A. D. 1 75 1. Anno vicefimo quarto Georgii II. C. 8. i^i^ Commiflioners for putting in Execution all and fingular the Powers in this Afl contained ; and that all and every Perfon and Perfons conftituted and appointed a Commiffioner or Coinmiffioners by virtue or in purfuance of this A61, before he and they refpedtively take upon himfelf or themfelves to a£l: as a Commif- fioner or Commillioners under this A£l (other than the adminiftering the Oath following to one another, which they, or any, two of them, are hereby impowered and required to do) do and ihail take and fub- (bribe the following Oath : ' X A.B. do fwear, That I will without Favour or Affedlion, truly, faithfully and impartially execute, 0.uh to betaken ' J[. perform and difcharg^ the Office and Duty of a Commiffioner, according to the Powers, Authorities, by the Commif- ' and Direftions given and eftablifhed by an A£i: of Parliament, (intituled. Ah A£l for the better carrylng^^"^^"' ' on and regulating the. Navigation of the Rivers Thzmts and liis,. from the City of London lucjiward, to th'e ' Town ^Cricklade in the County of W[ts) according to the beil of my Skill and Knowledge. So help me God." Which Oath fo taken and fubfcribed as aforefaid, fliall be kept by the Clerk of the Peace, arn.ong the Re- and to bercgi- cords of the Seflions of the Peace, in and for the refpeiSlive Counties where the fame fhall be fo taken and rteied. fubfcribed. II. And be it further ena(9:ed by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Commiffioners, or any feven of Times andPlaces them, for the further, better and more orderly putting in Execution ths Powers hereby to them given tor the Meeting and appointed, fhall, for the fijrll.Time, meet on the lirft Day of July next enfuing, at the Town Hall °'^*^ CommiC-r in Reading, in the County of Berks; and from thence by Adjournment, meet at the Town Hall in the '°'^'^"' City of Oxford on the fifth of j^ofz^/? following ; and for the like Purpofes, fhall for the Time to come, hold a General Meeting upon the firft Tuefday in fuly in every Year, at the Town Hall in the faid City of. Oxford, and another on the firft Tuefday in September following, in every Year, at the Town Hall in Reading aforefaid, for fuch Time or Number of Days as fliall to the faid Coinmiffioners feem convenient, and at any of the faid Meetings fhall adjourn themfelves from Time to Time to fuch PLice; and fo from Place to Place, within the Counties of ^iVW/y^;*?, Surry, Berks, _Bkckingha?n, Oxford, Gloucejier 2.nA Wilts, and near to the fame Rivers, or fome Part thereof, as they Ihall think proper; and the faid Commif- Power craji, fioners, or any five or more of them, are hereby impowered and authorized afterwards, at any Time or pointing Geno-. Times, when it fliall happen that no General Meeting is appointed to be held by Adjournment, to appoint' Meetings. General Meetings of the faid Commiffioners, for putting in Execution all or any of the Powers hereby in them vefled, at fuch Times and Places as they fhall think proper, within any or either of the faid Counties, by or through which the faid Rivers run, upon or near the fame, upon giving twenty Days ^o.Dsys Notice Notice in the London Lazette, and fome other publick News Papers, as to the Commiffioners flrall feem °'^'"'^*'.'^^™V,"8*^ meet, of the Time and Place which fhall be from Time to Time appointed for fuch General Meetings ; t^e London Ga- (at which the Commiffioners then prefent fhall be at Liberty, and are hereby impowered to adjourn therh- zette, &e, felves to fuch Times and Places, within any or either of the aforefaid Counties, near the faid Rivers, as they fhall think proper;) and the faid Commiffioners, or any feven of them, or the major Part of them aflembled at fuch General Meeting, fhall at any or either of fuch General Meetings, held at any of the, refpedtive Times and Places aforefaid, or in purfuance of fuch Notice ai'orefaid only, for fuch Number of Days, as to them fhall feem convenient, upon due Examination of any Perfon or Perfons, touching any,9^'"'"°""^ Matters or Things which concern the better carrying on and regulating the Navigation of the faid Rivers, "^P"""^ '* or touching any Matters in Controverfy between Party and Party relating thereto, upon Oath, (whichoaj™" Oath they are hereby impowered at fuch General Meetings to adminifler, and fhall be in thefe Words;) ' examine' oa- I A. B. do fwear. That fuch Information or Evidence as I fhall give, fhall be the Truth, the whole. Truth, and nothing but the Truth. So help me God." And make Orders and Conftitutions for the fettling and afcertaining reafonable Rates and Prices to be^^'" 'ott^etha^ taken from the Owners of all Barges, Boats and Veilels, for the Ufe and Exercife of all the Towing- ^"^'"^ P'^'j"?" Mths, Gates and Bridges, either by Men or Horfes, as they are now ufed, or fhall be ufed, at the ufe~of TowinV Difcretion of the faid Commiffioners, by the Tenants or Occupiers of all Locks, Weirs, Bucks, Win- paths, ,4?. ches. Turnpikes, Dams, Flood-gates and other Engines, and Towing-paths, in, upon or near adjoining to the faid Rivers of Thanus and Ifts, or which do or may affefl: the Navigation of the fame, or fliall be deemed by the faid Commiffioners, or any feven of them, or the major Part of them, iitFembled at fiich- Meeting or Meetings as aforefaid, to be necefTary or ufeful thereto, between the faid City of London and ■ the faid Town of Crickladc, for the Help and Affirtance which Barges, Boats or VelTels may. or fhall re- ' ceive thereby, or by means thereof, in their Pafiage upon the faid Rivers, Regard being had as well to the Burden or Tonnage of fuch Boats, Barges and Veilels that have, do and fhall navigate on the faid Rivers, as to the Charges and Expences which have been, and fhall be, laid out in building, repairing, , inlarging, improving and fupporting, the faid Locks, A'Veirs, Bucks, Winches, Turnpikes, Flood-gates,^ i and other Engines ; and alfo to make Orders and Regulations touching the Sizes and Draughts of all Boats, and to.rR.-.teQr-... Barges and other Veffels navigating the faid Rivers ; and to fettle proper Gauges on the Sides thereof, jmdd'^tor'l^'-'Si^aj': how deep they fhall load at all Times, and in different Seafons of the Year, fo as no Boat, Barge or otber g"^^^"^J|'j^^^- Veflel whatfoever, navigating the faid Rivers, fhall draw more than.fgur Feet on the Sides, or draw more fettfing f^ ,„,es than ijB the SWef ."ss.
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