2']6 C.-3T. Anno vicefimo tertio Georgii II. A. D. 1750. by the other, Other of the Paid Cities or Towns, or the major Part of them, though lefs in Number than nine, flial] or •fliMl nianagc the may acl as the Committee for managing the Affairs of the faid Company, until the next annual tle£lion; Aft'.ui-s. and that all Elections of Committee-men for managi.ng the Affairs of the faid Company, (hall be determined fl"n 1°-^ J"'>' by the Majority of Votes then prefent; and that in all Cafes, where the third Day of July (hall happen Id <lriy tiKEica^on f'^" *^ ^^ °" ^ Sunday^ the annual Election of Committee-men (hall be had and made on Monday the fourth to L on tha 4th. Day of July. In Equality of X- Provided always. That in cafe of an Equality of Votes, the Lord Mayor of Lotukyt, the Mayor of Votes, the BrJJiol, and the Mayor of Liverpool rtfpeiSbively, (hall and may determine which of fuch Perfons (hall be M.i,vor to <ie- the Committee-man or Committee-men. terniine. XI. And be it further enatSted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Committee for managing the Af- Firft Meeting_ fairs of the faid new Company, fr.all meet together for the firft Time on the firft ^»Wi7y in J ugttll onz to which all are fent at the making thereof, fhali not be confenting, (hall be valid or binding, nnlcfs the fame (hall be ap- notconfentiug, proved and confirmed at a fiibl'equent Meeting of the laid Committee, at vi'hich all the Members of the faid to be valid, un- (Jom.mittee fliall be prefent, or of which, fuch of them as (hall happen to be abfent, (hall have had the ufual lels ccnfirmea at -K-r . 1 n 7 rr 3 a fubfenuent JNoUce, Meeting. XII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That on every Meeting of the faid Committee, Chairman to be v.'hen the Time prefixed for entering on Bufmefs fnall become, and the faid nine Committee-men, or fo chp'fen. many of them as are neceffary to make a Committee, (hall be prefent, before they enter upon Bufmefs, a Chairman (liall be chofen by Lot out of the Committee-men then prei'ent, v.'ho (liall take the Chair for that Meeting; and (hall not be permitted to give his Vote that Day on any Queftion before the faid Committee, imlefs there fnall happen to be an Equality of Votes on any Queftion or Qiieftions; in all which Cafes the faid Chairman (liall be at Liberty to give his Vote on which Side of the Queftion he (Iiall judge to be right : Committee-men And to prevent any of the faid Committee-men from being defignedly abfent when a Chairman is to be cho- abfent at the jg,,^ every Committee-man, who (hall not be prefent at the Choice of a Chairman, (hall not be permitted to ChaiT °ln 'not ^"'"^ °" ^"^ Queftion before the Committee that Day; but (hall be at Liberty to be prefent, and give his to vote.' ' Opinion in all Matters v/hatfoever, as any other Committee-man may do : And all Matters which (hall be decided by a Plurality of Votes of fuch Committee-men as (liall be intitled to vote, (hall be deemed and ta- ken to be decided by a Majority of Committee-men prefent j any thing in this Aft to the contrary notwith- ftanding. Traders payinj XIII. And be it further enafied by the Authority aforefaid. That fuch of his A'lajefty's Subjects who (hall, 40 s. on or be- on Or before the faid thirtieth Day o'ijune one thoufand ieven hundred and fifty, pay to the Chamberlain of fore 30 June London, the Clerk of the Merchants Hall in S;-//?^/, or the Town Clerk of ZzYw/;.?/ refpeftively, the Sum fJ(i°Members ^ forty Shillings each, for their Freedom in the faid Company, fliall be the firft Freemen and Members of &^.. ' the faid new Company eftablifhcd by this Act : And that, from and after the faid thirtieth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and fifty, any other of his Majefty's Subjects, trading, or intending to trade to or from Afnca, (hall and may be admitted to be a Freeman or Member of the faid Company at Londzn, Brtjlol., or Lvverpool, upon his Payment of the Sum of forty Shillings for the fame, to fuch Perfon or Perfons, as the Committee for managing the Affairs of the faid Company (liall, and arc hereby required, from lime to Perifoiis admit- time, to appoint to leceive the fame in London, Briftol, or Liverpool, refpeiStively. ted alter jojune, XIV. Provided always, That no Perfons fo admitted, after the faid thirtieth Day of ^z/nf one thoufand i;°ca'ian 'for' ^" feven hundred and fifty, (hall be intitled to vote for the Election of any Committee-man, until one Year 1 Year. ^f^r f^^ich Admiffion. Ceriiiicaus to ^^^ ■ And be it further enafled by the Authority aforefaid. That the Chamberlain of London, the Clerk Vcrions admit- of the Merchants Hall in Briftol, the Town Clerk of Liverpool, and fuch other Perfons, whom the Com- ted. mittee for managing the Affairs of the faid Company (liall, at any Time hereafter, appoint to receive the •faid Sums of forty Shillincrs for the Admiffion of Perfons into the Freedom of the faid Company, (hall, upon their receiving the fame, fign and deliver a Certificate to the Perfon paying the fame, certifying his having Fee of the Cor- p^^jj ^^^ g^^^^ ^^j.- ^^^^^ Shillings for his being admitted into the Freedom of the faid Company; for which Certificate there dial! be paid to the Perfon appointed to receive the faid Sums of forty Shillings, the Sum of Names of '"^^ tv/o Shillings and fix Pence, and no more, as a Fee or Reward for his Trouble therein; and the Names and cniTred"^ Places of Abode of every Perfon paying the faid Sum of forty Shillings, ihall be entered in a Book or Books, which the Perfon receiving the fame is hereby required to keep for that Purpofe. Sums received XVI. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the Chamberlain of London, the Clerk foryu.edo:iv,to of the Merchants Hall MBriJlol, and the Town Clerk of Liverpool, (liall refpeftively pay over the fovcr.-.l Ordifof'thc'^ Sums of forty Shillings, which (hall have been paid to them for Freedoms of the faid Company, to 'iich Committee', &c. Pei"on or Perfons whom the Committee of the faid Company (hall autliorise to receiv(? the fame; and (liall, at the fame Time, deliver over the Books, in which the Natnes and Places of Abode of the Perfons who (liall have refpe£tively paid the laid Sums of forty Shillings each for their P'reedoms in the faid Company, (hall have been entered, to fuch Perfon or Perfons as the faid Committee (hall appoint to receive the fame. Receivers to pay ^ XVII. And be it furtiier enaeted by the Authority aforefaid. That the Pcifon or Perfons who fnall, from aH "o'nd^Te" '^"^'^ time, be appointed by the faid Committee at London, Briftol, and Liverpool, to receive the faid Sums liver Lifts of the ^^ forty Shillings, payable by Perfons on their being admitted into the Freedom of the faid Compmy, (hall J^amcs. annually, or oftener, if required by the laid Committee, pay and deliver over all fuch Sums, which (hall have been paid to them refpectively for Fr.'^edoms in the faid Company, together with Lifts of the Narrn.-; and Places of Abode of the Perfons from whom they fliall have refpeiTtivcIy received the fame, to the faiJ Committee, or as they fliall, f|-nm time to time, dirert. J.iftof thcCoin- XVIII And be it'further enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That a true and exa(ft Liil fliall, from time jian* tobckept to time, be made and kept at the Office or Place where the fiiid Committee (hall tranfacft their Bufinefs in at the Office, London, of the -Names aiid Places of Abode of all Perfons admitted into the Freedom of the faid Company, 3 di(ti-..gui(h-
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