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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/758

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692 C. 34. Anno decimo nono Georgii II. A. D. 1746. h mK by an Acft ( intituIed > -^« ^? for the Amendment)/ the Law relating to Miens on the Statute ofHu Char°g n es U1 of the a M ^jO made in the eighth Year of the Reign of "his prefent Majefty, and by fo much of any Defence, &c former Law relating to Actions againft Hundreds, in cafe of Robberies, as is not repealed or al- £ b liT£ ed A s tered by the faid A& > and that if an y Plaintiff or Plaintiffs, in any A&ion to be brought upon we Act directs.. this A ^ fhall be nonfuited, or (hall discontinue his, her, or their Action; or if in fuch Action, Judgment on Demurrer, or Verdict (hall be given againft him, her, or them, the Charges hecef- larily expended in defending fuch Action, over and above the Cofts in thofe Cafes to be taxed, and alfo the taxed Cofts, in cafe the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs be infolvent, fhall be levied by fuch Taxation and Affeffment, and fhall be paid in fuch Manner, as in the like Cafes fuch Charges and Cofts in Actions brought upon the faid Act are thereby directed to be levied and paid; and that every Action to be brought upon this Act, (hall be profecuted in like Manner as Actions up- on the faid Act of the eighth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty are directed to be pro- fecuted. Notice to be VII. Provided neverthelefs, That no Perfon or Perfons fhall recover any Damages by virtue of this Day"^' t t he'Yn.- A^' for an Y fuch Beating, Wounding, Maiming, or Lofs of Goods, unlefs he or they fhall, with- jury received; in four Days after fuch Damage or Injury, caufe Notice to be given of fuch Offence being com- mitted, unto two or more of the Inhabitants of fome Town, Village, or Hamlet, near to the Place where fuch Fact fhall have been committed, and fhall, within eight Days after fuch Fact, declare, Hon within"!" ky Examination upon Oath, before fome Juftice of the Peace of the County, Liberty, or Divifion Days. where the fame was committed, which Examination every fuch Juftice fhall be obliged to take, whe- ther he or they fo examined, do know the Perfon or Perfons who committed fuch Fact, or any of Recognizance, them; and if upon fuch Examination it be declared, that he or they knew the Perfon or Perfons &c toprofecute. who committed the fame, or any of them, then he or they fhall be bound by Recognizance to profecute fuch Offender or Offenders according to Law; and that no fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall recover any Damages by virtue of this Act, unlefs he or they fhall, over and befides the faid No- tice and Recognizance herein before required, give fuch Notice, and enter into fuch Recognizance, as Perfons robbed are, by the faid Act of the eighth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, directed to give and enter into, in order to enable them to maintain Actions upon the faid Act. NO b Satibf rf ft -f n VIII. Provided alfo, That where any Offender fhall be apprehended and convicted of fuch Of- the offendVr be ^ ence ' w i tn > n the Space of fix Calendar Months after the Offence committed, no Hundred, Rape, convifled in 6 or Lath, or any Inhabitant thereof, fhall be in any wife fubject to make any Satisfaction for fuch Months. Damages, or to pay the faid one hundred Pounds to the Executors or Adminiftrators of fuch killed Perfon. bro'°h S to -rfr ^' f >rov ' dec ' alfo, That no Perfon fhall be intitled to bring any Action againft the Inhabitants of /y"|r' w ' '" any Hundred, Rape, or Lath, for any the Matters aforefaid, unlefs the fame fhall be commenced with- in one Year after the Offence committed. X. And for the better difcOvering and apprehending the faid Offender or Offenders in that Part of Great Britain called England, who fhall have been advertifed as aforefaid, and fhall not have furrendered him or themfelves within forty Days as afore directed, Be it enacted by the Autho- Perfons appre- TX H aforefaid, That from and after the twenty-fourth Day of July in the Year of our Lord one Sending, &c. an thoufand feven hundred and forty-fix, all and every Perfon and Perfons, who fhall apprehend and Offender, take, or difcover, fo that he may be taken, any Perfon in that Part of Great Britain called Eng- land, fo advertifed as aforefaid, who (hall have not furrendered himfelf within forty Days as afore- faid, and caufe him to be brought before the Lord Chief Juftice of the Court of King's Bench, or before any one of the Juftices of the faid Court, or any one of his Majefty's Juftices of the Peace for Londm or Middlefex (who is hereby required to commit fuch Perfon to the Prifon of Newgate for fuch Felony) fhall have and receive, for every fuch Perfon who fhall be fo apprehended, the to be paid cool. Sum of five hundred Pounds, to be paid within one Month after Execution fhall be awarded by the Com- ' againft fuch Offender fo apprehended and committed as aforefaid, by the Commiffioners of the itiiffionersoftbe Cuftoms or Excife refpectively, who are hereby required to receive the Applications of all fuch who Revenue, who are concerned in fuch difcovering or apprehending fuch Offender, and determine who are intitled ciaimeVRights! to the 'a'^ Reward, and their refpective Shares and Proportions thereof; and the fame fhall be Offenders d«f- ' divided amongft fuch Perfons as aforefaid, in fuch Shares and Proportions, as to the faid Corn- covering, &c. miffioners of the Cuftoms or Excife refpectively, or to the major Part of them fhall feem reafon- to bVacquitted able; and if any fuch Offender, againft whom no fuch Order of Council fhall have been made, ihall himfelf fo difcover or apprehend any other Offender, againft whom fuch Order fhall have been made, he fhall be difcharged and acquitted of fuch his own Offence, and all other the like Of- fences then before committed, and for which no Profecution fhall have been then commenced, and Shareof'the ma ^ a "° have his Share of the Reward; and if any Perfon or Perfons fhall happen to lofe a Limb, Framium. or an Eye, or be otherwife grievoufly maimed or wounded in the apprehending, or endeavouring porfons wound- t apprehend, or making Purfuit after fuch Offender or Offenders; all and every Perfon or Perfons hen'dm^&c f° wounded and maimed as aforefaid fhall, upon Application to the. Commiffioners of the Cuftoms Offenders, ' or Excife refpectively as aforefaid, have and receive the Sum of fifty Pounds, over and above any to be paid 50]. other Reward that he or they may be intitled to as an Apprehender by virtue of this Act; and in cafe any Perfon or Perfons fhall happen to be killed in the taking or apprehending, or endeavouring to apprehend, or in making Purfuit after any fuch Offender or Offenders, that then the Executors or Adminiftrators of fuch Perfon or Perfons fo killed as aforefaid, upon Application to the Commifnon- ei-s