Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/162

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ii8 C. 29. Anno vicefimo piimo G E R G 1 1 II. A. D. 174B, and piiblick Charges of the faid City, and for the further Relief of the Orphans and other Creditors of the faid City, by fecuring to them the yearly Intereft of four Pounds on every hundred Pounds of their Princi- pal Debt, until the faid Principal Debt fhall be paid oif and di'charncd ; JMay it plcafe your Majefty that it may be enatfled, and be it enacted by the Fling's mofi Excellent Majcily, by and with the Advice and Con- lent of tlic Lards Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prelent Parliament alFembled, and by the The Ddty of Authority of the lame, That the faid Inipofition of fix Pence'for every Chjldron or Ton of Coals fo im- 6(1. per cbal- ported, granted by the fail Act to the Mayor, Commonalty and Citizens of the (hid City of London, during dron on C"nis j-iig Term of fifty Years, for the Purpofes therein mentioned, Ihall be and is hereby continued for the fur- conrinued tor ther Term of thirty -five Ycars, from the Expiration of the faid Term of fifty Years ; and that all and 35 '^" every the Powers, Authorities, Diredions and Provifions, contained in the faid Act, for the colledling, le- vying and recovering of the faid Impoiition, and all the Penalties thereby impofed, and Regulations therein made, for preventing of Fraud and Covin, fhall remain and be in Force, and by virtue of this Act fhall and may be exercifed and put in Ure, for the collefting, levying and recovering the faid Impofition, for and du- ring all the Time by this Act limited and appointed for the Payment thereof, as if the fame were exprefly to be paid into mentioned in this prefent Afl: ; all which Monies fo to be received upon Account of the faid Impofition here- the Chamber of by continued for the further Term of thirty-five Years, fhall, from time to time, be paid into the Receipt of London. the Chamber of the City of London, and fhall be appropriated to the Purpofes herein after declared ; that is to fay, the yearly Sum of three thoufand Pounds, for and during the faid Term of thirty-five Years, fhall be 3^^0001. to be p^jj |_^y jj^^ Chamberlain of the faid City for the time being, out of the Produce of the faid Impofition, to to'thrMercers the Wardens and Commonalty of the Myftery of Mercers of the City of London, by half-yearly Payments ; Company. that IS to fay, on the tv/enty-nfth Day of March, and the twenty-ninth Day of September, or within four- teen Days after the fame refpeitively fhall become due ; to be applied by the faid Wardens and Commonalty of the Myfiery of Mercers of the City of London, towards the Payment of Annuities, and other Debts, Application of J" ^"^"h Manner as by any A6tof Parliament is or fliall be dire£ted ; and the Refidue of the Produce of the tiieReiidue. faid Impofition, during the faid l^erm of thirty-five Years, fhall be, and is hereby appropriated to make Part of the aforcfaid Fund, for paying the Intereft on the Principal Debt owing to the Orphans and other Creditors of the faid City of Londcn, in the fam.e Manner as the prefent Impofition of fix Pence on every Chaldron or Ton of Coals, fo imported as aforefaid, is by the faid Aft appropriated. After 19 Sept. jj- ^j^j j^g j^ further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid nine and twentieth v-nu'sVf the" ^'^'i oi Septe7nber, which ihall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and fifty, all and City to be char- every the Manors, Meilliages, Lands, Tenements, Markets, Fairs, and the Duties thereof, and all other ged with 2,oool. the Revenues of. and belonging to the laid City oi London, in Pofieffion or Reverfion, fhall ftand and he annually. charged with the full yearly Sum of two thoui'and Pounds and no more (over and above the faid yearly Sum of eight thoufand Pounds) which yearly Sum of two thoufand Pounds is hereby appropriated and enacted to be applied to the fame L'fes to which the faid yearly Sura of eight thoufand Pounds is by the faid Aft made liable. ' III. And whereas the Fund appropriated by the faid Aft, for Payment of the yearly Intereft of four ' Pounds for every hundred Pounds of the Principal Debt due to the Orphans and other Creditors of the ' City of London, has produced a very large Surplus (over and above fufiicient to pay the faid Intereft) in- ' eluding the Sum of twenty-one thoufand feven hundred thirty-five Pounds feventeen Shillings and nine ' Pence, due from the Mayor, Commonalty and Citizens of the faid City of London, to the faid Fund, on ' the twenty-fourth Day of June now laft paft, to make good the yearly Sum of two thoufand Pounds, ' which, by virtue of the faid Aft, ought to have been raifed on the Perfonal Eftates of the feveral Inhabi- ' tants within the faid City : And whereas it is fit and rcafonable, that the faid Surplus as alfo all other Sur- "•' plufli;s which fiiall arifj from the faid Fund, as fettled by the iaid Aft, to the nine and twentieth Day of ' September, which fliall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and fifty, and from the ' Fund as fettled by this Aft from the laft-mentioned Day, fliould be applied, from time to time, to pay off ' and difcharge fuch Part of the Principal Debt owing by the faid Mayor, Commonalty, and Citizens, under Lord Mayor and ' the faid Aft, as the fame will amount unto :' Be it therefore further enadtcd by the Authority aforcfaid. That Aldermen im- the Court of Mayor and Aldermen of the faid City oi London fhall be, and is hereby inipowered and direft- powered to pay gj to order the Cliamheilain of the faid City, out of any Monies in his Hands, arifing from the Impofitions "^ i'T, r,'a '1°' ^"^ Duties appropriated to pay the faid Intereft on the Principal Debt due to the Orphans, and other Crc- upon tl'e'recited 'J'tors of the fitid City, after referving fufHcicnt Monies to pay and difcharge all Intcrell which at that Time A(ft. may be due on the faid Principal Debt, or fuch Part thereof as fhall be then unpaid, to pay to any Perfon or Perfons, as the faid Court fliall think fit, fuch Sum or Sums of Money as fliall be due to him, her or them, for Principal and Intereft, by virtue of the faid Aft, giving three Months Notice to or for the Perfon ^Months No- "'" Persons fo to be paid olF and difcharged ; at the End of v>-hich three Months, upon Payment or Tcnder- tlce of i'ayment ing of the faid Monies due for Principal and Intereft, to or for the Perfon or Perfons to whom fuch Notice to be given. fliall be given, according to the Provifion hereby made, at the Oflice of the faid, in GuUdball, London, then and from thenceforth the Intereft payable to fuch Perfon or Perfons, to whom fuch Notice, Payment or Tender fliall be given or made, fliall ceafe and determine ; nevcrthelefs the Monies fo tendered ftiall be paid to fuch Perfon or Perfons, iipon their Demand, and giving a Difcharge for the fame ; and the Principal Debt fo paid ofi^ fhall be annihilated. Orphans to be |y_ Provided, That no Perfon, being an Orphan of the faid City of London, under the Age of twenty- puid lail. ^,^^ Years, fhall have the Principal Debt due to fuch Orphan paid oft" and difcharged, fo long as there (hall be any Perfon,. not an Orphan under the Age of twenty-one Years, Proprietor of any Part of the faid Prin- cipal Debt due to the Orphans and other Creditors of the laid City. Chamberlain to y. And bc it further cnafted by the Authority aforcfaid. That after the faid twenty-ninth Day of Sep- plilitmrat'an ^"'1"^^ which fhall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and fifty, the Chamberiain of Ac'cpunt'^of the the City of London for the time being fnall, as foon as. may be, lay before each Houfc of Parliament an Ac- count