c c A. D. i'74^. Anno vicefimo primo Georgii II. C. 30. 119 count of the Surplus arifen from the faid Fund to the twenty-fourth Day of June preceding, with an Ac- Surplus of the count how much thereof {hall have been then applied to the Payment of the Principal Debt, and alfo how f»i"l, and the much of the faid Principal Debt fhall be then owing ; and fliall afterwards, every Year, lay before each ^^f" "ndiichar- Houfe of Parliament an Account of the Surplus which fliall have arifen in that Year, to the tv.-cnty-fourth ^"^ ' Day of June preceding, hov7 much thereof fhall have been applied to the Payment of the faid Principal Debt, and how much of the laid Debt fhall then remain unpaid. VI. And be it further enafted, That if any Aftion, Plaint, Suit or Information, fhall be commenced orLimit.uion of profecuted againft any Perfon or Perfons, for what he or they fhall do in purfuance or in the Execution of A'-^'<>"=- this Atf, fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall or may plead the General Ifilie thereunto ; and upon Trial of any If- General iffue, fue joined, may give this A£t and the Special Matter in Evidence ; and if the Plaintiff or Profecutor fhall become nonfuit, or forbear further Profecution, or fuffer Difcontinuance, or if a Verdicf pafs againft him, the Defendant or Defendants fliall recover their Cofls ; for which he or they fhall have the like Remedy, as in any Cafe where Coftrs by Law are given to Defendants. VII, And be it enatfed by the Authority aforefaid, That this prefent Adl fhall be accepted, taken, and be Publkk Afl, reputed to be a General AiSof Parliament ; of which all and every the Judge and Judges of this Kingdom, in all Courts, fhall take Notice on all Occafions whatfoever, as if it were a Publick Ait of Parliament re- lating to the whole Kingdom. - CA p V'YV' For former -'^ ••■ • -i^i^-Ci.. Lnms corcernhg An A£l for encouraging the making of Indico in the Britijh Plantations in America. rl'fo- to j,. car. 7.. c. ig. 15 Car, 2. c. 7. 42©' IT Car.z. c. 6. 2; Car. 1. c, 7. 7 &" S fF. 3. c. 21. 11 BK 3. c. 72. 3 & 4 ^m. c. 5 fe? 10. 6 Ann. c. 30 Sf 37. S /'Im:. c. 13. ^ Aim. c. ly & z-j. 10 Ace, c. 22 & ^6. 4 Cio. I. c. Ji. 8 Gto. i, «. 12 £? 15. 13 Geo. i. c 5, 3 Giro. 2. f, 12 fif 28. 4 Geo. 2, c. 15. ^Gca, f. 7 ©■ 9.
- "^TT" HERE AS the making of Indico in the Britijh Plantations in Jmerica would be advantageous to
W the Trade of this Nation, as great Qiiantities are ufed in dying the Manufadtures of this King- dom; which at prefent being furnifhed from Foreign Parts, the Supply of that necefl'ary Commodity is ' become at all Times uncertain, and the Price frequently exorbitant : And whereas the Culture thereof
- has been found to fucceed fo well in the Provinces of South and North Carolina, that there is Reafon to
- hope, by a proper Encouragement, the fame may be encreafed and improved to fuch a Degree, as not only
- to anfwer all the Demands of his Majeffy's Britijh Suhje&s, but furnifli confiderable Quantities top'oreign
' Markets;' Be it therefore enafted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confentof the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That from and after the twenty-fifth Day oi March one thoufand feven hundred 6d. per Pound and forty-nine, all and every Perfon or Perfons who fliall import, or caufe to be imported into this King- i^ra:mium ai- dom, direflly from any of the Britijl: Coloiiics or Plantations in America, in any Ship or Vellel, Ships or '°*"^ ""'"^ Vellels, that may lawfully trade to his R^^ajefty's Plantations, manned as by Law is required, any good and i,™i'°oof'"h merchantable Indico, free from any falfe Mixtures, and fit for Dyers Ufe, being the Growth or ProduiSl of Growth of the .the Colony or Plantation from whence the fame is imported, fhall have, and be intitled to, a Reward or Eritidi Pbnu- Pramium for fuch Importation, after the Rate of fix Pence for every Pound Wei„2;ht of fuch Indico fo im~ 'i°"S' ported as aforefaid, under fuch Regulations as are herein after mentioned, to be paid upon Demand to the importer of fuch Indico, by the Colleftor of the Port where the fame fliall be imported, out of the Cuftoms ; and in cafe the CoUeftor of the Port where the fame fliall be imported fhall not have Money fuiHcient in his Hands, he is hereby required to certify the fame to the Commiflioners of the Cuftoms, who fliall caufe the fame to be paid by the Receiver General of his Majeffy's Cufl:oms (the Bounty of the Indico imported into £iiglaizd to be paid by the Receiver General of the Cuftoms in England, and of that imported into Scotland to be paid by the Receiver General there.) II. And, in order to intitle the Importer of the aforefaid Indico to fuch Pra?7iiu?n, as well as to prevent Frauds by importin!| Foreign Plantation-made Indico, or any falfe Mixtures in what is made in the Britijh Plantations, with a view of recovering the. Pre?niu)n ; Be it further ena£led by the Authority aforefaid. That Perfons loading all and every Perfon or Perfons, Merchant, Trader, or Fatlor, loading any Indico on board any Ship or '"<'"^°= '" V'"- Veflel, in any of the SnV//?) Colonies or Plantations m America, fliall, before the clearing out of the faid ^^'"^"J^^^i^^" ■ Ship for any Port of Great Britain, produce to the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Colleiflor and Comp- planter of the troller of the Cuftoms, and Naval Officer, or any two of them, a Certificate or Certificates, figned and Growth and fwrorn to beforeany Juftice of the Peace in the faid Britifh Colonies or Plantations, by the Planter or Plant- Quantity; ers of the faid indico, or his or their known Agent or Faiffor, that a Quantity of Indico, expreffing the Weight thereof, had been fent from the faid Planter's Indico Work or Plantation, where the fame v/as made, in order to be fhipped off-", or fold by him to the Perfon or Perfons therein named, and was of the Grov/th and Produce of the faid Planter's Plantation, fituate in the Diftricl:, Divifion or parifh of within theifland or Colony of which faid Certificate or Certificates fhall be attefted by the faid Juftice of the Peace to have been figned and fworn to in his Prefcnce, who is hereby required to du the fame without any Fee or Reward. III. And be it further enafled. That the Perfon or Perfons, Merchant, Trader or Faftor fliall, at the andalfo to /igna Time of his producing fuch Certificate, fign alfo a Certificate before the faid Governor, Lieutenant Go- *^'^"''^.^'<= ^=»': Vernor, Colledfor and Comptroller of the Cuftoms, and Naval Officer, or any two of them, that the Indico^ '"!*'" ""'"^ Vhich he or they have fiiipped on Board the faid Ship or Veflel, is the fame mentioned in the faid Certifi-"J„,°j •l^^,"'"' •Gate or Certificates ; and thereupon the faid Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Collector and Comptroller of faidCeulScate. the Cuftoms, and Naval Officer, or any two of them, are hereby authorized and required to deliver to fuch _ Perfon or Perfons a Certificate, under their Hands and Seal of OfHce, of his or their having received fjch Ceitificate or Certificates ; and that at the fame Time one or more Certificate or Certificates of the fcveral Planter