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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/746

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6$o C. 30. ] '. Anno decimo nono Georgii II. A. D. 1746. the increafed Duties upon Coffee, Cocoa Nuts, Chocolate, Cocoa Pafte, Tea; Nutmegs, Cinnamon^ Cloves, Mace and Pictures ; and the further Rates and Duties upon all White Callicoes, Porcellan, called tt;k Ware, and Drugs; all which faid Subfidies and Duties are Part of the laid Aggregate Fund, and are inteaded to be continued, (hall be, and the fame are hereby enacted, to be continued, and (h 11 be Fubject and liable to anfwer and pay out of the fame all the Payments which fhall after fuch Redemption grow due, for and upon the faid Annuity, yearly Rent or Sum of twenty-five thoufand Pounds, to his faid Royal Highnefs the Duke of Cumberland, and the Heirs Males of his Body ; and the faid feveral Subfidies and Duties lb to be continued, and hereby made fubject and liable to anfwer the Payments of the faid Annuity of twenty-five thoufand Pounds, or fo much thereof as fhall be fufficient to pay the fame, are and fhall be hereby appropriated, iffued and applied thereunto, duringthe Continuance of the fame Annuity of twenty-five thoufand Pounds to hie faid Royal Highnefs the- Duke of Cum-* berland, and the Heirs Males of his Body ; any thing in this or any other Act contained to the con- trary a6twith.ftau.ding. CAP. XXX. An Aft for the better Encouragement of the Trade of his Majefty's Sugar Colonies in America. ■ ■ ■ 6 Ceo. 2, c. j 3 . | Y? O R Advancement of the Trade- of his Majefty's Kingdom of Great Britain, to and in the fe- JL veral Brltijb Sugar Colonies in the Weft Indies ia America; for the better Encouragement of his Majefty's Ships and private. Ships of War, and the annoying and diminifhing the Power and Wealth ' of his Majefty's Enemies in thofe Parts ; and for the Increafe of Shipping and Seamen for thefe and pother Services;' Be it enacted by the King's moft. Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Content of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, Mariners be- and by the Authority of the fame, That no Mariner or other Perfon who fhall ferve on Boaid, or be Privateers' or reta ' ne ^ . t0 f erve °» Board, any Privateer or trading Ship or Veffel, that fhall be employed in any of Trading ships, ^}- Britijh Sugar Colonies in the Weft India in America, nor any Mariner or other Perfpn being on not to be im.- Shore in the faid Britift Sugar Colonies, or any., of them, fhall be liable to be impreffed or taken

  • Weft Indies - e awa y» or ft 13 " be .impreffed or taken away, in or from any of the faid Briiijb. Sugar Colonies, or any

b ' of them, or. any of the Ports thereof,, or at :'<ea in thole Parts, by any Officer or Officers of or be- longing to any of his Majefty's Ships of War, impoysjered by the Lord High Admiral of Great Bri- tain, or the Lords Commiffioners for executing the Office of the Lord High Admiral cf Great Britain unlefs they fhall for the time being, or any other Perfon whaifoever, unlefs fuch Mariner fhall have before deferted imm^tTut ^ i:om fucn §htp of War belonging to his Majefty, at any Time after the twenty-fourth Day of June jetty's ships. one thoufand feven hundred and forty-fix; upon Pain that any. Officer or Officers fo impreffmg or taking away, or caufing to be impreffed or taken away, any Mariner or other Perfon, contrary to the Tenor and true Meaning of this Act, fhall forfeit to the Mafter, or Owner or Owners of any fuch Penalty 50 1. Ship or. Veffel, .the Sum of fifty Pounds for every Man he or they (hall fo imprefs or take ; to be re^ covered with full Softs of Suit in any Court of Record within any Part of his Majefty's Dominions. II. And, for preventing the. Defertion of any Mariners or Seamen from his Majefty's Ships of War., Matters of Pri- in any of tlje Parts aforefaid, to any fuch Trading or Privateer Ship or Veffel as aforefaid ; Be it fur- vateers and ther, enacted :by the Authority aforefaid, That every M after or Commander of fuch Trading or Priva- to'fnqune if e S teer Ship or Veffel as aforefaid, (hall, before he mail, receive or entertain, in -any of die Parts aforefaid, fuch Mariner any Marina;, Seaman, or other Perfon, to ferve on Board- fuch Privateer or Trading Ship or Veffel, hath deferted endeavour (by all the Ways and Means that he reafonabl.y and conveniently may or can) to difcovef War before? whether fuch Mariner, Seaman or other Perfon hath deferted from any of his Majefty's Ships or Ship they 'entertain of War, in any of the Parts aforefaid; and in cafe any fuch M after or Commander (hall receive' or ftjm, Sec entertain any Mariner, Seaman or other Perfon, on Board fach Trading Ship "or Privateer as aforefaid, without .fuch. reafpnable Endeavour for fuch Difcovery firft had and made, or. which he (hall know, or be informed, hath deferted. from any of his Majefty's Ships or Ship of War, in any of the Parts' aforefaid, fuch Mafter. or Commander fhall forfeit to the King's Majefty, his Heirs'ahd Succeftbfs, the Penaity 50 1. Sum of fifty Pounds, for every Man he (hall fo receive or entertain, to be recovered with full Cofts of Suit in any Court of Record within any Part of his Majefty's Dominions. . 1 -. HI. And- for the more effectual preventing Merchant Ships or Privateers, in any of the Paris afore-

. faid, from harbouring or entertaining any Seaman who fhall defert his Majefty's Service in any of the

Lifts, jtc: of the Parts. aforefaid, Be it. further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, 'That from and after the faid twenty- Mui employed fourth Day of Ju?;e one thoufand feven hundred and forty-fix, every Mafter of a Merchant Ship or to-feoffice^of Veffel,. and Commander of a Privateer, fhall, before he. (hull fet Sail from any Port of .or belonging to the Port, by the the faid; ■Br.itijh.. Sugar Colonies, or any of them, deliver to th_ chief' Officer of the Ciiftoms of the Mailers, Sec ffyrt ifrpm. whence, he fhall fet Sail, an exact Lift of all the Men' belonging to fuch Merchant Shipper 01 Veffels. Veffel or Privateer, containing their Names, Ages and Defcriptions of their Pe'rfons • upon Pain rhat'he Penalty 10!.- ftiall forfeit ■ the/Sum. of ten Pounds to his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, for every, fuch Man he

. . fhnll fo i;ecei ^e and. entertain on Board, whofe Name fhall not be inferted in. fuch Lift, to be recovered

'•wjfhfull Cofts. : of Suit in any Court of Record within any Part of his Majefty's Dominions. c'ary of .the IV. And it i.s hereby furiher enacted, That fuch Officer of the Cuffoms do return to fuch Mafter Ml! to be re- or Commander an attefted Copy of fuch Lift fo delivered to him ; and that upon the Death or Altera- syn^d,-&c. t j 011 of any Seaman, the faid Lift be immediately altered and delivered to the. naval Officer, or chief '._ ' Officer .of the ..Cuftpnis, in any Port where fuch "Merchant. Ship or Veffel or Privateer fhall arrive irr Manner"