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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/326

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3o6 C. 2. Anno vicedmo quarto Georgii II. A. D. 1751. .cf-^ I'- '>- / no VIC on or before the twelfth Day oi Jugujt then next enfuing ; ten Pounds per Centum, other Part thereof, on or before the twenty-eighth Day of October then next enfuing ; ten Pounds per Cenium, other Part thereof, on or before the twentieth Day of November then next enfuing ; and the remaining fifteen Pounds per Cen- tum, on or before the twentieth Day of December then next following ; all which Annuities fo to be pur- chafed fhall be paid and payable at two of the rnoft ufual Feafts or Days of Payment in the Year ; that is to fay, the Feaft of the Nativity of St. John the Baptljl, and of the Birth of our Lord Chrift, or within fix Days after every of the faid Feaft Days; the firlT: Payment thereof to be computed and paid at tiie Rate of three Pounds per Centum per Annum, on the whole Sum to be paid by fuch Contributors for the Pur- ■ chafe of any Part of the faid Annuities, from the faid feveral and refpedtive Times of paying and advancing the fame as aforefaid, unto the Feail of the Birth of our Lord Chiifl-, which fliall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and hfty-one, or within fix Days after the f.dd feaft Day : Ne»erthelefs. the faid Annuities fhall be redeemable according to the Purport and true Pvleaning of a Provifo or Condi- CafTiier to give tion herein after contained in that Behalf, and not otherwife ; and the faid Cafhier or Cafhiers of the faid Receipt i«r each Qoygj-j^or and Company for the Time being is or are hereby authorized and required upon the advancing. wh'cTrh'all be ^'^'^ Paying to him or them any fuch Sum or Sums of Money as aforefaid, forthwith to ^ive a Receipt ia ailigjL.bie ly Writing iigncd by himfelfor themfelves for each Payment to the Contributor or Payer thereof (whicb Indou'cmeijc. P.cceipts fliall be afiignable by Lidorfement thereupon, made at any Time before the faid tweniieih Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-one, and no longer) and, from Time to Time, to pay info the Receipt of his Majefty's Exchequer, all the Monies which he or they fhall receive of or for the faid Sum not exceeding one million four hundred thoufand Pounds, as faft- as he or they fliall receie the fame, or any Part thereof, or within five Days afterwards at the fartheft ; and to account for all the Monies fo- to be advanced and paid to him or them in his A'lajefty's Court of Exchequer, according to the due Courfe thereof. Contributors IIL And it is hereby enacted. That in the Office of the Accomptant General of the faid Governor and Names to be Company for the Time being, there fhall be provided and kept a Book or Books, in which there fhall be ^"uok '" * fairly entred the Names of aJl who fliall be Contributors for fuch Annuities, after the Rate of three Pounds per Centum per Annum as aforefaid, and of all Perfons by whofe Hands the faid Contributors fhall pay in any of the faid Sums upon this Aft, and alfo the Sum fo paid ; to which Book or Books it fhall be lawful for the faid refpeflive Contributors, their Executors, Admin iltrators, Succeflbrs and Affigns, from Time to Time at all feafonable Times to have Refort, and to infpeft the fame without any Fee or Charge ; and th^ and a Copy faid Accomptant General for the Time being, fliall on or before the twenty-fifth Day of March one. thou- '""'f""'^'* '° ^""'^ feven hundred and fifty-three, tranfmit an attefted Duplicate, fairly written on Paper, of the faid tie sc cqucr. g^g]^ qj. BoqJ^s into the Office of the Auditor of the Receipt of his Majefty's Exchequer, there to remain for ever. Contributors

IV. And it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every Contributor and Contri- pjyingtiieCon- butors upon this Aft, duly paying the whole Confideration or Purchafe-money, at the Rate aforefaid, at jiceration- or before the refpeiSive Days and Times in this Aft before limited in that Behalf, for fuch Annuity or money, . Annuities as aforefaid, or fuch as he, fhe or they fliall appoint, his, her or their refpeftive Executors, Ad- to Iiavc Eftates miniftrators, Succeflbrs and Affigns fliall have, receive and enjoy, and be intitled, by virtue of this AdV, in theAnnuicies, to have, receive and enjoy the refpeitive Annuity and Annuities fo to be purchafed out of the Monies by this Act appropriated or appointed for Payment thereof as aforefaid, and fliall have good and fure Eftates and Litercfts therein, for ever, fubject only to the Provifo or Condition of Redemption in this A&. herein free from Taxes, after contained concerning the fame; and that the feveral and refpecSive Annuities payable in purfuance of this Aft, after the Rate of three Pounds per Centum per Annum, and all and every the principal Sums for which the fame are to be payable, fhall be free from all Taxes and Impofitions whatfoever. Contributors not V. Provided alfo, That in cafe any fuch Contributor as aforefaid, who fhall, on or before the faid making good fifteenth May oi March one thoufand feven hundred and fifty, have advanced to the faid Cafliicr or Cafliiers vviTi th™'^"'^ ten Pounds per Ce?itum, by way of Depofit as aforefaid, in part of his, her or their Purchafe-money ; and Times iic Contributor, his, her or their Executors, Adminiftrators, Succeffors or Affigns, IhaU not advance and pay to the faid Cafhier or Cafniers fifteen Pounds per Centum, other Part thereof, on or before the fifteenth Day of Mi7y then next enfuing ; and fifteen Pounds per Centum, other Part thereof, on or before the feventeenth Day of yzw^' then next enfuing; and twenty-five Pounds /vr Cvj^/vot, other Part thereof, on or before the twelfth Day of Avgujl then next enfuing ; and ten Ponds fer Cetitum, other Part thereof,, on or before the twenty-eighth Day of OSloher then next enfuing ; and ten' Pounds per Centum, other Part thereof, on or before the twentieth Day of November then next enfuing ; and the remaining fifteen Pounds

forfeit all they have paid in part.

per Centum, on or before the twentieth Day oi Dec(7nber then next following ; then, and in eery fuch Cale refpeftively, fo much of the Confideration-money as fliall have been aftually paid in part thereof only, to the faid Cafhier or Cafliiers for fuch refpeftive Annuity, fliall be forfeited for the Benefit of die Publick ;, any Thing in this Aft contained to the contrary notw'ithflanding. Accomptant * I-. Provided always, That in cafe any Contributor or Contributors for the Purchafe of any of the faid General to give Arinuitics, fliall after Payment of ten Pounds per Cenium, in part of his, her or their Purchafe-money, Oenit i„ the defire that the fubfequcnt Payments to be made by him, her or them, at the refpeftive Times limited ni &ums paid. ^'^'^^ Bfehalf, may immediately be made Stock in the Book or Books direfted to be kept for that I'urpofe in the Office of the laid Accomptant General ; and that the principal Money, and the Annuity attending the fame, be immediately transferrahle (except the ten Pounds /)c-r L^k/mv, 'which is to remain as a Depofit till I ayment of the whole Sum by him, her or them fubfcribed for, is fully compleated) it fliall be lawful for the faid Accomptant General, and he is hereby required, upon fuch Requefl; made by any luch Contri- hutorr