Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/185

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A, D. I749« Anno vicefimo fecundo Georg ii II. C. 22. 141

  • fary incidental Expences as fall within the Intendment of one of the Claufcs herein before recited ;' Be it

therefore enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the fifteenth Day of A/^j' one thoufand Tiuflecstohold feven hundred and forty-nine, the Truilees named and appointed by the faid recited A&. of the feventeenth their annual Year of his Majefty's Reign, and their Succeffors, {hall hold the four ilated regular Meetings yearly, aP" Ho'ufebuUtV* pointed to be held by the faid Aft, upon the Days therein mentioned, in the Hall of the Houfe aforefaid, ii^°^ "' ' ^ built by the faid Truflees within the City of ii^/w/v^/x/^; and that they may and fliall do and aft at fueh Meetings, in the fame Manner as they might and ought to have done in the Old Church Ifie of Edinburgh ; and that the remaining Debt incurred by the faid Truftees for building the faid Houfe, and the Expence in and to pay the keeping the fame in Repair, fhall be held and deemed to be, and make a Part of the neceflary inci<iental Debtrmcurreii Expences of the faid Truftees provided for by the faid recited A<fl, and fliall be paid by the General Col- "'^ "ding, lector or Receiver of the annual Rates, and other Sums raifed or to be raifed in virtue thereof, and fhall be allowed to him out of the annual Receipts; provided the fame, and all the other incidental Expences pro- incidental Ex. vided for by the faid Aft, do not, in any one Year, exceed the Sum of forty Pounds of lawful Money of pences not to Great Brit a'm. ^ exceed 40 1. pec- ' X. And whereas the Minifters, Heads, Principals or Mafters, who were in the faid Church, or any of •^°"""

  • the faid Univerfities, at the Commencement of the faid in Part recited Aft, will purchafe the Annuities

^ * to their Widows, and Proviilons to their Children, at lefs Expence than future Intrants, having held their ' Benefices and Offices for a confiderable Time, without the Burden of the prefent annual Rates ;' Be it . therefore enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That every fuch Minifter, and every fuch Head, Principal or Miniflers, &c, Mafter, fhall, at the Term oi-Candknias, in each of the Years of our Lord one thoujand feven hundred and who were in tHe fifty, one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-one, one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-tv^'o, one thoufand ChuWi, &c. at " feven hundred and fifty-three, one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-four, and one thoufand feven hundred !^'ent of'th'e Aft •' and fifty-five, according to the Computation in Scotland, pay to the General Colleftor, at his Ofiice in Edin- q payintcreftof btirgh, legal Intereft of the thirty Pounds lent, or that fhall be lent to him; and the Produce arifing from 30-1. for 6 Years.- ' the Difference betwixt tfie legal Intereft and the four Pounds per Centum, now payable on AxCcount of the Application of

Loans of thirty Pounds lent to the Contributors, fhall be applied at the Sight, and by Direftion of the the Intgrais*

■■■ Truftees for defraying the Expence incurred in obtaining this prefent Aft of Parliament, and for paying whatever Sums fhall, on the fifteenth oi May one thoufand feven hundred and forty-nine, be refting of the . Charge incurred by building the Houfe within the City of Edinburgh, containing a Hall for the Meetings of the Truftees, Offices for their Colleftors and Clerks, and a Charter Room for the Prefervation of their -'i Books and Papers; and the Surplus thereof fhall go towards increafing the faid Capital ; and that the faid additional Interefts fliall not be computed as any Part of the three Years Annuity,' which every Contributor ■ is hereby obliged to make good to the Fund in the Manner already direfted. i ' XI. And whereas by the faid in Part recited Aft of the feventeenth Year of his Majefty's Reign, it ' * was further enafted. That if the Univerfity oi Aberdeen, or any of the Colleges therein, fhould apply to

  • the then next General AfTembly of the Q,ixxQ. oi Scotland, declaring, that they defired to be compre-
  • hended in that Aft, the Heads, Principals and Mafters in the faid Univerfity of Aberdeen, or in either
  • of the Colleges of the faid Univerfity, fhould be comprehended in that Aft, and fliould be fubjeft to
  • the annual Rates and other Burdens thereby impofed ; and they, and their Widows and Children refpec-

' tivety, fhould be intitled to the Privileges and Provifions therein contained, in like Manner, in all Re-

  • fpefts, as with refpeft to the Heads, Principals and Mafters in the Univerfities of Saijit Andrews and:
  • Glajgow, was therein before enafted : And whereas Applications were accordingly made by the King's Col-
  • lege oi Aberdeen, and by the Mare/hall College oi Aberdeen, to the General AfTembly of the Church of Scot -
  • Imd, which was held at Edinburgh in the Month of May in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hun-

' dred and forty-four, by which the faid Colleges refpeftively declared, that they defired to be comprehend- ' ed in the faid Aft;' Be it therefore further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Heads, Princi- The Heads He. pals and Mafters in the faid Univerfity of Aberdeen, or in the King's College and Marejhall College of Aber- of the Univerfity. dcen, fliall be comprehended in this prefent Aft, and be deemed to have been comprehended in the faid in of Aberdeen, Part recited Aft, and jhall be fubjeft to the annual Rates and other Burdens thereby or by this Aft impofed ; fompjthended and their Widows and Children refpeftively fhall be intitled to the Privileges and Provifions therein con- J"J|'^^ ^^^^^ tained, fubjeft to the Variations- by this Aft provided^ in like Manner in all Refpefts, as, with refpeft to ' *' the Heads, Principals and Mafters in the Univerfities oiSaint Andreius and Glafgow, was by the faid in Part recited Aft, and is herein before enafted. XII. And it is hereby further enafted and declared. That this Aft fliall be deemed and taken to be a Pub- pjjbjicjj ^^.i lick Aft; and all Judges, Juftices and other Perfons, are to take Notice thereof as fuch. in. all Courts and Places whatfoever, without fpecially pleading the fame. CAP. XXIT. An Aft for the better afcertaining, recovering and collefting certain Duties commoniy caHcd- Petty Cuftoms or Wharfage, payable upon the Importation and Exportation of Goods and Merchandizes into, or out of the Harbour of the Borough and Town of Wayr,ioiith a.od Mel- £ombe Regis in the County of Dorfel; and alfo of Ballaft and Harbour-duties payable fped of Ships and VefTels coming into, and going out of the faid Harbour, and for the better repairing and keeping in Repair the faid Harbour and the Wharfs, and. other pubHclc Buildings and Works within, the faid Borough and Town, P R... W HERE AS the Mayor, Aldermen, Bailiffs, Burgeffes- and Commonalty of the Borough and Town of JVayniQuth and Mekombe Regis in. the County of Derfet, hnv-c for. Time, out of Mind, re- ' ceiv.ed