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3o8 C. 2. Anno vicefimo quarto Georgii II. A. D. 1751. ind carry : r" General for that Purpofe ; and the principal Sums fo afTigncd or transferred, (ball carry the faid Annuity < cut. im«dt. of three Pounds pir Centian per jlnnuiii^ and fhall be taken and d:emed to be Stock, tranjfcrrabic by this KQi., according to the Powers and Authority herein after men.tioncd, until the Redemption thereof as ;:forc- Orfific-j'cs '0 be faid ; and the faid Accomptant General of the South-Sm Company foi; the Time being, i.s hereby autho- t.incfilir;!, and rlzed and direiik-d to cancel and file the Certificates as thsy flrall from Time to Time be received and tnkeii N.^'vtivOTin j„ }jy ]^;,.j^_^ a,.,(j (o gj^,g j-i^g Pcrfons brijigitig in the fame a Note under his Hand, teftifying the principal j^eu ihcici;t. jyToupy for which they have Credit in the faid Book or Books, by reafon or means of the Certificates fo re- ceived, taken in, and cancelled as aforefiid, and of the Annuities attending the fame. XXVIII. And for the more eafy and fure Payment of the feveral and refpeclive Annuities, amounting in the whole to two millions one hundred thoufand Founds, by this A6t authorized to be purchafed as aforefaid ; it is hereby further enabled by the Authority aforefiid. That the faid Governor and Company, and their Succeffors, fhall, from Time to Time, until the faid feveral and refpective Annuities, after the Rate of three 'Pounds per Centum per Annimi fhall be redeemed according to this Acf, appoint and employ GhisfCaRiier one fufficitnt Perfon, within their Office in the City Oi Londofi, to be their Chief Cafhier or Cartiiers, and and Accon-.ptontone Other fufiicient Perfon within the fame Office, to be their Accomp ant Genera! ; and that fo much of a^-i' oimcd" ""^ the Monies arlfing from Time to Time into the Receipt of the Exchequer, of or for the faid Sinking appoin c . Pund^ by this Act appropriated for this Purpofe as aforefaid, as fhall be iiifFicient }rom Time to Time to anfwer tiie faid feveral and refpedive Annuities, and other Payments directed to be paid or difchargej out of the fame, ihall, by Order of the Commiflioners of his Majefty's Treafury, or any three or more of them now being, or the Pligh Treafurer, or Commifiioners of the Treafury of his Majcfty, his Heirs or Succeflbrs for the Time being, without any further or other Warrant to be fued for, h;*d or obtained in that Behalf, from Time to Time, at the rcfpeiStive Half-yearly Fe. ft Days or Days of Payment, in this K&. before appointed for Payment thereof, be iffued and paid at the iaid Receipt of Exchequer to the faid Monies fcr Pay- (Jj^jgf Cafhier or Cafliiers of the faid Governor and Company, and their Succefibrs for the Time being, An'n'uities'tobe '^z ^"V "^^ Impreff, and upon Account for the Payment of the laid feveral and relpective .Annuities to be iirued from the purchafed upon this At?r, at fuch Times, and in fuch Manner and Form, as are by this Acf |5refcribed in 2.fchcc|uer by that Behalf; and that afl and every fuch Cafliier or Cafhiers, to whom the faid Monies fhall from Time to way of Irnpreft, Time be iffued, fhall from Time to Time without Delay apply and pay the fame accordingly, and render ^'^' his Account thereof according to the due Courfe of the Exchequer ; any Thing herein contained to the contrary notwithflanding. Accomptant Ge- XXIX. And it is hereby alfo enafled. That the faid Accomptant General for the Time being, fhall tlircl'k'iel-r'^ ™'^ Time to Time infpeft and examine all Receipts and Payments of the faid Cafhier or Cafliiers, and Receipts'. ^"^^ Vouchers relating thereunto, in order to prevent any Fraud, Negligence or Delay ; and that all and every Perfon and Perfons whatfoever, who fhall be entitled to any of the faid fe-^-eral snd refpeftive An- Anniiitics to be nuities, after the Rate of three Pounds per Centum per Annum, and all Perfons lawfully claiming under vZ'^' !""!-' them, fliall be pofTeffed thereof as of a perfonal Eftate, and the fame fhall not be defcendible to the Heir, '" '"' ^' and fhall not be liable to any foreign Attachment by the Cuflom of London, or otherwife ; any Law, Sta- tute or Cuftom to the contrary notwithftanding. The Monies XXX, And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That all the Monies to be ad'anced or foninbuted to contributed, or to which any Perfon or Perfons fhall become entitled upon this Aft, for or towards the Toinrstock^ &:c ^^^^ 'i^m not exceeding tv/o millions one hundred thoufand Pounds, fhall be deemed, reputed and taken to ' be one Capital or Joint Stock, on which the fiid feveral and refpeftive Annuities, after the Rate of thr"- eo Pounds per Centum per Annum, fhall be attending; and that all and every Perfon and Perfons, and Corpo- rations whatfoever, in proportion to the Money by him, her or them advanced, or to which they fliall be- come entitled as aforefaid upon this Afc, fhall have and be deemed to have a proportion.al interetf and A,ni transfer- Share in thfi faid Stock, and in the Annuity attending the fame, at the Rate albrefaid ; and that the faid '■^^" vvhole Capiial or Joint Stock, or any Share or Intereft therein, and the proportional Annuity attending the fame, fnall be afTignable and transferrable as this A61: diredts, and not otherwife ; and that there fliall Book to be kept ^Q;,-j{j-j^,.;jly -^^ ],gpj. ^^ ^]j jeafonable Times, in the Office of the faid Accomptant General for the Time or uns.ers, tieing, v/ithin the City of London, a Book or Books, wherein all Affignments or Transfers of the faid whole Capital or Joint Stock, or any Part thereof, and the proportional Annuity attending the fame, at Entries to be the Rate aforefaid, fhall be entered and regiftered ; which Entries fhall be conceived in proper Words for figned by the that Purpofe, and fhall be figned by the Parties making fuch Afllgnments or Tran.sfers, or if fuch Parties linP'and'fcce T- ^^ ^bfent, by his, her or their Attorney or Attornies thereunto lawfully authorized, by Writing under his, jj,^; " " ^ ' hpr or their Hands and Seals, to be attefted by two or more credible Witnefles ; and that the Perfon or Perfons to whom fuch Transfer fhall be made, do underwrite his, her or their Acceptance thereof; and that no other Method of alfigning or transferring the faid Stock, and the Annuities attending the fame, or ?.ny Part thereof, or any Interelf therein, fhall be good or available in Law ; and that no Stamp Duties. whatfoever fhall be charged on the faid Transfers or any of them ; any other Law or Statute to tiie con- trary notwithlfanding. Tli: Company XXXL Provided always, and it is hereby enaded by the Authority aforefiid, That the faid Governor to continue a . ^-. , , . -"n ^ . •'...,.. J . ^ . . - .... , . ^ . Company till I's'ijdcniption of tiC A.iiniiiiie3. _ ^ the Annuiiies to be purchafed on this A>if fliall be redeemed by Parliament, according to the Pro-ifo herein lifter contained in that Behalf; and that the laid Governor and Company, or any Members thereof, fliall not incur any Difability ior or by realbn of their doing any Matter or Tiring in purfuancc of this Act. ?. XXXII.