A. D. 1746. Anno decimo nono Georgii II. C. 35. 697 adminifter and take, fhali, for every Offence, forfeit and pay the refpective Sums following ; (to wit) The Vender of fuch Coals the Sum of fifty Pounds, and the Driver of fuch Cart the bum of five Pounds. XII. And it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Meter to be appoint- Penalty in ed by virtue or purfuance of this Act, fliall deliver any falfe Ticket, or wilfully make, or procure H^f****' or to be made, any falfe Meafure, and be thereof convicted by the Oaths (or in cafe the Tefiimony in this Refpect fhali be given by any of the People called Quakers, Affirmations ) of any twa or more credible Witnefies, before any one or more Juftice or Juftices of the Peace for the laid Liberty or County ( and who are hereby refpectively required and authorized to adminiller and take the fame) fuch Meters (hall reflectively be, from and immediately after the Time of fuch Con- viction, incapable of acting as a Coal -meter in purfuance of this Act, and forfeit the Sum of five Pounds. XIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid twenty- Labouring Co:.!- fourth Day of September, no Coals of or belonging to any Dealer in Coals, above the Quantity n-.etcr to b.: pro- of eight Bufhels, under and in Performance of any one Contract, fhali be fent and delivered from cj^lnO>y"Lt any Wharf, Warehoufe or Storehoufc, within the faid City and Liberty of TVeJlminJler, or the above 8 Buthdi. aforefaid Part of the faid Dutchy, or the faid Parilhes, or the aforefaid Part ot the faiJ Parifh of Saint Andrew Holborn ( except in the Prefencc of one of fuch Labouring Coal - meters, in purfuance of the Directions of this Act ) any thing herein contained to the contrary notwith- standing. XIV. Provided always, and it is hereby declared, That this Act (hall not # extend to the Owners Exceptions, of any Works for railing Water by Fire, nor who at any Time fliall have twenty Chaldron of Coals, or upwards, in any Lighter or Lighters, or other Crafts, and who fhali not vend fuch Coals, but that they fhali and may have twenty Chaldron of Coals, or more, delivered under the Infpection of their own Agent (in the Abfence of a Meter) and in that Cafe, fuch Perlbns are hereby reflectively exempt- ed from Payment of any Metage Charge by virtue of this Act j but if fuch Perfons fhali require the Care or Attendance of any Meter, to be appointed in purfuance of this Act, then, and in liich Cafe, they fhali pay the Metage Charge of four Pence by the Chaldron hereby laid, as other Con- fumers of Coals are hereby obliged or ought to do, in purfuance of this Act} any thing herein before contained to the contrary hereof notwithftanding. XV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any fuch Labouring Coal- Penalty on La- meter fliall, from and after the faid twenty - fourth Day of September, wittingly or willingly fuffer booring Coal- any Coals, fold as and for Wharf Meafure (exceeding the Quantity of eight Bulhels) to be fent "„- "boveg' from any Wharf or Warehoufes within the faid City and Liberty of Wejlminjler, or the aforefaid Buihels to be Part of the faid Dutchy, or the faid Parifhes, or the aforefaid Part of the faid Parifh of Saint Andrew |° ld un meafur- Holbom, without being meafured in the Manner herein before directed, and fhali not give Informa- e tion thereof to the Principal Land Coal-meters, or their Deputies, at the faid Office, within two Days next after fuch Coals fhali have been fent as aforefaid, and fhali be duly convicted thereof, by the Oaths of two or more credible WitnefTes, fuch Labouring Coal -meter fhali from thence- forth be for ever rendered incapable of acting as a Labouring Coal -meter within the faid City and Liberty of Wejlminjler, or the aforefaid Part of the faid Dutchy, and the faid Parifhes, and the aforefaid Part of the faid Parifh of Saint Andrew Holborn, and forfeit and pay the Sum of five Pounds. XVI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Dealer in Coals fhali, from Penalty on and after the faid twenty-fourth Day of September, directly or indirectly give, or caufe to be given Dealers giving to any Labouring Coal-meter or Coal-meters, to be appointed in purfuance of this Act, any Fee, coal-metersrel Reward, Gratuity or Sum or Sums of Money whatfoever ( other than the faid Sum of four Pence ceiving, more by the Chaldron, hereby directed to be paid as aforefaid) for his Trouble or Pains in attending J^n^.^,. or meafuring of Coals, as herein before directed ; or if any labouring Coal-meter or Coal-meters a r0B " fhali, directly or indirectly, receive from any Dealer or Dealers in Coals, any fuch Fee, Reward, Gratuity, Sum or Sums of Money, other than the faid Sum of four Pence by the Chaldron, hereby directed to be paid ; that rhen, and in fuch Cafe, every fuch Dealer or Dealers in Coals fhali, for every fuch Offence, forfeit and pay the Sum of fifty Pounds, and the labouring Coal- meter or Meters, who fhali have received fuch Fee, Reward, Gratuity, Sum or Sums of Money, fhali be from thenceforth for ever rendered incapable of acting as a Coal- meter within the faid City and Liberty of Wejiminjler, and the aforefaid Part of the faid Dutchy, and the faid Parifhes, and the aforefaid Part of the faid Parifh of Saint Andreiv Holborn, and forfeit and pay the Sum of five Pounds. XVII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if the Driver of any Cart loaded penalty on with Coals, or any Perfon belonging thereto, or employed therewith, fhali deliver, or fuffer. to bfe Carters defraud- delivered or taken from fuch Cart, any Coals under his Care, othervvifc than to or for the Ufe of the" 15 • ° wner - Owner or Owners thereof, and lhall be convicted of fuch Offence, fhali, for every fuch Offence, for- feit and pay the Sum of five Pounds. XVIII. Provided alio, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon or p er fons difiMig,- Perfons lhall be diffatisfied with, or think himfelf or herfelf aggrieved, by or in the Meafure of any fed may u- Coals, under or by virtue of this Act, the fame Coals lhall (either upon acquainting the Seller of fuch c^s^Hnz Coals, or the Carman driving or leading the fame, at any Time during the Delivery thereof, and Notice, before the Carman fhali be uncharged thereof by the Coufumer, or his, her or their Agent or Vol. VI. 4 U - Agents)
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