Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/181

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A. D. 1749' Anno vicefimo fecundo Georgii II C. 20, gr. 137 C A P. ■ XX. yin Aft for making more efFeftual an Aft paffed in tlie eleventh and twelfth Years of the Reign of King William the Third, for the better preferving the Navigation of the Rivers Avon and' Froome ; and for cleanfing, paving and enhghtening the Streets of the City of Brijlol, fo far as the lame Aft relates to the paving and enlightening the faid Streets ; and for the regulating- Hackney Coachmen, Halliers, Draymen and Carters, and the Markets, and Sellers of Hay and Straw, within the faid City and Liberties thereof. P R. ' H E R E A S by an K& made in the eleventh and twelfth Years of the Reign of his late Majefty , , & , ^ v/. ♦, King William the Third, (intiiis.A, An A£i for the better preferviiig the Navigation of the PJveri c. i-^. ' Avon ajid V rooms. ; and for cleanfing, paving, and ejilightenlng the Streets of the City of Bn^idi) Provifion ' was made for the enlightening the Streets of the City oi Brijiol in Manner therein mentioned ; but which ' hath, in many Inftances, been found infufficient to anfwer the good Purpofes intended by the faid Aft ; ' and more particularly for want of a fufficient Power being vefted in the Juftices of the Peace in their Ge- ' neral Quarter-Seffions to order and oblige the Inhabitants of the feveral Parifhes and Precinds within the ' faid City, to make ufe of publick Lamps within their refpe£tive Pariflies and PreciniJts, and to order the ' Number of fuch Lamps ; and alfo for want of afcertaining a due Length of Time, during which fuch

  • Lamps fhall be kept burning : And for want of eredfing and maintaining a competent Number of fuch
  • publick Lamps, the Citizens and Inhabitants of the faid City are expofed to the Danger of Fires, Mur-

' ders. Burglaries, Robberies, and many other Outrages and Inconveniencies ; and the enlightening of the ' faid Streets is greatly hindred and obftrufled by Signs, which are hung out before the Houfes of feveral

  • Perfons, and which obfcure the fame :' For Remedy whereof, may it pleafe your Majefty that it may be

enafted, ^c. " The Mayor and Juftices to order the Number and Fafhion of the Lamps. Power given for contrafting

  • ' for the erefting of the Lamps ; and for lighting and trimming them. Contradl: to be made but for i Year,
  • ' and not to exceed the Sum rated. Parifh Officers excluded from being interefi:ed in any Contradt. Parifli

" Officers to meet yearly. Rates to be made, and Colledlors to be appointed. Juftices to confirm the Rates.

  • ' Colleftors to make Payment to the Surveyors. Perfons aggrieved may appeal. CoUedlors becoming in-
  • ' folvent, the Rates to be re-aflefled. CoUeflors and Surveyors to account yearly, Wf. on pain of Com-

" mitment. Alderman of the Caftle Precindts to give Notice to the Guardians, firV. of the Poor, to meet " in February yearly. os. Penalty on Perfons breaking or extinguiftiing the Lamps. Mayor and Juftices " to hear Offences. For want of Diftrefs, the Party to be committed. Perfons aggrieved may appeal to " the Quarter-Seffions. Claufes in ii & iz W. III. relating to the enlightening the Streets repealed. The

  • ' Mayor and Juftices to make Orders concerning the Pavement. Surveyors of the Highways to have the

" Charge of paving. Rates to be made for paving. Water falling from the 7^ops of Houfes to be conveyed " by Pipes on the Sides or Fronts. Carriages ufed within the City to be drawn by 3 Horfes only ; the " Wheels not to be bound with Iron Streaks of lefs Breadth than fix Inches. The Mayor and Aldermen,

  • ' iSc, to make Rules for regulating Hackney Coachmen, feV. The Mayor and Common Council to make
  • ' Orders for regulating the new Market. Hay and Straw brought for Sale into 5r//?(7/to be made up into

" TrufFes. TrufiTes of Hay to weigh 56 lb. and of Straw 7 lb. None to gain a Settlement by paying of •' thefe Rates." CAP. XXI. An Aft for explaining and amending an Aft pafied in the feventeenth Year of his prefent Ma- jefty's Reign, intituled, An A£l for raftng and eftabliflnng a Fund for a Provifion for the Wi- dows and Children of the Minijiers of the Church cf Scotland, and of the Htads, Princi/alSf and Majlcrs of the Univerfities of Saint Andrews, Glafgow, a7jd Edinburgh. WHEREAS by an A£l made in the feventeenth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, j, Ceo.i. c. is. An At! far raifiug ayid ejlablifiing a Fund for a Provifion for the JVidows and Children of the Minijhrs of the Church 0/" Scotland, and of the Heads, Principals, and Alq/lcrs of the Univerfities of &2 t AxiAis-ws^ (rlafgow, and Edinburgh ; it was, among other Things, enacSed, That every Minifler who fliould be ordained and admitted to a Benefice in the Church of Scotland, and every Perfon who fhould be admitted as, Head, Principal, or Maftei, in any of the three Univerfities of Saint Andrews, Glafgow, and Edin- hnrgh, after the twenty-fifth Day of Alarch one thoufand feven hundred and forty four, fhould be fubjeft to the annual Rate of two Pounds twelve Shillings and fix Pence, or of three Pounds eighteen Shillings and nine Pence, or of five Pounds five Shillings, or of fix Pounds eleven Shillings and three Pence, of lawful Money of Great Britain, at his Option ; and fhould, at the Term of Candlc^nas next after Admil- fion to, or Enjoyment of his Benefice or Salary for one whole Year, make Payment of one Year's Rate-; and in cafe he, at fuch Term of Candlemas, had been admitted to, or enjoyed his faid Benefice or Salary only for one Half Year, he fliould only be liable to the Payment of half of the faid yearly Rate, and to the full Year's Rate at each Term of Candlemas next thereafter, during his Life ; and every Minifter, Head, Principal or Maftcr as aforefaid, was required to make his Eledtion of one of the faid fouryeariy Rates, on or before the firft Term of Candlemas after he fhould have Right to one Half Year's Benefice or Salary, or before the Term of Candlemas next after having had F ight for one Year and HaJf to any Benefice iltuate m V.01. VII. T « the