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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/747

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A. D. 1746. Anno decimo nono Georgii II. C. '30. &h Manner as aforefaid; all which faid Lifts (hall, from time to time, be produced and (hewn to any of Tiie Lirti tobe the Captains or other Officer of any of his Majeity's Ships of War demanding the fame ; and if any 2j?«"> J°M ,p ' Man or Men belonging to any of his Majcfty's Ships of War, (ball be found on Board any Merchant v'" r 8 .'" Ship or Veffei or Privateer, whofc. Name (hall not be contained in fuch Lift as aforefaid.; the Maftep.Mcn'beloniting or Commander of fuch Veffei or Privateer (hall forfeit to bis Majefty, his Heirs and Bucceflors, 4^ e M ar,y f°w' e Sum of fifty Pounds, for every fuch Man Which lhall be (b found oh Board, tube recovered in Man- beinVaboard, ner as aforefaid. and not in the V. And for the better furnilhing Seamen to fcrve on Board his Majcfty's Ships of War, which {j|[!' M a (hall be in or about the feveral Parts aforefaid in America, for annoying the Enemy, and protecting the i orf '.• oY. Trade there, it is hereby further enaclted. That the Matter or Commander of every Trading Ship or Mailers, &c. VefTel, and every Packet Boat, which (hall, from time to-time, from and after the faid twenty-fourth j,°." r . ry Mm " Day of June one thou fand feven hundred and forty-iix, be Outward-bound, and going for anv of the the king'* Ser- Parts aforefaid in America, lhall be and are hereby obliged (at the Defire of any ot his Majeft/'s Offi- vice to the cers thereunto lawfully authorized, and at the Charges ofhis Majefty, to be paid in Manner hwepu^ ^^^" 9 after mentioned) to receive on Board, and carry to the Port or Place whereto fuch Trading" Ship, Veffei or Packet Boat (hall be lb bound, and there deliver to fuch Officer or Perlbn to whom they fhall be afligned, any Number of Mariners, Seamen or other Perfons actually entered into his Ma- jeity's Sea Service and Pay (over and above the Complement of Mariners or Seamen which fuch Trad- ing Ship, Veffei or Packet Boat ufually carries, or which (hall be fufficient for navigating the fame for fuch intended Voyage, not exceeding the Proportion of a- fifth Part of the. Number of fuch ufual or fufficient Complement,. of Mariners or Seamen) upon Pain of forfeiting the Sum of fifty Pounds, for penalty co i every fuch Seaman or Mariner that he or they (hall refufe to take on Board and carry ; or, after having, received on Board, (hall willingly permit and Puffer to efcape, to be paid and recovered as aforefaid. VI. And it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Mafter or Commander Mailers, &c. to of every Trading Ship or Veffei, and every Packet Boat, upon receiving fuch Mariners, Seamen or fign an Ac- other Perfons on Board for his Majcfty's Service, in Manner aforefaid, is hereby required to fign an kj?°wi«jgnient Acknowledgment in Writing, of his having received fuch Mariners, Seamen or other Perfons on Board °eived, &c/ C in order to carry and deliver them to fuch Officer or Perfon to whom they (hall be fo 'afligned as aforefaid, and to deliver the fame to fuch of his Majefty's Officers who fhall (hip the faid Mariners, Seamen or other Perfons on Board fuch Trading Ship, Veflel or Packet Boat, who is to lay the fame • before the Commiffioners of his Majefty's Navy, which fuch Officer is hereby required to do; and fuch to be laid be- Mafter or Commander of every fuch Trading Ship, Veffei and Packet (hall, within fix'Months after his fore theCom- fo receiving any fuch Mariners, Seamen or other Perfons on Board for his Majefty's Service, produce t n 1 J' e ( ^" v ers of and deliver to the faid Commiffioners of his Majefty's Navy a Certificate in Writing, under the Hand e avy ' '-' of the Commander in Chief of his Majefty's Ships of War in the JVeJl Indies, or or the, Commander Certincateifrom- or Captain of fome one of his Majefty's Ships or War in the. Weft Indies, that fuch' Commander or mande™"&c. Officer hath received the' faid Mariners, Seamen or other Perfons' on Board; his Majeity's Ships, or ?f the Men be- fuchofthemas fuch Commander or Officer lhall receive, which Certificate fuch Commander in Chief, ."^"Tdu or Commander or Captain of his Majefty's Ships or Ship of War in the Weft Indies, are hereby, re- to thVcom- ' quired to give, upon receiving on Board his Majefty's Ships or Ship, the faid Mariners, Seamen ormiflioners; other Perfons from on Board the faid Trading Ships, Veffels and Packet ; and upon producing and de- w h fhall livering fuch Certificate, the Commiffioners of his Majefty's Navy are hereby authorized and required to thereon pay the pay to the Mafter or Commander of fuch Trading Ship, Veflel or Packet, for the Charges and Ex- Cl ) ar s e . s "' car " peaces of fo carrying the faid Mariners, Seamen or other Perfons, at and after the Rate of fix Pence ry '" s ne en * per Diem for each Mariner, Seaman or other Perfon, whole Name fhall be contained and fet forth in the faid Certificate from the Commander in Chief, or Commander or Captain of his Majefty's Ships or Ship of War in the Weft Indies, to be fo produced and delivered to the faid Commiffioners of his Majefty's Navy, from the Time of their being firft received on Board the faid Trading Ship, Veflel or Packet, to the Time of their being fo delivered and received on Board his Majefty's Ships or Ship of War in the Weft Indies as aforefaid. VII. Provided neverthelefs, and it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That in cafe of any in what Cafes threatened or actual Inyafion of any of his Majefty's faid Colonies in America, or in cafe of any other Mariners may unforeseen and emergent Neceffity or Occafion requiring the fame, it (Kali and maybe lawful to and beim P reffed > for the Commanders and Captains of his Majefty's Ships of War, ftationed or being in any of the Parts aforefaid, with the Concurrence, Approbatibn'and "Content of the Governor and Commander in Chief, and of the Council for the Time being of the faid Colonies, or any of them, but not other- wife, to imprefs fuch a Number of Mariners or Seamen to ferve on Board his Majefty's faid Ships of War, as fhall be neceffary and fufficient to make up the ufual and fufficient Complement of Mariners '. or Seamen belonging to each of the faid Ships, fuch Mariners or Seamen fo impreffed being difcharged, if they require the fame, fo foon as the Service for which they were fo impreffed is performed ; whidi q"^*"™ Discharge each Captain of his Majefty's Ship's, whom it may concern, is hereby required to give ; • and in cafe of his refilling or delaying the fame, is hereby made fubjeit and liable to pay the Ped'aity^ £ 4in^pfo fl f™-" of fifty Pounds to the Party aggrieved, to be recovered with full Colts of Suit in any Court of Ji'ecord ijom ?4 g> . 2. within any Part of his Majeity's Dominions ; any thing herein before contained to the contrary thereof c - 5' ® 53- in any wife not.withftanding. . p G * / z " c - s 30 c.«. 2. e, 9. ■ Vol. VI. f'S t C A P.'