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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/324

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280 to 305
C. 40.
Anno viceaimo tertio Georgii II.
A. D. 1750,

«G eo, J. c 10. anJ paffed in the eighth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, (intituled, An Aoi for lengthening the JVeJl Pier of the Harbour of Whitby in the County of York ; and for improving the f aid Harbour) reciting the faid former Afts ; and alfo reciting, that by and with the faid feveral Duties and Sums of Money collected and received by virtue thereof, the faid Piers had been rebuilt, finifhed and completed, and had been pre- ferved, kept and continued in good Repair ; but that neverthelefs, for fome Years then paft, the Entrance into the Port of fVhitby had been rendered very narrow and difficult, by reafon of a Bank of Sand which was then, and for fome Time part: had been gathering about the Head of the Weft Pier of the faid Har- bour of J'Vhitby, and would in Time, if not prevented, intirely ftop and choak up the fame ; and inaf- much as the faid Sand-bed, and the further Increafe thereof, in the Judgment and Underftanding of expe- rienced Perfons, might and could only be remedied and prevented by lengthening and extending the faid Weft Pier one hundred Yards further into the Sea ; therefore that the faid Piers and Harbour might be improved, and made as fecure for Colliers and Coafting VefTels as might be, and for lengthening and ex- tending the faid Weft Pier, it was ena£ted. That from and after the firft Day of fune one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-five, the faid Duty of one Farthing /i^r Chalder, granted by the faid Aft of the Firft Year of the Reign of her faid late Majefty Queen Anne, and continued by the faid Acl of the feventh Year of her Reign (but which had ceafed from the firft Day of May one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-three) fhould be paid to the Truftees nominated and appointed in or by virtue of the faid Aft of the feventh Year of his faid late Majefty's Reign for the Term of thirty-one Years, to commence and be computed from the firft Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-five, for the Purpofes afore- faid ; and the faid Aft of the firft Year of her faid late Majefty's Reign, and all and every the Claufes, Provifions, Penalties, Matters and Things therein contained, touching the faid Duty of one Yzxthrg per Chalder thereby granted (fave and except as to the Powers and Authorities thereby vefted in the Truftees therein named, and to be named purfuant thereto, and a Claufe therein contained touching the ceafing' of the faid Duty on raifing fix thoufand Pounds, as therein mentioned) were revived and continued for the fame Term of thirty-one Years, with feveral other Powers and Claufes relating to the faid Duty, and Work propofed to be done, and the regulating the faid Harbour as by the faid feveral Afts, Relatioo thereunto refpeftively being had, may more at large appear : And whereas purfuant to the faid laft-men- tioned Aft of the eighth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, and by and with the feveral Duties and Sums of Aioney collefted and received by virtue thereof, and of the other Afts aforefaid, the faid Weft Pier of the faid Harbour of Whitby hath been lengthened one hundred Yards, and terminated wich a ftrong circular Head, whereon is erefted a commodious Battery, with a ftrong Parapet, and Embrazurca for five Pieces of Cannon, which protefts the Entrance of the faid Harbour, as alfo fuch Ships as may be obliged to take Shelter in the Road from an Enemy ; but for carrying on the faid Work, the Truftees no- minated and appointed in and by virrtue of the faid feveral Afts of the feventh Year of his late Majefty, and eighth Year of his prefent Majefty, have been neceffitated to borrow at Times, feveral Sums of Mo- ney on the faid Fund of one Farthing per Chalder, amounting to fix thoufand two hundred Pounds, which now remains charged thereon ; and the faid Truftees have employed the reft of the Duties granted as aforefaid, as they arofe, in rebuilding and repairing other Parts of the faid Piers, and in getting up Quar- ries at the Mouth of the faid Harbour, in order to deepen the Channel ; which has had fo good an Efteft, that it has encouraged the Inhabitants of WIntby aforeiaid, and others, to build in the faid Harbour mucb laiger Ships than were formerly ufed : And whereas the Weft and Eaft Piers have been greatly ftiaken with the Seas ; and the Marie or foft Rock, on which they are built, is worn away in feveral Places, by the great Quantity of Sand fcoured out of the faid Harbour, which has occafioned their finking, and the Walls thereof to bulge out ; and the Communication between the Town and the Weft Pier is in a great Meakire interrupted ; and it is abfolutely neceflary for the Security of the faid Harbour, that the (aid Parts of the faid Eaft and Weft Piers fhould be rebuilt, or repaired and raifed ; and it would be a great Improve- ment of the faid Harbour, and tend very much to the Advantage and Safety of all Colliers and Coafting Vefl'els, if the remaining Part of the Stone Rock at the Entrance of the faid Harbour was taken away, and the Way repaired and made fufficient, from the faid Town of mithy to the faid Weft Pier, with proper Moorings for Ships along the fame ; but as the Expence of the faid Works cannot be provided for without fome additional Duty, the faid perpetual Fund granted by the faid Aft of the feventh Year of his late Majefty's Reign, producing yearly only one hundred and forty Pounds, or thereabouts; and the faid Duty of one Farthing /)«■ Chalder will raife little, if any thing, more than will pay the Principal Monies ! borrowed thereon and the Intereft thereof now due, and which may incur duringthe Remainder of the faid Term of thirty-one Years :' To the end therefore that the faid Weft and Eaft Piers may be rebuilt or epaired, and raifed v/here needful, and the remaining Part of the Stone Rock at the Entrance of the faidi Harbour may be taken avray, and the Way from the Weft Pier to the faid Town of TFhitby may be re- j paired and made fufficient, and proper Moorings for Ships may be placed thereon, as fhall be judged expe-j -dient, and the faid Harbour may be further improved ; May it pleafe your M<:jefty, that it may be enafted,! " An Additional Duty of one Farthing a Chalder laid on Coals for jt Years. Powers given by the recited " Aft, to be exercifed by the Truftees with regard to the prefent Duty. Truftees may borrow Money oni

  • ' the Credit of the Duties ; and contraft for the Work and Materials ; and for the Purchafe of Houfef'

" and Grounds, for making the Way from the Weft Pier to the Town more convenient. Ov/ners refufingl " to treat, Juftices to impanel a Jury, who are to afl'cfs the Recompence. Upon Payment of the Money,- " the Lands, '^f. to veft in the Truftees. The Weft and Eaft Piers, is'c. vefted in the Truftees. Perfon

  • ' to be appointed, who is to direft the Mooring, i^c. of Ships. Vcffels belonging to G/va/ IVaww/A ex-
  • ' empted from the Duties.
  • Axi ■ . C A P. XL.

An Aft for repairing and widening the Roads leading from Egremont to Ditddcn Bridge^ Santon Bridge am Sahhoife, in the County of Cumberland. P R. Certain Tolls granted for 21 Years. AnneAnno