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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/327

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A. D. 1 75 1. Anno vicelimo quarto Georgii II. C. 2. £07 'butor or Contributors, to give Credit in the Ciid Book or Books for each refpeflive principal Sum by him, her or them fubfcribed and paid as aforefaid ; any Thing herein contained to the contrary notwith- - {landing. VII. And it is hereby enacted and declared, That no Perfon or Pcrfons whatfcrever fiiall or may pur- P":'!^"^^ chafe or obtain, or be admitted to purchafe or obtain, any of the Annuities at the Rate aforefaid upon this ?'>■ '° ^" Aft, unlefs the whole, or ten Pounds per Centu7n, Part at leaf!: of the Confideration-money for the fame, Ma"rc'hi7-o. be advanced and paid to the faid Cafhier or Cafhiers, on or before the faid fifteenth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and fifty. ' VIII. And whereas it is intended that the Sum of feven hundred thoufand Pounds, being the Refidue 7oo,oocl. to ■' of the faid Sum of two millions one hundred thoufand Pounds, already charged by this Ail upon the ^"^ "'^ J'* ■' Monies to arife of or for the faid Surplufles, ExcelTes and Overplus Monies, commonly called the Sink- ° ^'

  • ing Fund, appropriated for Payment thereof, in manner before direfted and appointed, fhall be raifed by

■* way of a Lottery, for the Purchafe of Annuities, after the Rate of three Pounds per Centum per Annum,

  • in manner herein after mentioned ;' Be it therefore enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the Annui-

ties becoming due and payable to the Contributors to the Lottery herein afier mentioned, their Executors, Adminiflrrators and Affigns, at the faid Rate of three Pounds per Centu?n per Annum, in refpeft of the fiid at 3I. perCsnt. principal Sum of feven hundred thoufand Pounds, in m.anner hereafter in this Act exprefled, until Re- demption thereof by Parliament, according to the Provifo herein after contained in that Behalf, fhall be ■charged upon the faid Sinking Fund, and fhall commence and be computed from the refpeitive Times of '^'^"^^^^'^'^ °" ■paying or advancing the fame, or any Part thereof, as herein after-mentioned, and be paid unto the Feaft pj^^j'""""'"^ Day of the Birth of our Lord Chrift one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-or?e ; and fhall from thenceforth Annuities pay- lie paid half-yearly at the Feafts of the Nativity of St. John the Baptift, and the Birth of our Lord Chrift, able half-yearly, by even and equal Portions ; the firft Payment thereof to be due and payable for ths half Year ending at the Feaft of the Nativity of iS^. John the Baptijl one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-two. IX. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That for or towards raifmg the faid Sum of AnyPerronsmay feven hundred thoufand Pounds, it fhall and may be lawful for any Perfon or Perfons, Natives or Fo- '°"""= *°'- reigners, Bodies Politick or Corporate, to contribute, by paying at or before the refpeftive Times by this ""^ niore , A£t limited in that Behalf, to any Receiver or Receivers to be appointed for that Purpofe, as is herein afcer-mcntioned, the Sum of ten Pounds, or divers entire Sums of ten Pounds, upon this Act ; and that?""^ thereby be every fuch Contributor or Adventurer, for every fuch Sum of ten Pounds, which he, {he or they fhall fo An^'^^fnV" "^ advance, Ihall be intereftcd in fuch Lot or Share of and in the Joint Stock of Annuities eftabliflied by this A£t, as is herein after-mentioned and appointed in that Behalf; and the fame entire Sums of ten Pounds each are hereby appointed to be paid unto fuch Receiver or Receivers at fuch Time or Times, and in fuch Proportions at a Time as are herein after-mentioned in that Behalf; that is to fiiy, ten Pounds per CentimiT'^™^^ of ad- Part thereof, by way of Depofit, on or before the fifteenth Day oi March in the Year of our Lord one^^""^'"^ "^ thoufand feven hundred and fifty ; fifteen Pounds per Centtan, ether Part thereof, on or before the fifteenth """' Day of May then next enfuing ; twenty-five Pounds per Centum, other Part thereof, on or before the twelfth Day of Jidy then next enfuing ; twenty-five Pounds per Centum, other Part thereof on or before the feventh Day of Septe?nber then next enfuing ; and the remaining twenty-five Pounds per Centum, on or "before the feventh Day of OSlober then next following.

  • ' Commiffioners of the Treafury to appoint Managers of the Lottery, and Receivers ; and to take Secu-
  • ' rity. Receivers fhall deliver Tickets to the Contributors. There fhall be printed 70,000 Tickets ; and

" 10,000 Tickets fhall be the fortunate Tickets, and fhall be written upon in manner following, vivc, " upon two feverally, ro,ooo/. principal Money ; upon four 5000/. upon five 30C0/. upon eight 2000 /. •

  • ' upon twenty 1000/, upon forty-one 500/. upon two hundred 100/. upon four hundred and tv/enty 50/.
  • ' upon nine thoufand three hundred 20/. V/ hich Sums, with 500/. to the firft drawn Ticket, and 1000 /.
  • ' to the laft drawn, will amount to 34.0,000/. which being added to 360,000/. payable on the rem.aining

" 6O5OGO blank Tickets, at 6/. each Blank, do amount to 700,000/. being the total Principal in relpeit

  • ' of the Lottery. Manner of drawing the Lottery. Prizes to be entred in a Book. When the Lottery
  • ' is drawn, a Lift of the Prizes to be printed. Difputes to be determined by the Managers. Counter-

" feiting of Tickets or Certificates, fhall be adjudged Felony. Tickets to be difpofed of ftiall be delivered

  • ' into the Exchequer. Guardians may adventure Lifants Money, fo as fuch Infants Names be in the
  • ' Receipts and Tickets. Limitation of Sale of Chances, i^c. Perfons felling Shares in Tickets of which
  • ' they are iiot pofleifed, i^c, to forfeit 500/. After the Drawing of the Lottery, the Tickets to be ex-
  • ' changed for Certificates." EXP..

XXVII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Accomptant General of ^^™];^['*/^'.^ she South-Sea Company for the Time being, to whom the faid Certificates are to be dire<Sted as aforefaid, CreditVor the iliali, upon receiving and raking in tlie faid Certificates, or any of them, give Credit to the Perfons named Sums naincd in therein, iu the fame Book or Books with the Contributors for the Purchafe of ths Annuities not exceeding the Certificates; one million four hundred thoufand Pounds, herein before directed to be inferred in a Book or Books, or in any other Book or Books to be by him provided and kept for that Purpofe, for the principal Sums con- tained in every fuch Certificate .; and the Performs to whofe Credit fuch principal Sums fliall be entered in which ITay be the faid Book or Boo4is, his, iier or their Executors and Adniiniftrators, iliali and may have Power to transferred, ■affigii and transfer the fame, or -any Part, Share, or Proportion thereof, to any other Perfon or Perfons, JB.odies Politick or Corporate whati.beverj in other Books, to be prepared and kept bj the faid Accomptant .Era- General