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A. D. 1750. Anno vicelimo tertio Georgii II. C. 31. 271 diftinguifhing the Place where each Perfon was admitted ; which Lift fhall annually, ten Days at lead before and to be printed the annual Ele£lions, be printed and delivered, without Fee or Reward, to fuch of the Perfons admitted in- annually before to the Freedom of the faid Company, who fnall defire the fame. theElcGions. XIX. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That no Perfon fhall be capable of being cho- None to be cho- fen, or acting as a Committee-man, above three Years fucceflively ; and two or more Perfons, who fhall be fen into the in Copartnerfhip in Trade, fhall not be capable to be chofen or ati^f as Committee-men, during the fame Committee, Time or Year : And the faid nine Perfons, or any of them, fhall not, during fuch Time as they fhall be of fuccTrnvely ^&c.. the faid Committee, in any Manner, direflly or indiretlly, trade jointly, or in Copartnerfhip, to y^/7V«, or to trade'in or lade, or caufe to be laden, any Goods or Merchandizes on Board the fame Ship, in which any one of PartnerAip, &c.. the faid nine Committee-men fliall, for that Voyage, have before laden Goods to be carried to any Place in Africa. XX. And be it further enabled. That the faid Committee fhall and may, from time to time, invefl fuch committee may- Part of the Money in their Hands, as- they fhall judge neceffary, in the Purchafe of Goods and Stores, which, vc(i the Money after the fame are infured, which they are hereby iinpowered and required to procure to be done, are to be '" the Purchafe fent and exported to Africa, there to be fold, difpofed of and applied, for the fole Ufe, Prefervation and Im- f4?to aVh"' provementof the'Forts and Settlements there, and for the Payment of the Salaries and Wages to the Offi- fortheUfeof' cers, and other Perfons employed for keeping and preferving the faid Forts and Settlements, and not other- the Settlements j -wife: But it fhall not be lawful for the faid Committee to carry, or caufe to be carried, or exported from t^ not carry ore Africa, any Negroes, or other Goods, in Return for the faid Goods they fiiall fo export from Great Britain, a Trade to and or in any other Manner to carry on any Trade to or from Africa : And a juft and true Account of the faid from Africa. Committee's Receipts and Payments fhall, from time to time, be kept in a Book or Books for that Purpofe ; Books of the which Book or Books fhall be open at the OfKce or Place where the faid Committee fliall tranfadl the Af- S.eceipts and fairs and Buiinefs of the faid Company in London, to be perufed at all feafonable Times by any Perfon ad- P^y^^n'sw be- nlitted to the Freedom of the faid Company, Vv'ithout Fee or Reward. XXI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That the Commiffioners for Trade and Planta- The Commif- tions are hereby authorized and impowered, from time to time, in cafe any of the faid Com,mittee-men, or fioners for Trade- ' any Officer or Servant appointed by them, fhall be guilty of any Mifbehaviour, contrary to the true Intent "l^^ remove any and Meaning of this A£t, to remove any of the faid Committee-men, Officers or Servants, from their Em- °ee'-men°'offi-' ployments, giving Notice of fuch Removal, and fpecifying the Caufes thereof, to the faid Committee j cers, &c. and when a Committee-man fhall be fo removed, the faid Committee fhall give Notice forthwith to the On Removal of Mayor of the City or Town by v/hom the faid Committee-man was chofen, to ele£f another in the Room or a Committee- Stead of him fo removed ; and if an Officer or Servant fhall be fo removed, the faid Committee are hereby '"«". Notice t©- impowered to appoint another in the Room or Stead of him or them fo removed. '"^ S'™"- XXII. Provided neverthelefs, i hat whenever any Committee-man fhall be charged with Mifbehaviour in CommiflTinerf,. his Employment, the Commiffioners for Trade and Plantations fhall fummon fuch Committee-man to appear tofummonand before them, and fliall, in cafe he attends, hear fuch Committee-man ; and upon his Attendance or Default, '^^." ^^^ '~°"^' examine into the Truth of the faid Charge, before they fhall remove him from his Employment as aforefaid ; ™jr"d'w^i"h any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithiianding. Miftehavio.n-. XXIII. And be it further enabled by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Committee fliall, and they „ .^^^^ are hereby required to render a juft and perfect Account of all their Tranfactions once a Year, to the Com- g|^,e the Com- niiffioners for Trade and Plantations, or oftener, if thereunto required by the faid Commiffioners, or any miffioners an three or more of them ; in which fhall be contained an Account of all the Monies received and difburfed Account yearly by the faid Committee, or their Order ; and alfo an Account of all the Orders and Inftru6lions given by the of their Pro- faid Committee, as well to their Officers and Servants in Great Britain, as on the Coaft of Africa ; and all '^'^"'S^' '^ the Anfwers given thereto by the faid Officers and Servants employed by the faid Committee ; and of all other Matters and Things whatfoever which fhall be tranfa£ted by the faid Committee. XXIV. And be it further enadfed by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Committee, out of the Mo- Application of nics they fliall receive, fliall dedu6t annually a Sum, not exceeding the Sum of eight hundred Pounds, for the Monies re- defraying, in the firft Place, the Salaries of their Clerks and Agents at London, Brifiol, and Liverpool, the '^^'•'"^^ y *'^ Houfe-Rcnt of their Office in London, and all other Charges of Management, Conimiffion or Agency, Commutce.. in England ; and the Refidue of the faid eight hundred Pounds fliall be fhared and divided amongft rhenifelves, as th-;y fliall judge proper, as a Compcnfation for their Trouble and Attendance in the faid Office of Coni- rnittee-men ; and the reft of the Monies which the faid Committee fliall receive for the Admiffion of Per- fons into the Freedom of the faid Company, or otherwife, fliall be applied and appropriated wholly to the Maintenance, Support and Improvement of the Forts and Settlements already built, or which hereafter fliall be built, on the Coaft of Africa, v^hich fliall be in the Pofleffion of the faid Company ; and for keep- ing them in good Repair ; and for providing Ammunition, and other Stores, and Officers and Soldiers to defend the fame ; and for paying the faid Officers and Soldiers 5 and to and for no other Ufe or- Purpofe whatfuevcr. XXV. And be it further enadted by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Committee fliall, within one Comrrj-tec at- Month afcer the Expiration of the Year for or during vv'hich they fliall have been chofen Committee men, the i-;i(p;rjri:.o. lay before the Curfitor Baron of the Court o'i Exchequer, an Account of all the Money received by the ;'^ the Year, te> Committee during the preceding Year, and of the Application thereof, upon Oath ; and the faid Cirfitor '"•' "^^,'^' Baron fliall, within one Month after the faid Account fhall be laid before him, examine, pafs and audice the J^h" CuriUor'^ ftme ; and for the better difcovering of the Truth of fuch Account, the faid Curfitor Baron is hereby im- Saron ; ^wered to examine any of the faid Committee-men, and fuch other Perfon or Perfons as he fhall judge lieceffiiry, upon Oath, touching the Articles or Particulars in fuch Accou'^t expre-fled, or fuch of them as the faid Curfitor Baron fliall think fit ; which Account, fo audited and pafled by the Curfitor Baron, fliall befinal and concliifive, and fhall bs a full and abfolute Difcharge to the (aid Committee-men, without their and a Copy- Deing compelled to give or render any further or other Account thereof ; and the faid Comimiittee fliall, thereof, and of every Sefiion of Parliament, lay before the Parliament a Copy of fuch annual Account, audited as- afore- Jheii- Piocred- •aid, and of all Orders and P^-eg ulations made by them in the preceding Year, relating to the faid Forts and pa,.]i.,!i^cnV '* Settle-