The T I T L E S of the STATUTES. fVinMvs or Lights ; and for ra'ifwg the Sum of four jmlllons four hundred thoifand Pounds by Annuities, to be charged on 'the /aid Rates or Duties. n. An AiSl: for further regulating the Proceedings upon Courts-martial in the Sea Service ; and for extending the Difcipline of the Navy to the Crews of his Majefly's Ships, wrecked, loft or taken ; and for continuing to them their Wages upon certain Conditions. jz. An Aft for holding the Summer Affizes for the County of Buckingham at the County Town of Buckingham. 13. An A<St to rectify a Miftake in an ASk made this SefTion of Parliament, intituled, An ASi for punijhing Mutiny and Defertion ; and for the better Payment of the Army and their Quarters. 14. An kSt for permitting Tea to be exported to Ireland, and his Majefty's Plantations in America, without paying the Inland Duties charged thereupon by an Ail of the eighteenth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign ; and for enlarging the Time for fome of the Payments to be made on the Subfcription of fix millions three hundred thou- fand Pounds, by virtue of an Ad; of this Seffion of Par- liament. 15. An AQi for enlarging the Term and Powers granted by an AiSt paffed in the eighth Year of the Reign of his pre- fent Majefty, for repairing the Roads from the Town of Manchefier, leading through Mtviaw, Failfiuorth a.nd Old- hatn, in the County Palatine of Lancafier, to Aufierlands, in the Parifli of Saddleiuorth, in the County of York ; and for making the fame more effe£lual. .16. An Aft for enlarging the Term and Powers granted by an Aft paffed in the tenth Year of the Reign of his pre- fent Majefty, for repairing the Road from Hertford-Bridge Hill, to the T'ovjn of Bafingftoke ; and alfo the Road from Hertford-Bridge Hill aforefaid, to theToivn of Odzm, in the Coufity of Southampton ; and for making the faid Act more effectual. 17. An Act to render more effectual an Act made in the twentieth Year of his Majefty's Reign, intituled, AnASi for Relief of fuch of his Majefly's loyal SnbjeSis in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland, whofe Title Deeds and Writings were deflroycd or carried off by the Rebels in the late Rebellion. 18. An Act for draining and preferving certain Fen Lands in the feveral Pariflies of Maney, Upvjell, Welney, Doivii- ham, TFitcham, and in a certain extraparochial Place in
- Byal Fen, within the Ifle of Ely and County of Cam-
bridge. 19. An Act for the more effectual Trial and Punifliment of High Treafon and Milprifion of High Treafon, in the Highlands of Scotland ; and for abrogating the Practice of taking down the Evidence in Writing in certain Crimi- nal Profecutions ; and for making fome further Regula- tions relating to Sheriffs Depute, and Stewarts Depute, and theirSubftitutes ; and for other Purpofes therein men- tioned. 20. An Act for enlarging the Term and Powers granted by an Act paffed in the thirteenth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the Firft, for repairing the feve- ral Roads leading from Birmingham, through the Town of Wedncjbury, to a Place called High Bullen, and to Great Bridge ; and from thence to the End of Gibbet Lane, next adjoining to the Townfliip of Bilfon ; and from Great Bridge, through Dudley to King-Sioinford, and to the_ further End of Brittel Lane, in the Counties of Warwick, Stafford and Worcejler. 21. An Act for erecting Workhoufes, for the better em- ploying and maintaining the Poor within the Burgh of 'Bwy Saint Edmunds^ in the County of Suffolk ; and for -3 the better repairing and paving the Streets and Highways there. 22. An Act for enlarging the Term and Powers granted by an Act paffed in the thirteenth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the Firft, intituled. An A£i forrepairing the Roads leading from the Toivn of Bromf- grove to the Town of Dudley, in the County o/'Worcefter ; and from the faid Toivn of Bromfgrove to the Town s/" Bir- mingham, in the County of Warv^ick ; fo far as the faid Act relates to repairing the Roads leading from the Town of Birmingham to the Town of Bromfgrove, in the County of Worcefler ; and for making the fame more effectual. 23. An Act for granting to his Majefty the Sum of one mil- lion out of the Sinking Fund, for the Service of the Year one thoufand leven hundred and forty-eight ; and for ap- plying a Sum of Money remaining in the Exchequer, arifen by the Rates and Duties on Houfes which deter- mined at Lff^/y D(7y one thoufand feven hundred and forty- feven ; and for the further appropriating the Supplies granted in this Seffion of Parliament, and for applying a certain Sum of Money for defraying the Charge of the Allowances for the Year one thoufand feven hundred and forty-eight, to feveral Officers and private Gentlemen of the two Troops of Horfe Guards, and three Regiments of Horfe lately reduced. 24. An Act for building a Church in the Town of Liver- pool, in the County Palatine of Lancafier, and for enlight- ening and cleanfing the Streets of the faid Tovv-n, and for keeping and maintaining a Nightly Watch there. 25. An Act for repairing the Roads leading from Sutton Cole- f eld Common to the Town of JValfall, and from Sneah. Green to Walfall, and from IValfall to Park Brook, which divides the Parifties of Wolverhampton and Walfall, and from Gibbet Lane to Wolverhampton, and from Compton to the End of the County of Stafford and from JFoherhamp- ton to the Wergs, and from thence to Shiffnall, and from the Wergs to Hales Heath, and from Wolverhampton to Cannock Wood in the Road to Litchfield. 26: An Act for explaining, amending and enforcing an Act made in the eighteenth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled. An Ail for prohibiting the Wearing and Importation of Cambricks and French Lawns. 27. An Act for repairing the High Road from Plerfjridgc to Kirbnerrington in the County of Durhcwi, and from- thence to the Turnpike Road at Tudhoe Lane End in the faid County. 28. An Aft to explain and amend an Aft paffed in the four- teenth Year of his Majefty's Reign, intituled, An A£l for the Prefervation of the Publick Roads in that Part of Great Britain called England ; and fo much of an A6t paffed in the third Year of the Reign of King JViUiam and Queen Mary, intituled, An Act for the belter repair- ing and amending the Highways, and for fettling the Rates of the Carriage of Goods, as relates to the fettling of the Rates of the Carriage of Goods. 29. An Aft for the further Relief of the Orphans and other Creditors of the City of London; and for other Purpofes. therein mentioned. 30. An Aft for encouraging the making of Indico in the Britijl) Plantations in America. 31. An Aft for Relief of Infolvent Debtors. 32. An Aft for the Relief of the Annuitants of the War- dens and Commonalty of the Myftery of Mercers of the City of London. 33. An Aft to continue and amend feveral Laws for the Relief of Debtors with refpeft to the Imprifonment of of their Perfons ; and to reftify a Miftake in an Aft paffed in the laft Seftion of Parliament for continuing feveral Laws