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A.D. lys^' Anno vicefimo tertio Georgi I II. C* 37~~39- 279 CAP. XXXVII. An Ad for building a Bridge crofs the River of 'Thames, from Hampton Court in the County of Middlefex, to Eaft Moulfey in the County of Surry. P R.

  • TT7FIEREAS many Mifchiefs and Inconveniencies would be prevented, and great Benefit would atife
  • V V to the Inhabitants of the Counties of Middle/ex and Surry, and to the Pubiick in general, if a

' Bridge were built crofs the River of Thames, from Hampton Court in the County of Middlefcx, to the op- , ' pofite Shore at Eaft Moulfey in the County of Surry : And whereas by virtue of Letters Patent, under the

  • Great Seal, bearing Date the twelfth Day of March in the twenty-ninth Year of the Reign of King

' Charles the Second, yames Clarke Efquire is become poffefTed of the Manor of Eaft Moulfey, with the ' Appurtenances, in the County of Surry ; and alfo all that Paflage of Water upon the River of Thames, ' called Hampton Court Ferry, between Eafl Moidfey and Hampton Court, and is in titled to the Premifies for ' the Term of twenty-fix Years, or thereabouts, now remaining unexpired, and yet to come, of the Term

  • of Years granted by the faid Letters Patent: And forafmuch as the faid James Clarke hath made his moft

' humble Suit to your Majefty, that your Majeffy would be gracioufly pleafed to give Leave, that he the ' faid James Clarke may build a Bridge crofs the faid River, from Eaji Moidfey to Hampton Court ; and your ' Majefty hath been gracioufly pleafed to fignify your Confent thereto ;' May it therefore pleafe your Ma- jefty, that it may be enatSed, &c. " James Clarke Efquire impowered to build a Bridge crofs the Thames from Hampton Court to Eajl A-foulfey ; " and to turn and make a Highway or Bridge leading to the fame; making Satisfaflion for the Damage.

  • ' Five Commiffioners of the Land Tax for 7lf/V(s'/f/2'jc and iSarrj', to fettle the Damage in cafe of Difpute.

" If the Parties {hall be diflatisfied, or refufe to treat, the Commiffioners are to ilTue their Precept to the " Sheriff, to return a Jury, to inquire and afTefs the Recompence ; their Verdicfts, and the Judgments of the " CommifTioners thereon, to be binding. Upon Payment, or Tender of the Money, the Premifies may " be ufed. Commiffioners may fine iKe Sheriff, and others, making Default 40X. If in building the IBridge " any Damage" fliall be done, for which no Recompence has been made, the Commiffioners are to afcer?- " tain the fame by a Jury. Care to be taken that there be no Overflowing occafioned by the Bridge. Meet- " ing of the Commiffioners not to be above 6 Miles diftant from the Place in Queftion. The Bridge vefted

  • ' in James Clarke Efquire and his Heirs. Tolls: For every Coach, &c. drawn by 6 Florfes, zs. 6d. By 4

" Horfes, s. 6d. by lefs than 4 Horfes, i s. For every Waggon, i^c. drawn by 4 Horfes, is. 6d. and by " lefs than 4 Horfes i s. For every Horfe, i^e. not drawing, 2 d. For every Foot Pafienger on Sundays 1 d. " and on other Days one Halfpenny. For every Drove of Neat Cattle 12 d. per Score. For every Drove " of Calves, Hogs, Sheep or Lambs, 6d. per Score. If after Expiration of the Term granted by Letters " Patent to James Clarke Efquire, the King fliall pay the Expences of building the Bridge, the Right of the " faid Clarke and the Tolls are to ceafe, and the Bridge is to veft in his Majefty. A Paftage of 260 Feet to " be left for the Water. Wilful damaging the Bridge, Felony. When the Bridge fliall be dangerous, a " Ferry may be provided ; to continue no longer than the Bridge be repaired. Mafters to make good the " Damage which their Boatmen fhall do to the Bridge. Bridge not rateable, £?V. .. C A P. XXXVIII. An Aift for Repairing the Road from the City of York over Sklphridge to Boroughhrtdga in the County of York. PR. Certain Tolls granted for 21 Years. CAP. XXXIX. An Aft for the more efFecElual repairing and preferving the Piers and Harbour of Whitly in the County of York. PR. WHEREAS by an Aft of Parliament made and pafTed in the firft Year of the Reign of her late 1 Anna?, ft. i, Majefty Queen Anne, intituled. An Ad for the rebuilding and repairing the Piers of the Town and<r'. 19. Port of Vvhithy in the County 0/ York, feveral Duties v/ere granted and laid upon all Ships and VeiTels entering within the Piers of the faid Port, and upon certain Goods and Merchandizes therein particularly mentioned, landed within the Haven or Piers of the faid Port of Whithy, and fhipped off from Whithy aforefaid ; and alfo a Duty of one Farthing per Chalder on all Coals loaded at Newcaftle upon Tyne, or at Sunderland, Blythe, Seaton-fluice, Cullercoates, or any other Harbour, Colliery, or Place that was, or was reputed to be, a Member of the faid Port of Newcftlle upon Tyne, for the Term of nine Years, to com- mence from the firft Day of May one thoufand feven hundred and two ; with fuch Provilions for the due collcding, accounting for, and applying of the faid Duties, and other Powers, Matters and Things re- 1 lating thereto, and for keeping clear the faid Harbour, as in the fame Aft is particularly mentioned and contained : And whereas by another Aft of Parliament, made and pafled in the feventh Year of her faid 7 Anns, private, late Pvlajefty's Reign, the faid Aft made in the firft Year of her Reign, and all the Powers, Matters and Claufes contained therein, and all the Duties and Sums of Money thereby granted, and made payable, v/ere continued and made payable, and to be in I'ull Force and Virtue, until the firft Day of A4ay, which fliould be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-three : And whereas by ano- ther Aft of Parliament made and pafled in the feventh Year of the_ Reign of his late Majefty King George the Firft, (intitul?d, An Aut for the better preferving andkceping in Repair the Piers of the Toivn 70eo. i. c. iS. and Port of Whitby in the County of York ; and for explaining andmaking 7nore effectual the feveral Ails paffcd for lengthening and repairing the Piers of Bridlington alias Burlington in the faid County ;) all and every the laid Duties and Sums of Money granted and impofed by the faid Aft of the firft Year of her faid late Majefty, and continued by the faid Aft of the feventh Year of her Reign as aforefaid, (fave and except the laid Duty of one Farthing per Chalder) were made perpetual, and enafted to be paid to the Truftees therein named, and their Succeflbrs for ever, to the end that the Piers and Harbour of IVhitby aforefaid might be preferved, kept and continued in good Repair : And whereas by another Aft of Parliament made ' and