A.D. 1750. Anno vlcefimo tertio Georgi i IT. C. 24. 24.7 V. And be it further enacled by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful for his faid Ma- jeftv, his Heirs and Succeflbrs, by the faid Letters Patent, to impower the faid Society, or fuch Part thereof, as ihall in the faid Letters Patent be for that Purpofe named, to make Calls, and dire£l the Payment of any and to make Part of the faid Sum of five hundred thoufand Pounds, which any Perfon or Perfons fhall fubfcribe towards Calls for Pay- carrying on the faid Undertaking, at fuch Times as the faid Society, or fuch Part thereof as fhall be for that ?'?l^" ^^^ Purpofe named, fhall direfl: and appoint ; fo as the firft Payment direfted to be made, fliall be made within The Ti'mes"af the Space of thirty Days from the Time of fuch Subfcription, and be after the Rate of ten Pounds by the Paymrnt, and Hundred of the whole Sum fubfcribed, and fo as the fecond Payment be after the Rate of ten Pounds by the the Sums, hundred of the Sum fubfcribed ; and that the other Payments be purfuant to the Diredion of a general Court of the faid Society, which fhall be for that Purpofe aflembled, or a Majority of them ; and in cafe any Per- The Society may fon or Perfons fhall refufe or negleift to pay any A^oney which fhall be fo called for by the faid Society, at '^^i' ^^'^. ^^^^^^ the Times when the fame fhall be appointed to be paid. Notice of fuch Call being given in the London Ga- °^fl to'Ly afttr %ette by the faid Society at leaft thirty Days before the Day'appointed for fuch Payment, it fhall be lawful Notice of CaU for the faid Society to fell and difpofe of fo much of the Share or Stock of the Perfon or Perfons fo negleft- in the Gazette. ing or refufing, as fhall produce the Sum which fuch Perfon or Perfons ought to have paid on fuch Call ; provided that aH fhch Money which fhall be fo fubfcribed and dire<3;ed to be paid, fhall be paid into the Subrcriptionsto- Bank of England, on Account of the faid Society. ^^vf^ i»to the VL And be it further enafted. That for an Encouragement to fuch Perfons as fhall become Subfcribers to the faid Stock for carrying on the faid Fifheries, that the Sum of three Pounds by the Year, for each 3'- P" Cent. per hundred Pounds which fliall be aftually employed in the faid Fifhery, and proportionably for any greater or Sumj^mpWd^ lelTer Sum, fhall be paid to the Proprietors of the faid Stock, for and during the Space of fourteen Years inthe Fiftery to from the Date of the faid Charter, out of the Cuftoms, by the Receiver General of his Majefly's Cuftoms, be paid to the by equal Half-yearly Payments ; and to the End it may be known, what Sums fhall from time to time be Society for 14 aftualiy expended or employed by the faid Society in the faid Fifhery, an Account fhall be delivered to the ^^"'=' Commiflioners of his Majefty's Cuflomsof the Sums which fhall be fb expended or employed ; and the faid Account fhall be produced by the Accomptant of the faid Society, who fhall, if required by the Commif- An Account of fioners, produce his Vouchers, diftinguifhing the feveral Articles in which the faid Sums fhall be fo expended '*"-■ ^^^^ S""" 'o- or employed, which Account fhall befigned by Three, at leaft, of the Council of the faid Society, as an At- | tl'theCom'!'" teftation that they have examined the faid Account, and believe the fame tobe jufl:; and fuch Account fhall mimoneis of the alfo be attefled by the Oath of the Accomptant of the faid Society, that he believes the fame to be a juft Cuftoms. and true Account; which Oath fhall be made before any Two Commiilioners of his Majefty's Cuftoms (who are hereby impowered and required to adminifter the faid Oath) and fhall be wrote at the Foot of the faid Ac- count ; and the faid Oath and Account fhall be left inthe Cuftody of the Commiffioners, and thereupon they, or any three of the faid Commiffioners, fhall make Order that Payment be made by the Receiver Ge- neral of his Majefty's Cuftoms to the faid Society, or fuch Perfon as fhall be by them impowered to receive the fame, after the Rate aforefaid, for fuch Sums as by fuch Account fhall appear to be fo aftually employed [ or expended by the faid Society, in or on account of the faid Fifhery.
VIL Provided, and be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Society fhall employ ioo,oooi. tobe
' the Sum of one hundred thoufand Pounds at leaft in the faid Fifheries, within the Space of eighteen Months p1"J'j.^ '" '.*'^ after the Date of fuch Subfcription ; and that for the Manifeftation of the Sums which fhall be fo employed , g jvionUisiVoTO by the faid Society, the Accounts of the faid Society fhall be annually laid before Parliament ; and if Lofs theD.ueof the fhould arife by any Year's Adventure, and there fhould be Gain by the fucceeding Years, the faid Gain fhall Subfcription. be applied fo as to complete and make good the VelTels and Fifliing Stock, to the full Value of the faid The Accounts to 1 oriffinal Sum of one hundred thoufand Pounds, before any Dividend fhall be made out of the faid ^ l^."* '""'"'^
fn^ Parliament,
j Gram. ■ VIIL Provided always, and be it cnafled by the Authority aforefaid. That fuch Sums as fhall bona fide Sums contrafled be contrafted to be paid within fix Months, fhall be deemed employed within the Senfe and Meaning of f be paid in « this Aft, in cafe fo much Money of the faid Company as will be fufficient to anfwer the faid Contrafts re- ^^ontlis, deemed' fpeftively, fliall, at the Time of making the fame, be in the Bank of England, and there remain for the '^ be emp-'oyed. Purpofe of paying the fame; fuch Contrafts being in Writing, and figned or executed in the Prefence of jtwo Witnefles. f IX. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Transfer fhall be made of any of the No Transfer to faid Stick or Share of or in the faid five hundred thoufand Pounds, for the Space of five Years from the be made of ihe- I Date cf the faid Charter; but that the fame fhall be abfolutely void to all Intents and Purpofes what- stock for fiv« foever. Tears. X. Provided always, That it fhall and may be lawful for the Executors and Adminiftrators or Devifees of Executors and- any Perfon or Perfons who fhall happen to die poffefTed of, or interefted in any fuch Stock or Share of or in Afiignccsof I the faid five hundred thoufand Pounds, and alfo for the Affignees under any Com.miffion of Bankrupts, to Bankrupts, &-c.
transfer fuch Stock or Shares, and difpofe of the Produce thereof, in fuch Manner, as they may by Lav/ dif- '"^■* "•""'^f
Ipofe of any other Eftefts of fuch Teftator, Inteftate or Bankrupt. I XI. And be it further cnafted. That as a further Encouragement to all Perfons whatfoever, as well Bodies 30s. oer Ton ■Politick and Corporate as others, and alfo the Perfons who fhall be fo incorporated, to engage in the fiid Dountyobejaid^ T White Herring Fifheries, that a Bounty of thirty Shillings jii?r Ton fhall be paid annually, out of fuch """""'^'^ *-'"" iSums as fhall be produced out of his Majefty's Cuftoms, to the Owner or Owners of all Decked Veflels, fj Vc'iilk buTk * j from twenty to eighty Tons Burthen, which fhall be built, after the Commencement of this Aft, for the lortheFifteries, Ufe of the laid Fiiherics, and fitted out and employed in the faid Fifheries, whether by the faid Society, or any other Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, in Manner, and under the Regulations herein after-mentioned, ' XII. Aiid be it further enafted. That every fiich Bufs or Vcllel, which fliall be employed in the faid Conditions af White Herring Fiftieries, by the faid Society, or whofe Owners fhall be intitled to the Bounty of thirty Siiil- the Bounty,, lings per Ton, by virtue of this Act, fhall be a Decked Bufs or Vefl'el, built in Creai Britain, after the Com- mencement of this Aft ; and fhall proceed on the faid Fifhery from fome Port iu Great Britain^ manned and 3 uavigaied