter of fuch Ship or Vel~- "ocnntrTo »ay fel (hall, after his Report and Entry made, and before the Ship or Vefiel is cleared by the Officers of the Duty, the Cuftoms inwards, declare his Intention of not ehoofing to pay the faid Duty, and fhall deliver to 'the Officer of the Cuftoms of the Port or Place where he' makes fuch Entry and Report as afdrefaidj ant ] delivering fuch Sail or St'iIs for which he has declared his Intention of not paying the laid Duty ; that then, and in the Sails to the fuch Cafe,' fuch Sail' and Sails is and are hereby declared to be forfeited 'to his Majefty, his Heirs and p Sceroi cl,e Succeffors, and. fuch Mafter fhall not be fubje'et or liable to pay the faid Duty or Penalty of fifty Pounds ; t i, e sails to be any thing. herein contained to the contrary in any wife notwiththmding. forfeited. Vol, VI..' •.'• ." ! .. 4 R IV. -Provided . .'.