i¥.-. Di 1749.' Anrto vice-iimo fecundo G e o r g 1 1 II. C. 1 1 . 123 ■ ' fand Acres, or thereabouts, the Boundaries whereof are as followeth ; that is to fay, beginning at a Bai k ' called the TtveKty Feet Bank or Black Bank, next adjoining to a fToufe now in Poireffion of Thoiiun Rogers ; ' and from thence along by the Side of the Oatring Ditch, next the Lands called North Mead Lands, to a
- Place called the JVeJl iP^ater; and from thence along by the faid Water to a Place called Copens Cwner
- and from thence to Somerfljam Turnpike Bridge, on the Eafl: Side of Land formerly called the Old If'c/l
' JFater; and from thence back again by a Common called the Miles, along by the Eafi: Side of a Piece of ' Land called the Parfonagc Lot, to a Gate which leads to a Piece of Land nov/ in Pofleflion of Thomas' '• Want and from thence along by the Bank Side of the faid Land to the End of a Ditch, lying between' ' a Lot of Land now or late in Poffeffion of JVilUam Tho^npfon, Efquirc, and certain other Lots of Land,' now
VoSeSion oi yohn Goodjellozv and William Archdeacon, to a Place called Long Drove; and from
- thence crofs the faid Drove, at the Lot of Land in Pofleflion of the faid JVilliam Archdeacon, and along by
- a Ditch leading between two Lots of Land, now in PofTefTion oi IJaac Stephens, to certain Low Lands,
- new in PofTeflion of Ifaac Woollajion, Efquire; and from thence round by the Side of certain High Lands,'
- now in Pofl'effion of the faid Ifaac Woollqfton, to a Place called Crofs Drove, at the upper End of a Place
'^called Crofs Lakes ; and from thence back again by the faid Crofs Drove Side, next the faid Crofs Lakes,
- to a Place called Long Drove; and from thence along by the Ends of feveral Lots of Land, now in Po!-
'^■feffion of Jane Leads, Widow, William Thompfon, Ei'quire, and Thomas Want, next the faid Long Drove, to ' a Place oppofite to the End of a Ditch betv/een certain Lots of Land, lying on the Weft Side of Long
- Drove, now in PofTeflion of fames Hubbard and John Leeds, to a Place called Parkel Lot Side; and from
- . thence to_ a Place called Slyer Ditch, and along by the faid Ditch to a Place oppofite to certain Low
- ■ Lands belonging to Ifaac Woollajion, before named ; and from thence crofs a Drove called Rumbalds Drovc'y
- ' along by the Side of the adjacent High Lands, to a Place called Somerjham Meadoiv Dike, and along by
- the Side of the faid Meadow to the oppofite End of a Place called Little Land Flood, belonging to certain
- Clofes called College Clofes ; and from thence along by certain High Lands, to a Place known by the
- .' Name of So7nerJham Low Wood Corner ; and from thence along So7nerJham Loiu Wood, and a Place known - —
- by the Name of Fernhill Bottom, to a Dole next adjoining to a Place called Pidlcy Drove, now or late in
- * PofTeflion of Agnes Cope, Widow, and from thence crofs a Place called the Drove, and round by the Side
- of Pidley Meadoiu, to a Dike between a Place called Upper Lunch Ground, and certain Lands now or late
- in PofTeiiion oi Agnes Cope, Widow, along to certain Lands next adjoining to a Place called Fenton Drove,
' now in Fo&ffion of William Thompfon, Efouire, before-named; and from thence along Lands next ad-
- "joining to a Drove called Fenton Drove, in PofTeflion of the faid JFilHa?n Thompfon, and along' by the laid
' Drove to the further End- thereof; and from thence to the Side of the High Lands, and round by a Farm ' called Rovjcy Farm ; and from thence to the middle Hedge of certain Land now in PofTeflion of IVilUam Pag-
- get, Efquire, called Pag^cts Great G?-ound ; and from thence along by Fenton Load to a Dike between a Farm
' belonging to Mary TJnSenvood, called Hither High Fen Farm ; and a Farm belonging to Charles Leeds ; and ' from thence along by the faid Dike to a Drain, called the Tzvelve Foot Drain ; and along by a Bank on
- the Weft Side of the faid Drain to a Place called Hammonds Eau ; and from thence along by the North
'Side of Fen Ground, belonging to Ifaac Wollajlon, Efquire, before-named, to Somerfiam Turnpike- bridge ; ' and from thence along the Eafl Side of SomerJl)am Turnpike Road to a Place called the Ferry Chehri, ' ot^Tv.'k Chatteris Ferry; and from thence along by the Otitring Ditch next adjoining to a Common
- known by the Name of Fet-ry Burrows, to another Common called Horfeload Fen ; and from thence along by
- the Outring Ditch, next adjoining to the faid Fen, formerly known by the Name of Snares Load, to a Tun-
' nel lying under and through a Bank called Iretorts Way or Bank, and from thence along by the Outring ■' Ditcli, which parts certain Grounds called Mepall Severals, from a Common called Block Fen, and the ' Outring Ditch which parts Chatteris Severals, and the faid Block Fen, to the faid Bank called Iretons JP^ay, ' o'therwife Mepall Bank ; and from thence along by the faid Way or Bank to Chatteris Common, near to a ' Place there called Wenny ; and from thence along by the Ouring Ditch, which parts the Lands now in Pof-
- feflion of AdatthewWyldbore, Efquire, and ethers, from a Place called Chatteris Common, to a Common Fen
■* called Long IVood. Fen Coirmwn ; and from thence along by the Outring Ditch, which divides certain Land, ■* now in PofTefTion of John Marriott, from the laft-mentioncd Common, and along the Outring Ditch of ' certain Land, now in Pofleflion of Francis Pemberton, Clerk, to certain Land called Bi/liops Land, now ' in PofTefTion o Alark Gretton, Clerk ; and from thence along by the faid Ditch, next adjoining to a Com-
- liion called Chatteris Common, to a Bank called the Forty Foot Bank, and fo along by the faid Bank to a
'. Place called Welches Dam ; and from thence along by the Bank called the Twenty Foot Bank, or Black ' Bank, to the Divifion Dike between the Houfe of Thomas Rogers before-named, and the faid North Mead ' Lands ; and all that Traft of Land called IFeJl?noor Beezlings and Ref.idge, beginning from and at a Drain ' called the Forty Foot Drain ; and from thence along by a Part of Chatteris Co7rimon called Curfe ; and from
- thence abutting upon and againfl: Land called />'^/'/A'y ; and upon a Common called Under U'llley, to thc-
' End of certain Land next adjoining to a Place cixWed Hive End Bttrroivs, now in Pofleflion of iv/i!/,7?Y'
- ' Doyly ; and from thence along by the Outring Ditch of certain other Lands, now in Pofleflion of the faid Ed-
'. ward Doyiey, Gotohcd Eafl, Thomas S?fiitb, John Marriott, and others, to Part of a Common called Chatteris
- Mow, oihiirvnfe Acre Fen ; and from thence along by the Outring Ditch next the id. Movj, otherwife
- Acre Fen, to a Piece of Land formerly called the Wejl Water, otherwife Old JVell Water ; and from thence
'along by the faid Land, tj certain Land now in Poflii'fiion of 'ix Thomas Peyton, Baronet; and from
- thence along by the Outiing Ditch between the Land of the faid Sir Thomas Peyton, and Land now or late
' in PofTefTion of Rebecca Clark, Benjamin Skeeles, and the Heirs of Robert Skeeles, to a Drove called Beezlings ' Drove; and from thence along by the Eafl: Side of the faid Drove, to the aforefaid Drain called the Forlv ' Foot Drain ; and from thence along by the faid Drain, to the aforefaid Piece of Chatteris Common called ' Curfe ; and from thence along by the faid Common, to a Place called Carters Bridge ; are (except certain ' Parts and Parcels thereof, which are herein after defcribed and excepted) fubjeiS to Inundations through ' ' the Defeat pf their Outfals to Sea, and are in Danger of beir.g rendered ufelefs, to the great Damage and Lnpoverifiament