A. D. 1746. Anno decimo nono Georgii II. C. 34. 691 III. And be it ena&ed by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every Pcrfon and Perfons who Perrons har- fhall, after the Time appointed as aforefaid for the Surrender of any Pcrfon or Perfons fo cliarged off t n'de'r After upon Oath with any of the Offences aforefaid, fhall be expired, harbour, receive, conceal, aid, abet the inn.: »p- or fuccour fuch Perfon or Perfons, knowing him or them to have been fo charged as aforefaid, and pointed for to have been required to furrender him or themfelves by fuch Order or Orders as aforefaid, am j their SurreoJer, not to have furrendered purfuant to fuch Order or Orders, being profecuted for the fame, within qne Year after the Offence committed, and lawfully convicted thereof, fhall be guilty of Felony ; and fhall be tranfported as a Felon or Felons to fomc. or one of his Majefty's Colonies or Plan- tations in America, there to remain for the Space of feven Years, in the fame Manner as Felons are appointed to be tranfported by an Act made in the fourth Year of the Reign of his late Ma- jefty Ling George the Firft, of Glorious Memory, intituled, An At! for the further preventing Rob- 4GC0. >. c. n. eery', Burglary and other Felonies ; and for the more effectual Traitfportacton of Felons, and unlawjul Ex- porters of IVooll ; and for declaring the. Laiv upon fome Points relating to Pirates ; and by ano'.hcr Act made in the fixth Year of the Reign of his faid late Majefty, intituled, An Ail for the better 6 Geo. 1. c. 2;. preventing Robbery, Burglary and other Felonies ; and for the more effectual Tranfportation of Fekns ; and if any fuch Offender or Offenders fhall return into Great Britain or Ireland before the iixpirarion 3r d returning of the faid Term, contrary to the Intent and Meaning hereof, he or they fo returning (hall fuffer before the as Felons, and have Execution awarded againft them, as Perfons attainted of Felony, without Be- £ e 2"?„!?„ {uS " nent of Clergy. IV. Provided neverthejefs, and it is hereby declared and enacted, That nothing herein contained Magirtrates, fhall be conftrued to prevent or hinder any Judge, Juftice of the Peace, Magiftrate, Officer or Mini- &c may fecure fter of Juftice whatfoever, from taking, apprehending and fecuring fuch Offender or Offenders, againft "-JJPSSi] A whom fuch Information (hall be given, and for requiring whofe Surrender fuch Order in Council ertby theordi- fliall be made as aforefaid, by the ordinary Courfe of Law •, and in cafe fuch Offender or Offenders, naryOou:fe oi againft whom fuch Information, and for requiring whofe Surrender fuch Order in Council Ihall be made Law> as aforefaid, ihall be taken and fecured, in order to be brought to Juftice, before the Time fhall be ex- pired, within which he or they fhall be required to furrender him or themfelves by fuch Order in Council as aforefaid ; that then, in fuch Cafe, no further Proceedings (hall be. had upon fuch Order made in Council againft him or them fo taken and fecured as aforefaid ; but he or they fhall be brought to Tiial by due Courfe of Law j any thing herein contained to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. V. And for the. better and more impartial Trial of any Indictment or Information which fhaJi be found, commenced or profecuted, for any of the Offences made Felony by this or any other Act rela- ting to the Revenues of Cuftoms or Excife, Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That every fuch Offences where Offence (hall and may be enquired of, examined, tried and determined, in any County within that *° be tried - Part of the Kingdom of Great Britain called England, in fuch Manner and Form as if the Fact had ™ e t ^ "fort" been therein committed : Provided, That no Attainder for any of the Offences made Felony by vir- Corruption of tue of this Act, fhall make or work any Corruption of Blood, Lofs of Dower or Forfeiture of Lands or B.'ood, &c. or Tenements. y . ^ Forfe lture . VI. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid,- That if any Officer or Officers of his Majefty's * f Officers, &c Revenue, or. other Perfons 'being employed in the feizing, conveying or fecuring any Wooll or other kmeTuT feizing Goods forfeited, on account of their being prohibited or uncustomed Goods, or on account of the Wooll, &c. Duties chargeable thereon not having been paid or fecured, or by virtue of any Law made to pre- ° r fccunng of. vent the Exportation of Wooll or other Goods, or in endeavouring to apprehend any Offender o^theGoods againft this Act, (hall be beat, Wounded, maimed or killed by any Offender againft this Act ; or the fhall be refcu'd, faid Wooll or other Goods fo feized., fhall be refcued by Perfons fo armed as aforefaid ; in all fuch the Country to Cafes reflectively, the Inhabitants of every Rape or Lath, in fuch Counties as are divided into Rapes DamageT- C * or Laths, and in every other County the Inhabitants of every Hundred where fuch Facts fhall be committed, within that Part of Great Britain called England,' Ihall make full Satisfaction and Amends for all the Damages which fuch Officers cr Perfons (hall reflectively fuffer by fuch Beating, Wound- ing, and Maiming refpeclively, and by the Lofs of fuch Goods fo feized and refcued, and fhall alfo i°°l. frre?.cft- pay the Sum of one hundred' Pounds for each Pcrfon fo killed, to the Executors or Adminiftrators i ' erfon kiUed - of fuch Officers, or other Perfon fo killed as aforefaid ; and that fuch refpective Officers and other For beating, Perfons, and their faid Executors and Administrators, (half be and are hereby enabled to fue for and * c - 4°'- recover fuch their Damages, ,'fo as the Sum to : be recovered for any fuch Beating, Wounding or Goods, "z° c 1". Maiming, fhall not exceed forty Pounds, nor' fox the Lofs of the Goods-two hundred Pounds, againft. the Inhabitants, of the faid Rape or Lath, in fuch Counties as are divided v into Rapes or Laths ; and in every other County the Inhabitants of every Hundred, who by this Act .'.hall be made liable to anfwer all or any Part thereof; and that if fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall recover in fuch Action, all the Inhabitants of the Rape or Lath in fuch Counties as are divided into Rapes or Laths, and in every other County the Inhabitants of every Hundred, who by this Act (hail be made liable to all or any Part of the faid Damage or "Sum, 'fhall be ratably and proportionably taxed and aliened for Damages to -be and towards Payment of the Damages and Cofts to be recovered by the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs in ratably taxed..' any Action to be brought upon this Act, and alfo of all juft and neceffary Expenses in defending fuch Action; which Taxation and Affenrpent fhall be made, levied and paid by the. Ways atott Means, and in the Manner and Form prefcribod for the levying and paying • Damages and Cofts 31ld levie( f as i,y recovered againft Inhabitants of Hundreds in Cafes of Robberies, and for' the levying and paying s Geo. =. c. i4k the juft and neceffary Expenees in defending any Action to be brought for. fuch Damages, in afl3 4 T % by
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