I j6 C. 19. Anno vicellmo fecundo Georgii II. A. D. r 749- rend Divifion ; and a!! thofc Fen Lands and Low Grounds called The Setts, Great Oldcameere, and Near V/ype., coiitainiiig by Eftimation ojie thout'ant! Acres, be the fame more or lefs, and bounded as follows ; to v/it, I'^rom J-f'pittUfey Dyke, over-againft Enjirey Lake, by the Half Severals and Fields belonging to fizTov:noi JVhittlcLy, to a Droveway leading from JVhitflcfey to Eajrrey called thz Csimnon Half-acre (excluding the faid Half Sclerals and Fields] and from the Common Half-acre, by a Droveway leading to the Half Severals called the Fen Lots (excluding the faid Half Severals called the Fen Lots, and inclu- ding the Whole Severals called the Fen Lets) and from the faid Fen Lots by Eajlrcy-field to Coates ; and from Coates by Kclfuirs Lands and the faid Thomas Moore'% thirteen Acres at Lipnea ; and from the faid Thomas Moore Lands at Lipnea, by a Droveway leading to Beggars Bridge ; and from Beggars Bridge, by Bevill's River to TVhitllefey Dyke near Angle Bridge ; and from Angle Bridge by the faid IFhittlefey Dyke to Ea/irey I,ake aforefaid, do conftitute the third Divifion ; and all thofe Fen Lands and Low Grounds, called by ihe Names of the Far Doles in Far JVype, Little Oldeamsere, The Turves, and Eajlrey Fen, containing by Ertimation two thoufand Acres, bathe fame more or lefs, and bounded as follows ; to wit, By Bevill's Ri- ver from Angle Corner (excluding the River E mk from Angle Corner to Angle Bridge) to Shaz'fs Dyke, and by Shaiu's Dyke to fVhittlefey Dyke, and by Whittlefey Dyke to Angle Bridge (excluding the faid Bridge) do confiitute the fourth Divifion ; and all thofe Fen Lands and Low Grounds called Glaffmoore, containing by Eftimation five thoufand Acres, be the (iime more or lefs, and bounded as follows ; to wit. From Angle Bridge by J'Vlnttlefey Dyke to a Dyke dividing the Lands in the Occupation of Peter Huffield and Lands of George Watfon from the Lands of fohn Stcna the Elder ; from the Lands of the faid John Stona the Elder along the faid Lands by the faid Dyke to the South Side of a Droveway called Forth's Drove ; and along the faid Drove Weft, to the Weft Side of a Dyke dividing the Lands of Henry Coventry Efquire, and David Searle (and excluding the faid Henry Coventry's Lands) and along the faid Lands of the (aid David Searle by the faid Dyke to the South End of a Drove called Roger's Drove ; and along the faid Drove ^Veft to the Wefl: Side of a Dyke dividing other Lands of the faid Henry Coventry from Lands belonging to the faid Town of TVhittlefey (but excluding the faid Henry Coventry's Lands) and along the faid Lands belonging to the faid Town oiM^ittlefey by the faid Dyke to Lands of Thomas Ground; and along the faid Lands by the faid Dyke to the South Side of Benivick Drove ; and along the faid Drove Weft to the Eaft End of fourteen Acres of "Jolm Daiukings ; and from the faid fourteen Acres to the Land of ydm Laxon Efquire, Francis Ibhertfon, and James Whittome (including the fame Lands) to a Droveway called Angle Bridge Drove ; and along the faid Drove a Dyke dividing the Lands of Samuel Hawkins from Ram- fey Lot Drove ; along the faid Lands of Samuel Hawkins by the fame Dyke to Lands of Richard Speechly ; along the faid Lands by the fame Dyke to the Lands of Tlnmas Beaver ; and along the faid Lands of Tho- mas Beaver by the fame Dyke to Eight Acres of the Earl JValdgrave ; and along the faid Eight Acres to a Dyke dividing the fame from the Lands of Coulfon Fcllowes Efquire, (excluding the faid I^ands of the faid Coidfon Fellowes) and from the faid Eight Acres by the fame Dyke to a Stow or Gapftead of the faid Earl Wcildgrave ; and from the faid Stow or Gapftead along other Lands of the faid Earl by the faid Dyke to the Lands of TVilliatn Plummer; and along the faid Lands of the hid IPllliam Plummer hy the fame Dyke to Lands of the Earl of Lincoln ; and by the fame Dyke to Delph Dyke otherwife Sword Dyke ; and by Sword Dyke to Bevill's River at Pond's Bridge, and by Bevill's River to JVhittlefey Dyke at A?igle Corner ; and from Angle Corner by JVhittlefey Dyke to Angle Bridge aforeiaid ; do conftitute the fifth Divifion : And whereas the laid Fen Lands and Low Grounds do naturally produce great Quantities of Corn and Grain, and alfo Forage for Cattle, to the great Benefit of the Owners thereof, and the Advantage of the Pubiick ; but by reafonof their flat Situation, and the DdsSt of their Outfalls to the Sea, the fame are liable to be overthrown, and covered with Water, and cannot be drained, and kept dry, unlefs fome Powers and Pro- vifions be made and given for that Purpofe, by Authority of Parliament :' Wherefore to the End and In- tent that the faid Lands and Grounds may be more effectually drained, and preferved for the future, for the Benefit of the Proprietors thereof, and of the Pubiick ; May it pleafe your moft Excellent R'lajefty, that it may be enafted, &c.
- ' CommifEoners for the feveral Divifions impowered to make Works for draining the Lands. Juftices to
" determine Differences. Commiffioners to meet twice a Year, to make Orders for draining the Grounds. " No new Cut to be made in any whole Lands for conveying theV/ater from ar.y Mill. Commiffioners im- " powered to appoint Officers. Commiffioners impowered to make a yearly Acre-rate, viz. For King's " Delph, being the firft Divifion, not exceeding 5 s.per Acre, in the firft Year, and 2 s. an Acre in any " other Year ; for the other Divifions, z s. 6 d. an Acre in the firft Year, and i ^. 6 d. in any other Year. " On Default of Payment, the Rates to be levied by Diftrefs and Sale. Tenants to pay the Rates, and
- ' deduiif the fame out of the Rents. Power of diftraining on Lands unoccupied. Upon Death, U'c. of
" Commiffioners, others to be chofen. loo /. Penalty on wilful damaging, isfc. the Works. To be levied " by Diftrefs and Sale. For want of Diftrefs, the Perfon to be committed. Pcrfons convicted of fetting " Fire to, or deftroying any of the Works, to be tranfported as Felons. Commiffioners and Land Owners " to adjuft the Accounts yearly. In cafe of Difagreement two Juftices to determine the Difference. 10 s. " Penalty on making Watering Places for Cattle in the Mill -drains. The Droveway and Outring Dykes
- ' to be kept of a fufficient Depth, and 9 Feet broad, and well roaded, ffff. The Homage Jury to be Com-
" miffioners for draining the .Common-field Lands ; and for making an annual Rate, and appointing Offi- " cers. The Rights of the Governor, &c, of Bedford Level, refer'ed. Powers of the Commiffioners not " to extend to certain Lands. Five Commiffioners to determine Difputcs about what Lands are liable to •' be charged." CAP.