Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/131

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A, Pi i747» Anno vicefimo Georgii II. C. 52. 87 the Eftates of certain Traitors, and nf Pcpijh Recufarits, and of EJlates given to fuper/i'it'iaus Ufes, in order to raij'e Money out of them federally for the life of the Publick. LVII. And alfo excepted all Offences contrary to an Aft of ' Parliament, made in the firft Year of the i Geo. i. c. 55. Reio'n of his faid late Majelly King George the Firft, intituled, An ASi to oblige Papifls to regijler their Nmnrs and Real Efiates. LVIII. And alfo excepted all Conte;:-pts in Caufes depending on or before the twentieth Day of June in Contempts in the Year one thoufand feven hundred and forty-feven, irt any Court of Law or Equity, or for Non-per- Courts of Law, formanceof Awards, or for Non-payment of Coih, given or awarded by fuch Courts on or before the faid ^foJ"g[f^rm- iifteenth Day of jime in the Year one thoufand feven hundred and forty-feven, and all Proceedings upon an^e ofAwards^ flich Contempts and Securities taken thereon, and all Ufurpations and Forfeitures of Franchifes or Offices, &c. for. which .any Profecution hath been commenced or begun fmce the faid twentieth Day of July one thou- sand feven hundred and forty-five, and is on the faid fifteenth Day of ^2^??^ depending and remaining to be profccuted. .. . -LIX. And alfo excepted all Contempts in any Ecclefiafiical Court, in fuch Caufes only that have been S""/,':-'"?-^ i"* commenced for Matters of Right, and not for Corredion ; and alio all Contempts in any Court of Admi- '^^^ AdViiaity rally, proceeding civilly and not criminally. _ _ Courts. LX. And alfo excepted out of this Aft of Pardon, Charles Earl of Traqnair, Alexander Earl of Kellie^ Robert Names of Per- Maccartji filling himfelf Earl of Clancarty, Sir Ja?nes Stezuart Baronet of Good Trees, Sir John Douglas Ba- fons excepted, ronet, Sir James Harrington Baronet, Sir James Campbell Baronet of Auchinbreck, otherwife Achinbreck ; Sir V/illiam Dunbar Baronet of Diirn, Sir /llexander Bannerman of Elfick, Baronet ; Archibald Steuart, late Provoft of Edinburgh ; Peter Barry Doftor in Phyfick, Thomas Blair of Glafclune, Alexander Blair Writer m Edinburgh, Peter Byers otherwife Byres of Tonlay, James Carnegie of Boyfack, Charles Cum?ning of Kinni- tnond otherwife Kinnimcu?ii, William dimming the younger of Pitully, Roderick Chifwlm of Cnmar in Strath- glafs, Alexander Catneron of Dungallon, William Drwmnond oi Bahaldie, otherwife Bohdldie., William Driim- mond of Callendar, James Frafer of Foyers, Simon Frafer of Avochnacloy, John Frafer, A'T GeUfpick, Hugh Frafcr Son to Alexander Frafer of heat Clan, James Farquharfon of Balmurral, otherwife Balmurle, John Fulkrton of Dudwick the younger,' John Doiu Frafer of Little Garth, John Frafer of Browich, late Stcv.'ard" to Lord Lovat ; Thomas Frafcr of Gortidcg, Alexander Garioch of A4argie, Arthur Gordon of Carnoufie, George Gordon of Hatvhead, otherwife Hallhead, John Gordon of Abachie, otherwife Abochie, James Gordon of Go- hardie, o^erwife Cobardie, Francis Gordon of Mill of Kincardine, P^obert Gordon of Logic the younger, James ■ Gordon of Glafierum, otherwife ClaJInirum, Robert Graham of Garrick, Patrick Grant of Glenmorijon, John Graham of Kilmardinny, David Hunter of Burntftde, otherwife Burnfide, John Halden, otherwife Haldane, otherwife Haldon, of Lanriek, Alexander Halden, otherwife Haldane, otherwife Haldon, Son to the faid John ; Andrew Hay the younger of Raniis, otherwife Ranas ; Alexander Irvine of Drum, George Kelly, James LeviJionne, otherwife Living/Ion, late Poftmafter of Falkirke ; Cole, otherwife Col M'^ Donald of Ba- rifdale, Greger M^ Gregor, otherwife James Grceme, otherwife Graham, of Glengyle ; Malcolm M^ Lead of Rafa, Archibald Menzies of Seyan, otherwife Shien ; Gilbert Menzies junior of Piifoddles ; Thomas Mercer- Merchant in Aberdeen, William Moir of Lonemay, otherwife Longmay, James Moir of Stonyivood, Oeneas, otherwife Angus M'- Donald late Banker at Paris; James M'^ Donald Brother to M'^ Donald of Kinloch Moidart, John Murray late Clerk of the Cuftoms at Alloa, Donald M"" Donald of hiveroy, John M Donald the elder of Glengary, Alexander M Donald of Glenco, Robert Murray of Glencarnock, Thomas Ogilvie of Eafi Mill, Alexander Ogilvie of Acheries, Thomas Ogilvie of Coul Merchant in Dundee, John Riddle, other- wife Riddel of Grange, David Robertfon of Eafter Bleaton, George Robertfon of Fajkelly, James Robertfon of ' Blairfetty, Alexander Robertfon of Strouan, Duncan Robertfon of Drummachean, Donald Smith Merchant in Aberdeen, David Smith of Inveramfay, Daniel Spalding, othervAfe Spaldane, of AJljentully, James Stirling of Craig Barnett, Charles Steuart of Ballachallan, David Stuart of Kynnachin, Robert Stuart of KilUharry, otherwife Killihafly, John Turner the younger of Turner Hall, Alexander Thomfon, otherwife Tho?npfon of Fech- field, otherwife Fochfield, otherwife Fairfield ; David Tiilloch of Bugtown, otherwife Bugtoun, William Vaughan the younger of Coiirtfield, in the County of Monmouth ; Andrew Wauchop, otherwife Warcupp, of Nidrie, Eiquire ; and y//t'.v^wc/^r //7:)/V<? the younger, of Ardlehi II. LXL Provided always, and be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Procefs of Outlawry, or Proofs of Oat- any Proceedings thereon, at the Suit of any Pcrfon Plantiff, fnall be, by virtue of this Pardon, itayed or ft*?.""' [°,-"'" avoided, unlefs the Defendant appear, and put in Bail, where by Law Bail is neceffary, and take out a Writ |j,^^Oeiendant of Scire Facias Tig^cirifk the V^rtY, at whole Suit he was outlawed ; and that this Pardon be not allowed to put in Bail, &c, difcharge any Outlawry after Judgment, till Satisfaftion or Agreement be made to, or with the Party, at whofe Suit the Outlawry was obtained. LXIL And it is further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That every Perfon or Perfons. hereby par- doned, may plead the General Iffue, without fpecial pleading of this Pardon, and give this Aft of Pardon Geneinl Iffue, in Evidence for his Difcharge ; and that the fame (hall be thereupon allowed, and Advantage thereof had, as fully to all Intents and Purpofes, as if the fame had been fully and well pleaded. LXIIL And be it further enafted by the Autiiority aforefaid, That this prefent Pardon fliall be of as good Validity of this Force and Effeft, to pardon and difcharge all and fingular the Premiffes above-mentioned, and intended to AQ., be pardoned and difcharged, as well againft fuch Pcrfon or Perfons, Bodies Politick and Corporate, as do or fhall claim the fame, by or under any Letters Patents, or Leafe, or Grant by the King's Majefly, or any his Predecefforsj as againft the King's Majefty himfelf. Anno