-A C. 45. Anno viceiimo fecundo Georgii II. A. D. 1749. King's moll Exxellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, Oiricer", Miii- and iTonimons, in this prefent Parliament aficmbled, and by the Authority of the fame. That all fuch Of- iv.Ts and Soldiers j^,;^ ,-5, Mariners and Soldiers, who have been at any Time employed in his Majefty's Service fmce his Ac- impowsred to ^^ j-gfljo,, to the Throne, and have not fmce deferted the faid Service, may fet up and exercile fucli Trades as extiLi ^ ra s, ^j^^_^ ^^^ apt and able for in any Tov/n or Place within the fCingdoms oi Great Britain and Ireland, with- , out any Lett, Suit or Moleftation of any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, for or by Reafon of the ufing of fuch Trade; and if any fuch Officer or Officers, Mariner or Mariners, Soldier or Soldiers, who fliall be fued, impleaded or indiiSlcd in any Court whatfoever, within this Kingdom, for ufing orexercifuig any fuch i Trades as aforefaid, then the faid Officer or Officers, Mariner or JMariners, Soldier or Soldiers, making it t and being fued, appear to the fame Court, where they are fo fued, impleaded or indicted, that they have ferved the King's ■ iTuy plcaJ the Majeil:y as aforefaid, fliall upon the General Iflue pleaded, be found Not guilty in any Plaint, Bill, Infor- Geneial Iffue, ^lation or Indictment exhibited againft them, and fuch Perfons who notwithllanding this Act, fhall profe- cute their faid Suit by Bill, Plaint, Liformation or Indictment, and fhall have a Verdict pafs againft them, or become nonfuit therein, or difcontinue their faid Suit, fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall pay unto fuch Of- ond linve Dou- ficer or Officers, Mariner or Mariners, Soldier or Soldiers, J^ouble Cofts of Suit, to be recovered as any bleCo.is. other Colts at Common Law may be recovered ; and all Judges and Jurors, before whom any fuch Suit, In- formation or Tndiiftment fhall be brought, and all other "Perfons whatfoever, are to take Notice of this pre- fent Aft, -and fhall conform themfelves thereunto, any Statute, Law, Ordinance, Cultom or Provifion to the contrary in any wife notv/itiiitanding. rnvile'es of the H- Provided always, That this Aft fhall not in any wife be prejudicial to the Privileges of the Univerfi- Univerfiiies of tics of Cambridge and Oxford, or either of them, or extend to give Liberty to any Perfon to fet up the Cambridge and Xrade of a Vintner, or to fell any Wines or other Liquors within the faid Univerfities, without Licence Oxford reiervcd j^|.£j. j^^^j ^j^j j^j^j obtained from the Vice Chancellors of the fame refpeftively. to tnem. ice farther iS Ceo, 2. f. I. 53 Geo. z. c.6,% & 18. Litcivife the yearly Mutiny AEli, CAP. XLV. An Aft for the further Enconr.igement and Enlargement of the Whale FilTiery, and for con- tinuing fuch Laws as are therein m ntioned relating thereto •, and for the Naturalization of fuch Foreign Froteflants, as fhall ferve for the Time therein mentioned, on Board fuch Ships as fhall be fitted out for the faid Fifhery. S«3.6<7«. 2. ' "^.TTHEREAS divers Afts of Parliament have been made for the Encouragement of his Majefty's c. -ji-jcf?. ID ' VV Subjefts, to carry on and improve the Whale Fifliery, and that the Enlargement of the faid ®' "• . ' Fifiiery v/ill be of great Ad^jantage to the Trade and Navigation of this Kingdom :' For the further En- couragement to carry on the faid Trade, be it enafted by the King's moll: Excellent Majefty, by and with. • the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prelent Parliament c Geo.a. c. iS. affembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That an Aft made in the fifth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, intituled. An A51 for encouraging the Greenland jP//6i'rj' ; which was to be in Force for nine Years, 33Geo. I.e. z%. from the twenty-fifth Day of Dccemhcr one. thoufand feven hundred and thirty-one; and which Act was, by an Aft of Parliament made in the thirteenth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, intituled, An Acl for csii- tinuing the fever al Laivs therein mentioned, relating to the Prfemiums vpon the Importation f Majh, Yards and , Bovjfprits, Tar, Pitch and Turpentine ; to Britifli wade Sail Cloth, and the Duties payable on Foreign Sail Cloth; ' ?(7 ^/ji? Greenland atid to the Whale Fijliery ; and for granting a further Bounty for all Ships employed in /■• Whale Fijliery during the prefent War ; for exempting Harpooneers and others employed in the Greenland Fijly Trade from being impreffcd ; and for giving further Time for the Payment of Duties omitted to he paid for tL-: further ccn'i- -Indentures and Contrails of Clerks and Apprentices, continued unto the twenty-fifth Day of iD^YiVrt^tr one
- iiicd nnia 15 thoufand fzvcn hundred and fifty, and from thence to the End of the then next Seffion of Parliament, (hall
Dcce;i)hcr 1757. be, and the fame is hereby further continued from the Time in the faid laft-mentioned Aft mentioned, anJ TarT^t'^'oo fhercin limited for the Expiration thereof, unto the twenty-fifth Day of £>6r,v;;/v;- which {hall be in the'; To iV/Jcc.' 1734! "^'^^r °i£ thoufand feven hundred and fifty-feven, and from thence to the End of the then next Seffion of ( ' " ' Parliament. Act 6 (;ro. I. II. y d be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That an Aft made in the fixth Year of his Ma- c. 53. further jcfty's Rcign, intituled. An Aei for the further Encouragement of the IVhale Fifiury carried on by his Majeftp D •r'mbet '° * ' Britifl). iVyV^j ; which was to be in Force during the' Continuance of the laft-mentioned Aft of the fifth &e^%i Ota.^7!.' "^ ear of his Majefty's Reign, intituled. An A St for encouraging the Greenland Fifliery; and which was, by c. :8, . ' the faid Aft of the thirteenth Year of his prefent Majefty, continued unto the faid twenty-fifth Dayofi)<"- F^rttw contimied cemher one thoufand feven hundred and fifty, and from thence to the End of the then next Seffion of Par- hj ^S C(o. 2. liament, Ihall be, and the fame is hereby continued, from the Time therein limited for the Expiration theie- 'iv^'4 '° *^ ' ° ""i^^^"^ '^'J twenty-fifth Day oi December one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-feven, and from thence to the End of the then next Seffion of Parliament, tnmininioncvs III. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That over and above the Allowance of twenty ■, of theCuftrims Shillings a Ton, according to the Admeaftirement of the Ship, by the (aid laft-mentioned Aft direfted to upon Certificuie, ]jg p^ijti^ Jt fhall and may be lawful for the refpcftive Commillioners of the Cuftoms in Great Britain, fro:" Colh-a™ to^ *'^'^ tv/enty-ninth Day o( September one thoufand fsven hundred and forty-nine, and until the iaiJ twenty- , ■ pav the fccond fifth Day of ZJtTfw/ji'r One thoufand fcven hundred and fifty-feven, and from thence to the End of the then » aos. Tonn-iite next Seilion of Parliament, (upon having fuch Schedule, Certificate, Licence and Oath tranfmitted to ■ Brmntles granted them by the Colleftor and Comptroller of the Port tVom whence fiich >:hip ftiall depart, as by the faid laft- ^
- '■'-' ■"■'"^'•"f' meniioncd Aft is direfted, and upon fuch Commillioners being latisfi'jd «>f the faithful Dealings of the M»-