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276 C. 33. Anno vlcefimo tertio Georgii II. A. D. 1750. Where the In- habiranta of par- tLubr Places fliall be liable to attend. Suitors to be fworn. The Oath. Penalty on ContPiBpt or PifTurbance of the Court. County Clerks, and Officers Fees. Table of Fees to be hung up. William "W hi. taker Efquire, continued County Clerk. Sheriff to ap- point future County Clerks. County Clerk lo be fworn- The Oaih. Onth to be re- jiftcied. County Clerk may appoint hU Deputy. Dcriity to be fworn. IX. Provided always, and be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That no Ptrfon or Perfons refiding or dwelling within the Hundreds of Goare, Eltborne, Spelthorne or IJJezvorth, fhall be liable or obliged to attend the faid County Court, either as a Suitor or Defendant, in any other Place than within the faid Hundreds of IJlnvorth or Eltborne; and no Perfon or Perfons refiding or dwelling within the Hundred at Edjnontcn, {hall be liable or obliged to attend the faid Court in any other Place than within the faid Hundred of Edmonton. X. And be it further enafted, That every Suitor attending the faid Court, before he enters on the hear- ing or determining any Riatter in Controverly, fiiall take the following Oath to be adminiftered by the faid County Clerk or his Deputy, who is hereby authorized to adminifter the fame, that is to fay, ' T Swear, That 1 will impartially and truly hear and determine the feveral Matters in Controverfy which ' JL fliall be brought before me, as a Suitor of this Court, according to the Evidence, and the beft of my. ' Skill and Judgment.' So help me God. XL And be it ena£led by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Perfon or Perfons fliall be guilty of any Contempt or Difturbance of the faid Court, fitting the Court, then it fliall and may be lawful for the faid Suitors and County Clerk to order fuch Perfon or Perfons to be taken into the Cuflody of any Officer or Officers attending the faid Court, which Officer or Officers is and are hereby required and authorized to de- tain fuch Perfon or Perfons in his or their Cuflody during the fitting of the faid Court, and the faid Suitors and County Clerk may, if they think fit, amerce fuch Perfon or Perfons, in any Sifm, not exceeding forty Shillings, to the Ufe of the Poor of the Parifli where the faid Court fliall fit, to be recovered by the Over- feers of the Poor of the faid Parifli for the time being, or any one of them, by Plaint, in the faid County Court, in the fame Manner as any other Debt or Demand may be recovered in the faid Court under the Au- thority of this Aft. XII. And be it further enacted, That the County Clerk for the time being, and the other Officers of the faid Court, fhall receive and take the Fees under-written, and no other or greater Fees, that is to fay. The County Clerk for entering the Plaint, four Pence. For every Warrant, four Pence. For every Summons, four Pence. For every Order, eight Pence. For entering every Order, four Pence. For Hearing, fix Pence. For Execution, four Pence. For entering the Appearance of the Defendant or Defendants, fix Pence. The Crier for every Call, one Penny. The Officer for fummoning, four Pence. The Officer for Execution on the Goods, two Shillings. On the Perfon, three Shillings. A Tabic of which Fees fliall be publickly hurig up in every Place where the faid County Court fliall be held. XIII. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That JVlUiam Whitaker of the Middle Temple, Lon- don, Efquire, the prefent County Clerk of the faid County of Middle/ex, fhall continue County Clerk of the faid County, fo long as he fliall behave himfelf well in the faid Office ; and from and after the Refigna- tion. Removal or Death of the faid William Whitaker, and fo often as the faid Office fhall become vacant, the Sheriff of the CoxnX.Y oi Middle/ex for the time being, fliall appoint a fufficient Perfon to be County Clerk of the faid County, who at the Time of fuch Appointment fhall be of the Degree of an utter Bar- rifler of three Years flanding at the Bar, and be approved by the Lord High Chancellor, Lord Keeper or Commiffioners of the Great Seal, the Lord Chief Juflice of the Court of King's Bench, and the Lord Chief Juftice of the Court of Common Pleas for the time being, or any two of them, which Perfon fo appointed and approved fhall continue County Clerk fo long as he fliall behave himfelf well. XIV. And be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid //^7//ww TPIjitaker Qz, within one Month after the faid twenty-fourth Day of jfune, and every flicceeding County Clerk of the (aid County, within one Month after his Appointment and Approbation as aforefaid, take the following Oath in the County Court aforefaid, that is to fay, ' T J. B. do fwear, That I will well and tnily execute the Office of County Clerk of the County of Mid- ' X dlefex, according to the beft of my Skill and Knowledge, and that I will not deny or delay Juftice, ' and will not by myfelf, or knowingly by any Deputies, Clerks or Servants under me, or by any other

  • Perfon or Perfons, receive or take, or caufe or permit, or fuffer to be received or taken, any greater or

' other Fees in my faid Office of County Clerk, than fuch as are direfled to be taken in and by an Atfl ' made in the twenty-third Year of the Reign of his Majefty King George the Second, intituled, Jn Ail ' for preventing Delays and Expences in the Proceedings in the County Court of Middlefex, and for the more eajy

  • and fpeedy Recovery of Small Debts zvithin the faii Comity Court.

So help me God. Which Oath fhall and may be adminiftered by any two Suitors prefent, and fhall be entered in the County Court Book, and figned by the faid County Clerk, and attefted by the Suitors prefent at the Adminiftration thereof. XV. And be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That it fliall and may be lawful to and for the County Clerk of the faid County for the time being, to appoint his fufficient Deputy to aft for him in the fliid Of- fice of County Clerk, which Deputy, in the Abfence of the faid County Clerk, fhall have the fame Autho- rity as if himfelf was prefent ; provided neverthelefs that fuch Deputy be of the Degree of an utter Barri- fter of three Years {landing at the Bar, and provided fuch Deputy be nominated by the faid County Clerk in open Court, three Weeks at the leaft before his Appointment, and the Majority of the Suitors prefent at the faid Appointment aflent thereto ; and the faid Deputy fliall at every Court before he proceeds to the hearing or determining any Matter in Controverfy, take the Oath herein before diredfed to be taken by the Suitors