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A, D. 1750. Anno vicelimo tertio Georgii Ih C. 31. 269 only excepted, bs abfoliitely veiled in the faid new Company efcabliflied by this AS:, and their Succef- fors, to the Intent and Purpofe that the faid Forts, Settlements and Premiffes, ihall be employed at all Times hereafter, only for the Prote(3:ion, Encouiagement and Defence, of the faid Trade. IV. And it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fliall not be lawful for the Com- Company pro- pany eftablifhed by this Ad, to trade to or from Jfh'ca in their corporate or joint Capacity, or to have any I'lbjted to trade joint or transferrable Stock, or to borrow or take up any Sum or Sums of Money, on their Common Seal, capaci'ty °&c, V. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the DireiSion and Management of the ^ ^^^^j^^^J^^ Affairs of the (liid Company hereby eflabliflied, fhall be in and by a Committee of nine Perfons, to be cho- „;„£ ^^ becho- fen annually, as hereafter is mentioned, vuho are to meet and affemble together, from time to time, as often fen annually to as fliall be ncceflary, at fome Place in the City of Londofi; and the Committee-men for the time being, or manage the Af- any five or more of them, or the major Part of them fo afiembled, fhall, from and after the paffing fuch Adi ^J'" °^ ^^^ of Parliament for diverting the African Company of their Charter, Forts, Caftles and R/lilitary Stores, Ca- '^'^V^"^- ijoe Men, Caflle Slaves, and all other their Property on the Coaft of Africa, as aforefaid, or before the paf- fing fuch AiS, fo far as the faid African Company fhall confent thereto, have full Power, from time to time, to make Orders for the governing, maintaining, prefcrving and improving the Forts and Factories already built, or which hereafter fhall be built, within the Limits aforeflrid ; and to appoint Goveriiors, Deputy Governors, or any other Officers, Civil or Military, of or for the faid Forts and Settlements, and them to remove and difplace when they fliall fee fit ; and to make Orders and Regulations for the better Govern- ment of the faid Officers and Servants abroad, and to take Security from them for their good Behaviour,- and for their paying due Obedience to the Regulations eftabliflied by this A<Sf, and to fuch other Orders and Re- ^^ Reflraintto gulations as the faid Committee fhall, from time to time, think proper to make ; fo as no Orders or Re- be laid on the gulations, to be made by the (iiid Committee, fnall tend to lay any Reflraint v/hatfoever on the faid Trade Trade, or Tra- or Traders to or from Africa^ contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of this Aft. ="• VI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Traders or Perfons intending to trade Traders who to or from Africa-, who, in order tr be admitted into the Freedom of the faid Company, fhall, on or before (hail pay ^o s. the thirtieth Day of ^une one thoufand feven hundred and fifty, have paid into the Flands of the Chamber- for th^ir Free. lain of the City of London, the Sum of forty Shillings each for their Freedom in the faid Company, fliall ';"'" '" ^^^ or may meet and affemble on the tenth Day o^ July one thoufand feven hundred and fifty, in the Guildhall of^rneet^'on^io'Tu. the faid City ; and they, or the major Part of them fo affembled, fhall or may choofe three Perfons : And ly, and chooft that in like Manner fuch others of the Traders to or from Africa, who, in order to be admitted into the the firftCom- Freedom of the faid new Company, fliall, on or before the faid thirtieth Y)2iy oi fune one. thoufand feven hun- mittee ; ired and fifty, have paid into the Handsof the Clerk of the Merchants Hall in the City of Briftol, the Sum of forty Shillings each for their Freedom of the faid Company, {hall or may aflemble on the tenth Day of "July one thoufand (even hundred and fifty, in fome convenient Place in the City of Briftol; and they, or the major Part of them fo affembled, fhall choofe three other Perfons ; and that in like Manner fuch other of the Traders to or from Africa, who, in order to be admitted into the Freedom of the faid new Company, (hall, on or before the faid thirtieth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and fifty, have paid into the Hands of the Town Clerk of Liverpool, the Sum of forty Shillings each for their Freedom in the faid Com- pany, fhall or may aflemble on the faid tenth Day oi July one thouiand feven hundred and fifty, in the Town Hall of Liverpool ; and they, or the major Part of them, who fhall be fo affembled, fhall and may choofe three other Perfons ; and the nine Perfons fo to be chofen in the Manner before expreffed, fhall be the firft "° "^ '" *^°"* annual Committee for managing the Affairs of the faid Company, and fliall continue in Office for one Year, y^"|: "" °"° and until others fhall be chofen in their Room refpeftively, as is herein after mentioned. VII. And it is hereby fuither enadted by the Authority aforefaid, That in all future Elections, the faid Eltftions to be Committee of nine Perfons fhall annually, on the third Day of July in every Year, be nominated and cho- "" 3 J"ly y=^'ly«  fen as follows ; that is to fay, Three of the faid Committee fhall be nominated and chofen by the major Part of the Freemen of the faid Company, admitted to the Freedom of the faid Company in London, who ihall affemble for that Purpofe at London ; Three other Perfons to be of the faid Committee, fhall be chofen and nominated by the major Part of the Freemen of the faid Company admitted to the Freedom of the faid Com- pany in Br//?^/, who fliall affemble for that Purpofe at Briftol; and Three other Perfons to be of t!ie faid Committee, fhall be chofen and nominated by the major Part of the Freemeji of the faid Company admitted to the Freedom of the faid Company in the Town of Liverpool, who fhall affemble for that Purpofe at Li- verpool. VIII. And be it further enafied. That it fhall and may be lawful for the major Part of the Freemen of "werto choofe the faid Company, made free at London, affembled for that Purpofe at London, from time to time, at their '"'"'"'■ '-'"'™ Will and Pleafure, to choofe and fupply one or more Committee-man or Committee-men, in the Place or Room' "f'thofe Places of any of the Committee-men by them chofen, that fliall happen to die, be removed, or refufe to „ho (hall die, aft ; and in liks Manner, that it fliall and may be lawful for the major Part of the Freemen of the faid Com- &c. pany, made free nt Bri/iol, affembled for that Purpofe at Briftol, from time to time, at their Will and Plea- lute, to choofe and fupply one or more Committee-mian or Committee-men, in the Place or Places of any of the Committee-men by them chofen, that fhall happen to die, be removed, or refufe to a£t : And that it fhall and may be b.wful for the major Part of the Freemen of the f.iid Company, made free at Liverpool, af- fembled for that Purpofe at Liverpool, from time to time, at their Will and Pleafure, to choofe and fupply one or more Committee-man or Commiitee-men, in the Place or Places of any of the Committee-men by lo Days Notice the'm chofen, that fhall happen to die, be removed, or refufe to aiS : And publick Notice fliall be inferted o' fuch Elea-ion in the London Gazette, previous to every fuch Eleftion, by the Cammittee (ov managing the Affairs of the tjJtn- given in Aiid Company, of the Time and Place when and where fuch Eleftion is to be had, ten Days at leaft before zette!°'"'°" the Time appointed for fuch Eleftion. IX. Provided always, and be it further enacrtetl by the Authority aforefaid. That in cafe at the Time ap- If noEitftiPn pointed for the firft and other Eleftions of the faid Committee-men, the Traders admitted to their Freedom, ^cn-ade by the in any one or more of the faid Cities and Towns refpeflively, faall negleft to proceed to fuch Choice ; in T""*"^ ""^ that Cafe, fuch other of the Perfons who fiiall be chofen by the Traders admitted to their Freedom in the fi^lii"^^. "^aci other