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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/321

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A. D.I 75 o» Anno vicefimo tertio Georgii II. C. 34; 277 Suitors of the faid Court, except the Words, As a Suitor of this Court, which Oath (hall and may be ad- miniftered by any two of the Suitors prefent. XVI. And be it enadted by the Authority aforefaid, That if the faid County Clerk, or any other Coun- Method of pro- ty Clerk of the faid County, (hall not behave himfelf well in his faid Office, it fhall and may be lawful for ceeJing aeamft any twenty-four or more Freeholders of the faid County, to apply by Petition to the Lord High Chancel- Jjl^ I'°"'"^Mr lor. Lord Keeper or Commiflioners of the Great Seal for the time being, thereby complaining of the Mif- jjehavLur " behaviour of the faid County Clerk, and upon fuch Petition it fhall and may be lawful for the faid Lord High Chancellor, Lord Keeper or Commiflioners of the Great Seal, the Lord Chief Juftice of the Court o( King's Bench, and the Lord Chief Juftice of the Court of Common Pleas for the time being, or. any two of them, to meet together, and to hear and determine the faid Complaint in a fummary Way ; and in cafe the faid County Clerk fhall be found, upon due Examination and Proof before them, to have been guilty of any fuch Mifbehaviour in the faid Office, then and in fuch Cafe, it fhall and may be lawful for the faid Lord High Chancellor, Lord Keeper or Commiflioners, and the faid Chief Juftices, or any two of them, to amove the faid County Clerk from his faid Office. XVn. And be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That If any Perfon or Perfons fhall make Oath, or Penalty of give Evidence in any Caufe depending in the faid County Court, whereby he, fhe or they fnall commit ferjury. wilful and corrupt Perjury, and thereof be duly convidted, then every fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall incur and fuffer the like Pains and Penalties, as any other Perfon or Perfons conviited of wilful and corrupt Per- jury is or are liable to by the Laws and Statutes now in Being. XVIIL And be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That in cafe any Aflion or Suit fhall at any Time officers &c. fii- hereafter be commenced or brought againft any Member, Officer or Minifter of the faid County Court, ored forading, againfl: any other Perfon or Perfons, for or in refpeft of his or their acting in purfuance of or under the Au- thority of this Aft, That it fhall and may be lawful for fuch Perfon in every fuch Action or Suit to plead the General liTue, and give this Act and the Special Matter in Evidence, and the Warrant or Precept under the may plead the Seal of the faid County Clerk, being duly proved in any fuch AcStion or Suit, fhall be deemed a fufficient General iffue. Proof of the Authority of the faid County Court, and of all other Proceedings in the faid Court, previous to the iiTuing of fuch Warrant or Precept ; and in cafe the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs in fuch Action or Suit fhall have a Verdift pafs againfl him or them, be nonfuit, or difcontinue his, her or their Aftion or Suit, the _ Defendant or Defendants fhall, in any of the faid Cafes, be allowed Double Cofts. Double Coffs. XIX. And be it further enadted. That in cafe any Adtion of Debt, or Adtion upon AJfuinpfit, fhall be in suits profc. commenced and profecuted after the faid twenty-fourth Day oijune, in any of his Majefty's Courts of Re- cmedatWeft. cord at Weftminjhr, and the Defendant or Defendants, at the Time of fuch Adf ion brought, fhall live or minder, which refide in the faid County of Middlefex, and be liable to be fummoned to the faid County Court, and the ""^ '"^ "^^ ^^ Jury upon the Trial of fuch Caufe fliall find the Damages for the Plaintiff under the Value of forty Shil- count" Comt lings, unlefs the Judge fhall in open Court certify on the Back of the Record, that the Freehold, or Title y °"' » to the Plaintiff's Land, principally came in Queftion, or that an Adt of Bankruptcy principally came in ,. „ r . Queltionat fuch Trial, then, and in fuch Cafe, no Cofts fhall be awarded to the Plaintiff in fuch Adtion, tohavVooTble but the Defendant or Defendants fhall be intitled to, and recover Double Cofts of Suit. Cofts. XX. Provided always, and be it enadted by the Authority aforefaid. That nothing in this Act contained This Aft not t» fhall extend, or be conftrued to extend, to his Majefty's Totver oi London, or the feveral Parifhes, Liber- extend to the ties, Precindts, Hamlets and Places, within the Totuer Hamlets. Tower, or the XXI. Provided always, and be it enadted by the Authority aforefaid. That nothing in this Adt contain- Tower Hamlets, cd, fhall extend, or be conftrued to extend, to the City and and Liberty oi IVeftminJier, and the Precindts '"^j°/-l!'^*^','^f of the fame, and fo much of the feveral Parifhes of Saint Clement Danes, and Saint Mary k Strand, in the weftminfttr" County of Middlefex, as lies without the City and Liberty of lVefi?iiinJier ; and alfo in the Precindts of the Savoy, adjoining thereto. XXII. And be it further enadted. That this Adt fhall be deemed a Publick Adt. Publick Aa. CAP. XXXIV. An A6t for permitting Raw Silk of the Growth or Produce of Perfia, purchafed in Rujfia, to be imported into this Kingdom from any Port or Place belonging to the Empire of Ruffia. ' ^T7HEREAS by an Adt made in the fourteenth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign (intituled. An 14050.2.0,36. ' yV ASi for opening a Trade to and from Ferfia. through RufTia) it is (amongft other Things) enadted,

  • That from and after the twenty-fourth Day oifune one thoufand feven hundred and forty- one, it fhall 10 ^n f^- 3«
  • and may be lawful to and for any Perfon or Perfons, free or to be free, of the Fellowfhip cA Engllp Mer- '^' ^'

' chants for Difcovery of new Trades, commonly called The Ruffia Company, exclufive of all others, to

  • bring and import into this Kingdom, in Britifl) built Shipping, navigated according to Law, from any

' Port or Place of or belonging to the Czar or Emperor of Rtjjfia, Raw Silk, or any other Goods, or Com- ' modities of the Growth, Produce or Manufadture oi Perjia (provided fuch Manufadture be made of the

  • Growth or Produce o^ Perfta) being purchafed by Barter with Woollen, or other Manufadtures, Goods,

or Commodities, exported from Great Britain to Rufia, and from thence carried into Perfia (Gold and Sil-

  • ver in Coin or Bullion excepted) or with the Produce arifing from the Sales of fuch Manufadtures, Goods

or Commodities, fo exported to Rnjfui, and carried into Perfia., as aforefaid, and not othervvife : And it is ' by the faid Act alfo further enadted, That no Silk, or other Produce, Commodities or Manufadtures of ed to adminifter the fame) at the Port or Place of Importation, that, to the beft of his or their Knowledge and Belief, the Silk and other the Produce, Commodities or Manufadtures oiPevfta, contained in his or their Entry or Entries, was or were really and truly purchafed by Barter with Woollen, or other Manu- fadtures, Goods or Commodities, exported from Great Britain to Rtijfia, and from thence carried intoP^r-