A. D. 1749. Anno vicefimo fecundo Georgii II. C. 45. 177 ftcr and other Perfons employed in fuch Ship, with refpefl to fuch Voyage and Fifhery) on Demand, to_ caufe Payment to be made to the Mafter or Owners, or to his or their AfTigns, by the Receiver General of the Cuftoms in that Part oi Great Britain from whence fuch Ship {hall depart, of the Sum of twenty Shil- linn-s a Ton, according to the Admeafurement of the Ship, over and above the Sum of twenty Shillings a Ton, by the laft-mentioned Acft granted for the Encouragement of the Whale Fifhery in the Greenland Seas, or Davis's Streighis, and the adjacent Seas, carried on by his Majefty's Britijh Subjefts, in fuch Man- ner and at fuch Time or Times, as the faid Allowance of twenty Shillings a Ton by the faid laft-mention- ed Ail, made in the fixth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, intituled. An Ail for the further Encourage- 6 Geo. 2, c. 33, ment of the TVhale Fijhery carried on by his Majefiy's Britifh Subjects, is dire£ted to be paid. ' 1/. And whereas the Difpatch of Ships to the Greenland Seas, Davis's Streights and Seas adjacent, on ' the Whale Fifhery, muft of Neceflity be within the Months of March or April, and fome Britijh Ships
- for the Sake of keeping the Men that have been taught the Art of the faid Fifliery in Employ, and to prc-
' vent their going into Foreign Service, may have been fitted out from the River of Thames, or other Parts
- of his Majefty's 5r/;//Z) Dominions, and proceeded on the faid Whale Fifhery to xht Greenland Seas or
•- Davis's Streights, and Seas adjacent, fince the Commencement of this Seffion of Parliament; and it will ^ therefore be but juft and reafonable, that the Bounties intended to be given on the Return of Ships here-
- after to be fitted out on fuch Voyage, fhould be given alfo to the Owners of fuch Ships already failed
- upon fuch Voyage, and not yet returned ;' Be it therefore ena£ted by the Authority aforefaid. That every ships that have
Owner or Owners of any Ship or Ships already failed on the faid Voyage and Fifhery refpeftively, who already faJed have conformed themfelves in all Refpeits to the Rules and Direftions prefcribed by the faid laft-mention- '"'"'^'* '° ^^^ ed Adl of the fixth Year of his prefent Majefty, fuch Owner and Owners fliall, and they are hereby de- 5,'/ ^^p.^^j ' clared to be intitlcd to, and the Receiver General of the Cuftoms, in that Part of G?V(7/ Britain whence clitJ jen. j'. the Ship departed, is hereby impowered and required to pay the faid refpeflive Sums of twenty Shillings, and twenty Shillings />^r Ton, according to the Admeafurement of fuch Ship or Ships refpeiStively. V. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid twenty-ninth Day Vefais fitted ous of September one thoufand feven hundred and forty-nine, every Ship built or fitted out in any of his in America, tD Majefty's Dominionis in America, of two hundred Tons and upwards, and not being more than two Years ='"^^"'^ •" old from the firft building thereof, that proceeds from any Port in his Majefty's Amej-ican Dominions on the whale Fiihery. faid Whale Fiftiery, manned and navigated as by the Laws now in Force is direfted, which fhall before fhe proceed on fuch Voyage, be vifited by the proper Officer or Officers of the Cuftoms belonging to fuch Port, who ftiall take an Account of the Tonnage thereof, in fuch Manner as is diredled by the faid laft-mention- ed Aft concerning Britijh Ships who fliould be infilled to the Benefits of the faid A<S, and ftiall certify fuch his or their Vifitation, Examination and Admeafurement, to the Governor or Commander in Chief of the Place where fuch Ship {hall be fitted out, or to the Naval Officer of fuch Port ; and if it appear by the faid Certificate of fuch Officer or Officers, that {he had, at the Time of giving fuch Certificate, on Board ftich a Number of Men, Provifions, Boats, Fifhing Lines and Inftruments to be ufed in fuch Fifhery, as is required by the faid laft-mentioned Afl: of Britijh Ships which {hould be intitled to the Benefit of the faid Aft, and that fhe is a Ship ftrongly built, and otherwife a Ship proper for fuch Voyage and Fifhery, and had, at the Time of granting the faid Certificate, on Board among her Crew fuch a Number of Harpoon- ers, Steerfmen and Line-managers, who had before been employed in fuch Voyages (the Names of fucb Perfons to be contained in fuch Certificate) according to the Directions of the faid laft-mentioned A6t con- cerning Britijh Ships to be employed in the faid Fifhery ; and if the Owner or Owners, and Alafter or Chief Officer of fuch Ship fhall, in Writing, at the Foot of fuch Certificate, make fuch Oath before the Governor, Commander in Chief or Naval Officer (who are hereby impowered and required to adminifter fuch Oath) as is required by the faid laft mentioned Aft of the Owner or Owners, and Mafter or Chief Officer of fuch Britijh Ship as aforefaid, and likewife that fuch Ship is not more than two Years old front the firft- building thereof; and if the Mafter fhall likewife, after fuch Certificate had, and Oath made, be- come bound with fuch Sureties, in fuch Penalty and Condition as is mentioned in, and required by the faid laft-mentioned Aft to be given by the Mafters of fuch Britijh Ships as aforefaid, Vi^hich faid Bond is required to be taken by the Governor or Commander in Chief, or Naval Officer of fuch Place from whence the faid Ship is fo fitted out ; then, and in all fuch Cafes, it fhall and may be lawful for the faid Gover- nor or Commander in Chief, or Naval Officer, and they are hereby required to give and grant to the Ma- fter and Owners of fuch Ship full Licence and Authority to proceed on fuch Voyage. ■ VL And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That on the Arrival of fuch Ship at the Port in On Amvai of Great Britain, to which the faid Mafter and Mate declared on Oath they intended to proceed after their in- Cuch VcOeis in tended Voyage to the Greenland Seas, or to Davis's Streights, or to the Seas adjacent, or on their Arrival at ^leat Brit.iin, fome other Port oi Great Britain where they fhall unload, the proper Officers of the Cuftoms at fuch Port ^^^ P^"pe'- 'Jt- fhall proceed in fuch Manner, and make fuch Schedule, as is directed by the faid laft-mentioned Aft con- Certificates" cerning Britijh Ships who were to be intitled to the Benefits of the faid Aft; and fuch Schedule, Certifi- cate, Licence and Oath fhall be tranfmitted to the refpeftive Commiffioners of his Majefty's Cuftoms for that Part of Great Britain in which fuch Ship fhall arrive after her faid Voyage to the Greenland Seas or Da- •vis's Streights, or the Seas adjoining ; and fuch Commiffioners being fatisficd of the faithful Dealings of the ami theBoim- Mafter and other Perfons employed in fuch Ships, with refpeft to fuch Voyage and Fifhery, fhall, on De- ^'" '^'"^ E^^ mand, caufe Payment to be made to the Mafter or Owners, or to his or their Affigns, by the Receiver General of the Cuftoms of that Part of Girat Britain at Vi^hich the faid Ship fliall arrive as aforefaid, of the Sum of twenty Shillings, and twenty Shillings /)(?r Ton, according to the Admeafurement of fuch Ship du- ly certified as aforelaid, in like Manner as to the Owners and Mafters of Britijh Ships who are intitled to the faid Bounties by virtue of the faid laft-mentioned, or by this A.ft of Parliament. VII. And be it enafled by the Authority aforefaid. That all Ships that fhall be fitted out for the Whale Regulations to Fifhery in America, after having conformed to all the Rules and Reftriflions of an Aft made in the fixth bcobfcrvedby Vol. VIL A a Year Ships fitted out