Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/132

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88 C. r, 2. '^"' A. D. 1748. Anno vicefimo primo GEORGII II. Regis. T the Parliament begun and holden at TVeJiminfter., tlic tenth Day of November, Anno Dom. 174"', in the twenty-firft Year of the Reign of our Sovereieu Lord G £0 72 GiT the Secor, J, by the Grace ' -^ ■*■ of God, of Great Brkain, Franee and Irelar.d, Ring, Defender of the Faith, i V. being the firft ' Seffion of this prefent Parliament. CAP. L An kSt for continuing the Duties upon Malt, Mum, Cyriar and Perry, in that Parte; Great Bri^avi called England; and for granting to his Majefty certain Duci-i upon R'lalt, Mum, Cy I; ancT Perry, in that Part of Great 5)7to'« called Scotland; for the Service of the Year one thoufand feer; hundred and forty- eight. EXP. C A P. II. An Aft for granting to his Majefty a Subfidy of Poundage upon all Goods and Merchandizes to be imported into this Kingdom •, and for raifing a certain Sum of iMo :y by Annuities and a Lottery, to be charged on the faid Subfidy ; and for repeahng fo mi:ch of an Acl made in the twentieth Year of his prefent Majefty 's Reign, as enafts, 'That Prize Goods and Mer- chandize may he exported without paying any Duty of Cuftom or Excije for the fame. W Jldojl Gracious Sovereign, ""E your Majeity's mofi: dutiful and loyal Subjefls, the Commons of G)Yi7/ Britain in Parliament af- fembled, for the better enabling your Majefby to defray the Charge of this prefent War, and for other your Majefty's moft necefTary and important Occafions, have given and granted unto your Majefty the further Subfidies, Rates, Duties and Sums of Money hereafter mentioned ; and do humbly befeech your Ma- jefty that it may be enadfed ; and be it ena£l:ed by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Ad- vice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in tliis prefent Parliament alTem- AdditionalDu- bled, and by the Authority of the fame, That over and above all Subfidies of Tonmge and Poundage, and tyof 12 d. in over and above all additiojial Duties, Impofitions and other Duties whatfoever, by any other Aift or Adls of the Pound laid Parliament, or otherwife how^foever already due and payable, or which ought to be paid to his Majefty, his imported"" ^ Heirs or Succefl'ors, for or upon any Goods or Merchandizes, which, from and after the firil Day of March, ' which fliall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and forty-feen, fliall be imported or brought into the Kingdom of Great Britain, one further Subfidy of Poundage of twcK'e Pence in the Pound fhall be paid to his Majefty, his Heirs or Succefl'ors, upon all Manner of Goods or Merchandizes to be im- ported or brought into this Realm, or any his Majefty's Dominions to the fame belonging, at any Time or Times after the laid firft Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and forty-fcven, by the Importer of fuch Goods or Merchandizes, before the landing thereof, according to the feveral particular Rates and Va- as valued in the 'ues of the fame Goods and Merchandizes, as the fame are now particularly and refpeftively rated and va- Bookcf Rates lued, in the refpedive Books of Rate referred to by the Afts of the twelfth Year of the Reign ot' King jiCar. 2. c. 4. Charles the Second, and the eleventh Year of his late Majefty, or by any other Act or Acts of Par- and II Geo. i. jjgi^jjefif . g^j fg after that Rate or Value, or which do now pay any Duty adl alorcm. u^'t d E ft Vi. And whereas it may happen, that feveral Goods and Merchandizes may be imported by the Eaji India Goods to ' India Company, v^hich are not rated by anyA£lof Parliament;' Be it enacled by the Authority afore- pay 5 J. per faid. That all fuch unrated Goods and Merchandizes fhall pay the faid Subfidy of Y'we pir Ccrdum, grante.l Cent, on the by this Adf on the grols Price for which the Goods {hall be fold at the Candle, without r.ny Allowance or pofs Price. DeduiSHon whatfoever ; and that nothing in this Act fhall any ways alter the prefent Alethod of ci^mpu- ting the reduced Value and Duties at prefent payable upon unrated Eajl Indir} Goods, but the fanie fhall be computed as if this prefent A£t had never been made ; and the Subiidy hereby granted ilull be paid by the faid United Eaji India Company, at the fame Times as the other Subfidies on E.:/l India Goods imported by the faid Company are now due and payable ; any Law or Cuftom to the contrary notwithftanding. Duties how to HI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforelaid. That the Subiidy of Poundage hereby granted, bcjevied, &c. fl;)all he raifed, levied and collefted by the refpecSfive Officers of his Majefty's Cuftoms in this Kingdom, under the Management and Direflion of the refpeftive Commiffioners of the Cuftoms for the time being ; and fliall be brought and paid, or anfwered, into the Receipt of his Majefty's Exchequer, for the Purpoles in this A&i mentioned (iuch additional Charge as fliall be ncceflary for the Management of this Revenue only excepted) and that all and every the Claui'es, Powers, Directions, Penalties, Forfeitures, Matters and Things whatfoever contained in the faid AS: of the twelfth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Se- cond, or in any other Laws or Statutes whatfoever now in Force, for raifing, levying, colleiSling, anfwcring ajid paying the Subfidy of Tonnage and Poundage thereby granted, Ihall be applied, pra(5lifed, and put into Execution, for the raifing, levying, feciiring, coUefting, anfwcring and paying the Subfidy of Pound-.^ age by this A(5l granted, as fully and effedlually, to all Intents and Purpofes, as if all and every the (aid Claufes, Powers, Diredlions, Penalties and Forfeitures, were particularly repeated and a;^ain enabled in the Body of this prefent AiSl. Not to extend to jy_ Provided always, That nothing herein contained fliall extend, or be conftrued to extend, to any itw noi"trp"o- Goo^sor Merchandizes which were or are now allowed by the faid AQ. of the twelfth Year of the Reign of ' K:n!;