ii-i C, 24 26. Anno vlcefimo primo Ge org 11 II. A. D. 1748. ceive any Part of the faiJ Half-pay; that no Chaplain of any Garrifon or Regiment, who has any Eccle- fiaftical Benefice in Great Britnin or Ireland, Avail have or receive any Par; of the faid Half-pay; that no Perfon fhall have or receive any Part of the fame, who has refigned his Commiffion, and has had no Com- d miffion fmce; that no Part of the fame fliall be allowed to any Perfon by virtue of any Warrant or Appoint- fl ment except to fuch Perfons, who would have been otherwife intitled to the fame as reduced Officers; and that no Part of the fame fliall be allowed to any of the Officers of the five Regiments of Dragoons, and eight Regiments of Foot, lately difbanded in Ireland, except to fuch as were lately taken off the Eftablilh- | ment of Half-pay in Great Britain. BOGCO...C.36. ' XXV. And_whereas by an M ^ ^ . ^^ ^ ._ ^ ^ ^^ ^ _^^^_ ^._^.__ ^ ^ ^ _ ^^_ ^_ __ .^_^^ the z Troops of Horft: Guard';, &c. lately re- duced. . . . "f Money for the t^fes and Purpofes therein mentioned; and for the further appropriating the Supplies granted in - this SeJTton of Parliament; and for applying a certain Sum of Money for defraying the Charge of the Allovjance$ ' to feveral Officers and private Gentlemen of the two Troops of Horfe Guards, and three Kegiments of Horfe, ' lot eh reduced, for the Year one th oiif and f even hundred and forty f even; and for continuing the Bounties en ' the Exportation of Britifti wz^/Irifh coayfc Linens) feveral Supplies which had been granted to his Majelty, ' as is therein mentioned, were appropriated to feveral Ufes and Purpofes therein expreffed, amongfl: which, ' any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding twenty-nine thoufand nine hundred fourteen Pounds fifteen ' Shillings and ten Pence, was appropriated to be paid to the reduced Officers of his Majefty's J^and Forces ' and Marines, fubjedl neverthelefs to fuch Rules to be obferved in the Application of the faid Half-pay, ' as in and by the aforefaid Aft were prefcribed in that Behalf;' Now it is hereby provided, enacted and de- The Surplus of clared by the Authority aforefaid, That fo much of the faid Sum of twenty-nine thoufand nine hundred lad Yeai^s fourteen Pounds fifteen Shillings and ten Pence, as is or (hall be more than fufficient to fatisfy the faid re- Haif-pay, to be (juced Officers according to the Rules prefcribed by the faid Aft to be obferved in the Application thereof, applied to fuch ^^ ^ pgj.(. gf 'fuch Overplus, fhall or may be difpofed of to fuch Officers who are maimed or loft their Objeasashis jr^j^j^g j^^ ^j^^ j^^g Wars, or fuch others, as by reafon of their long Service, or otherwife, his Majefty fhall dircft/ '^ judge to be proper Objefts of Charity; or to the Widows or Children of fuch Officers, according, to fuch Warrant or Warrants, under his Majefty's Royal Sign Manual, as fhall be figned in that Behalf; any thing in this Aft, or the faid former Aft, to the contrary notwithftanding. S.S?! 1. ss. to XXVI. And it is hereby likewife enacted, That out of the Monies or Savings arifing from the Money ' ' " granted by Parliament, for the Relief and Provifion of the Widows of Officers, who have been killed or died in the Service, there fhall and may be ifiued and applied, by any Warrant or Warrants of his iMa- iefty under his Royal Sign Manual, any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding eight thoufand eight hun- dred'fifty-one Pounds five Shillings, for defraying the Charge of Allowances to feveral Officers and private Gentlemen of two Troops of Horfe Guards, and three Regiments of Horfe, lately reduced, together with the incident Charo-es arifing therefrom, for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and forty- ^'^^^' CAP. XXIV. An Aft for building a Church in the Town of Liverpool, in the County Palatine of Lancajicr, and for enliohtening and cleanfing the Streets of the faid Town, and for keeping and maintaining a Nightly Watch there. PR. „ ,„ _ CAP. XXV. An Aft for repairing the Roads leading horn Sutton Colefield Common to the Town o^ TFalfall, and from Sneals Green to Walfall, and from IValfall to Park Brook, which divides the Parifhes of Wolverhampton and ' Wcdjall, and from Gibbet Lane to JVolverhampton, and from Compton to the End of the County of Stafird, and from Wolverhampton to the Wcrgs, and from thence to fhifnall, and from the If 'ergs to Hales Heath, and from Wolverhampton to Cannock JVood in the Road to Lichfield. P R, Certain Tolb granted for zi Years. C A P. XXVI. An Aft for explaining, amending and enforcing an A61 made in the eighteenth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An A3 for frolpibiting ihi JJ-'earir.g and hr.pj-iation of Camb'i'icks and French Lawns. 38iGco. I. c, 36. ' T /HERE AS by an Aft made in the eighteenth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty (intituled, ' W An /Ut for prohibiting the ff^earing and Importation of Camhricks and 'hi-cnch L ivns) it is (amongit ' other Things) enafted, That from and after the twenty-fourth Day of June which ftiall be in the Yer.r ' of our Lord'^one thoufand feven hundred and forty-eight, it fhall not be lawful for any Perfon or Per- ' fons whatfoever to wear in Great Britniu, in any Gannent or Apparel whatfoever, any Cambrick or • French I/awn, under Penalty to the Informer of five Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain, for every ' fuch Offence, being thereof lawfully conviftcd by the Oath or Oaths of one or more "Witnefs or Wit- ' neffes, before any one or more Juftice or Juftices of the Pence, to be_ levied and recovered as is therein ' direfted : And whereas it is further cnadfed by the aforefaid Aft, That from and after the fitid twenty- ' fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and forty-eight, if any Perfon fliall vend, utter, fell cr ' expofe to 'Sale, any Cambricks or French Lawns, made or not inade up, fuch Perfon or Perfons fo vcn.- ' ing, uttering, felling or expofing the fame to Sale (except for Exportation only) who fliall be thereof ' convifted, mall forfeit and pay "the like Sum of five Pounds, to be recovered and levied as aforefaid : And
- whereas it is further provided and declared by the faid Aft, That if any Perfon fliall, after the faid
' twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand ftven hundred and forty-eight, be profecuted for weai-ing fuch 3 Cambrick