Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/274

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230 C. 10. Anno vlcefimo tertio Georgii II. A. D. 1750*. j&loW.j.c.ig. 13 Geo. 2. c. 3c ' which Cafes great Numhers of the moft experienced Artificers and Tradefmcn, rcfiding in thofe Parts^ ' could be more capable of affording their Afliftance Vv'hen required, upon Emergencies in the Night-time ; ' but as a proper Provilion cannot be made for fetting up proper Lights, and efhiblifliing a well ' regulated Watch, for the good Purpofes aforefaid, by the Laws now in Being ;' May it pleafe your Ma- jelTy, at the humble Rcqueft of feverai Merchants and Traders of the City of Londm^ and Mafters and Owners of Ships, and alfo of the Minifter, Churchwardens, and other principal Inhabitants of the faid Pa- rifh of Saint John Southivark, that it. may be enafted, &c. . The Veftry to appoint the Number and Sort of Lamps ; and aNumber of Watchmen, and a Bedel ; andj their feverai Duties and Wages, and make Regulations for enlightening the Streets, and elecfl a Com- mittee. The Conftables, Bedels and Watchmens Times of Duty j and Power of apprehending Night- walkers, and other fufpefted Perfons. Veftry impowered to make a Pound Rate on the Inhabitants ; ta be confirmed by two Juftices, and collefted Half-yearly. Collectors refufing to aft, to forfeit lo/., " and others to be appomted, feV. The Parifh Church, and other publick Buildings, and Perfons, to be " rated. AfTeffments not to exceed lod. in the Pound. Perfons aggrieved may appeal to the Quarter " Seffions. Perfons paying to thefe Rates, is'c. not to gain any Settlement thereby. Veftry may borrow " Money upon the Credit of the Rates; not exceeding 200/. Forty Shillings Penalty of breaking or ex- " tinguifhing Lamps, £?V, The Lamps vefted in the Churchwardens, i^c.^ Two Juftices to hear and de-. " termine Differences. Juftices may mitigate the Penalties to one Moiety.' CAP. XIX. An Afl: for making more eflfeiTtLiai feverai Ads of Parliament pafled for cleanfing and makinor navigable the Channel from the Hithe at Cokhefter to Wivenhoe in the Cotinty of Ej^ex ; and for repairing and cleanfing the Streets and Lanes of the Town of Colchefter. P R. HERE AS by an Aft of Parliament pafled in the ninth and tenth Years of the Reign of his late Adajefiy King William the Third, intituled, Ati Aut for cleanfing and making navigable the Chan- nel fvo7n the Hithe at Colchefter to Wivenhoe, feverai Duties were granted and made payable, for Goods, Wares and Merchandizes, that fhould be brought in and to the faid Channel, and Ihould be landed at, or lliipped itovn Jf'lvenhoe 01 ts New Hithe m Colchejier 2l^ots(sA, or between either of the faid Places, for the Term of twenty-one Years, for the Ufes and Purpofes in the faid Aft mentioned; and feverai Powers were thereby given unto and vefted in the Mayor, Aldermen, Afliftants and Common Council of the Town and Borough of Colchefter only, for appointing Collectors and General Receivers of the faid Duties, and for recovering and getting in the fame, in fuch Manner as in the faid ylcl is particularly men- tioned ; vi'hich faid Aft, and all the Powers and Authorities thereby given, and one Moiety or Half-part of the Duties thereby granted and made payable (except upon Corn and Grain} were, by another Act pafled in the fifth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the Firft, continued in Force un- til the Firft Day of Alay one thoufand feven hundred and forty ; and further Power was thereby given to th; faid Mayor and Commonalty of Colchefter only, for recovering the fame Duties : And whereas by ano- ther Aft pafled in the thirteenth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An AH for further enlargirig the Term granted by an A£i pafcd the ninth and tenth Tears of the Reign of King William thi Third, For cleanfing and making navigable .the Channel from the Hithe at CoUheJler to TPivenhoe; and for making the faid Act, ami another A£t of the fifth Year of the Reign of his late Majefly King George the Firji, For enkrg-ing the Term granted by the faid Aft of the ninth and tenth Years of the Reign of Kino- William the Third, more efteftual ; it is en'aftccd. That the faid two former Afts, and all and every the Powers and Authorities thereby refpeftively given, together with fuch additional Powers, as are in the faid Aft of the thirteenth Year of his prefent Majefty mentioned, Ihould be continued, and be in Force from the firft Day of May one thoufand feven hundred and forty, for ever; and that the Duty on Sea Coal fhould, from and after the faid fir'ft Day of Il'Iay one thoufand ken hundred and forty, be three Pence a Chaldron, and no more; which Duty was, by the faid Aft of the thirteenth of his prefent Ma- jefty, continued and made payable, from the faid firft Day of May one thoufand feven hundred and forc', for and during the Term of forty Years ; and by the faid Aft it was declared. That no other Duty (ex- cept the Arrears due under the fiiid former Ads, or either of themj fnould be raifed upon any otherGood.-, Wares, Merchandizes or Things, whatfoever; which laid Duty of three Pence for every Chaldron of Sea. 'Coals, granted as aforefaid, aiid the Duties which were or fhpuld be in Arrear under the fnid former Afts,. ■fhould and might be raifed, levied and recovered, in fuch Manner as prcfcribed by the faid former Acts ; and the faid Mayor and Commonalty of Colchejler only were by the laft-mentioned Aft vefted wiih further Power for fuing for, and recovering the faid Duty thereby granted, and the Arrears under the faid former /.fts: And vifhereas a very large Lock, which vi?as feverai Years fince erefted in the faid Channel, andh.:S been found to be of very great Ufc and Service to the Navigation, is nov/ in a decaying Condition, and much out of Repair; and the faid Channel, in fome Farts thereof, is become much choaked up, fo that the Navigation thereof is greatly obflrufted ; which has been occafioncd piincipally by there heino- o-ieaC Arrears of the Duties granted by the faid recited Afts for many Years due, and ftill unpaid; and alfo a large Sum of Money remaining in the Hands of the Reprefentacives of the late Receiver General of the of rhe faid Duties, which ought to have been recovered, and applied for amending and repairing the faid Lock, and cleanfing and fupporting the Navigation of the faid Channel : But, as the Power and Autho- rity of the Mayor and Commonalty of Colchefter hath ceafed for many. Years laft paft (in whofe Nanus only the faid Duties were to be recovered, and legal Difcharges given for the fame, by and under the Au- thorities of the faid feverai Aftsj the fame Duties, and the Arrears thereof, cannot no>y be recovered and ' coUeftcd,