6q5 C. 35. Anno decimo nono Georgii II. A. D. 1746. Pool Meafure, raid Parifhes, or the aforefaid Part of the faid Parifh of Saint Andrew, Holborn, directly from any Lighter, or other Craft, to the Confumer (not being lefs than Five Chaldron) (hall be for Pool Meafure, including the Ingrain of one Chaldron in every Score, according to the ancient Cuftom of the Port of London, and (hall be fo underftood between the Seller and Buyer, though the Term of Pool Meafure may be omitted in any written or verbal Contract -or Agreement for that Pur- pofe. Pool Meafure, VIII. And be it further ena<£ted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Coals which (hall, at any &c to be loaded Time from and after the faid twenty-fourth Day of September, he. delivered as and for Pool Mea- fcparately. ^. re a( . a ^ wharf within the faid City and Liberty, or the faid Part of the faid Dutchy, (hall be loaded feparately in the Craft, together with the Ingrain thereto belonging, and fhall be fo tilled and delivered from thence, without being meafured by the Bufhei, unlefs the Buyer delire to have r the ^ ame f° meafared. ColmetT'to 5 IX - And be * f u »her enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Coals which, from and after be'prefentat the (aid twenty-fourth Day of September, (hall be fold as and for Wharf Meafure, at any Place or Wharf Meafure. Places within the faid City and Liberty, or the aforefaid Part of the faid Dutchy, or the faid P»- rifhes, or the aforefaid Part of the faid Pariih of Saint Andnw, Holborn, fhall be meafured in the Pre- fence of one of the faid Labouring Coal-meters, in fuch Manner as is directed in and by an A<ft of Parliament, made and paffed in the fifteenth and feventeenth Years of the Reign of his late Majefty cap.V. 7 ar-2 ' K' n g Charles the Sec_nd, intituled, An Aft for regulating the Meafures and Prices of Coals; and the . . faid Labouring Coal-meters (hall aad may, gnd he and they is and -are hereby authorized and required cleficient°Mea- P to ^ U P an y Bufhel or Bufhels of Coals, as (hall appear to him or them to be deficient or wanting in - (ure. Aleafure, out of the Stock of Coals of the Perfjn or Perfons fo vending or contracting for the Sale of the faid Coals. Seller to pay X. And be it furth-'r enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That four Pence by the Chaldron for aeon" every Chaldron, which from and after the faid twenty-fourth Day of September lhall be fold and delivered at any Wharf, Warehoufe, or Place, within the faid City and Liberty of JVejlminjler, or the aforefaid Part of the faid Dutchy, or the faid Parilhes, or the aforefaid Part of the (aid Pariih of Saint Andrew, Holborn, fhall be paid by the Seller of fuch Coals, to the Principal Land Coal -me- ters for the time being, or to the Labouring Coal meters, for the Purpofes following; that is to fay, One Moiety thereof for the Ufe of the Principal Coal meters, as a Recompence of their Labour and Trouble, and for defraying the Charges of their Clerks, Meffengers, Houfe-rent, Fire, Can- dles, and all other Expences incident to the Execution of the Office aforefaid; and the other Meters to give Moiety for the Uk of the Labouring Coal-meters; and thereupon fuch Principal Land Coal-me- Tipkets. ters {hall, and they are hereby refpectively required to deliver, or caufe to be delivered to every Seller of fuch Coals, or the Carman who lhall cart, lead, drive, or carry the fame, a Paper-wri- ting, or Ticket, figned by the laid Principal Land Coal-meters, or one or more of them, and coun- teriigned by the Labouring Coal-meter attending and delivering the fame, in which fhall be con- tained as well the Chriftian and Sirname of the refpective Sellers, as of the Confumers of the faid Coals, the Quantity and Quality, the Price per Chaldron, and the Day of the Week, Month, and Year of the Sales, Delivery, and Admeafurement, the Amount of the Metage Charge, and the Names of the Carmen, or Perfons employed to cart, lead, drive, or carry the lame Coals; which- faid Ticket being thus made complete, and Metage paid, (hall be delivered unaltered by the La- bouring Coal-meter counterfigning the fame, without Delay, to the Carman, or Perfon employed to cart, carry, drive, or lead the Coals, defcribed in fuch Ticket, to the Confumer therein named; which faid. Ticket unaltered, the Carman, or Perfon therein named, to be employed to cart, car- ry, lead, or drive the Coals, in fuch 'Picket defcribed, lhall, and they are hereby refpectively re- quired to deliver to the refpective Confumers therein named, or to their Agent or Servant who Tlr'^'J" fae .thai] attend to receive the Coals defcribed in fuch Ticket, for the Ufe of fuch Confumer; and Confumer. * thereupon he, (lie, and they are hereby required to pay to the Seller named in fuch Ticket, the Metage therein fpecified; and if the Labouring Coal-meter counterfigning fuch Ticket, (hall tjw Metajre. P after Payment of the Metage Charge in purfuance of this Act, refufe to deliver fuch Ticket as p herein before directed, to the Carman, or Perfon employed to cart, lead, drive or carry the Coals ftfei &c?of ** therein defcribed, fuch Labouring Coal-meter fhall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit and pay the Tjtk'eto. Sum of five Pounds; and if fuch Carman, or Perfon employed to cart, carry, lead, or drive the Coals defcribed in fuch Ticket, (hall (after the fame Ticket lhall have been fo delivered to him by the Labouring Coal-meter counterfigning the fame) either alter or neglect or refufe to deliver, the fame Ticket to the Confumer therein named, or to the Agent or Servant who fha'l attend to receive the Coals defcribed in fuch Ticket, fuch Carman, or Perfon employed to cart, lead, or drive the Coals defcribed in fu*h Ticket, (hall hkewife forfeit and pay, for eyery fuch Offence, the Sum of five Pounds. Penalty on XI. And be it enacted by the Authority afoefaid, That if any Cart or Carts loaded, or in gaits carrying which any Quantity of Coals, exceeding eight Bufhels, (hall be fent or driven from any Wharf, Tickets? ' Warehoufe or Place within the faid City and Liberty of Wejlminfter, or the aforefaid Part of the faid Dutchy and Parifhes aforefaid, or the aforefaid Part of the faid Pariih of Saint Andrew Hol- born, without firit having obtained futh Ticket as aforefaid; that then, and in every fuch Cafe, the Vender of the laid Coals, and the Driver or Leader of fuch Cart, being convicted thereof by the Oaths (or being by one of the People called Quakers, by Affirmation) of two or more Witneiles, be- fore one or more of his Majefty's Jfuftice or juftices of the Peace for the laid Liberty Gf IVclhnviftcr, or County of Middlcfex, and which he and they are hereby respectively authorized and required to adminuter
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