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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/338

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3*8 G. 8. Anno vlcefimo quarto Georgii II. A. D. 1751. and other Regu- ^-^^^^ f-Q^,. Ycct of Water at any Scafon of the Year ; and alfo to conflitute and appoint all fuch other ne- irrthe !C/i"a-' '^'^^^'■y ^^'='"' Orders, ConlHtutioiis, Rules and Regulations concerning the faid Navigation, and aifo tion, " ' concerning fuch Locks, Weirs, Bucks, Winches, Turnpikes, Dams, Flood-gates and other Engines and Towing-paths, lying between the Places aforefaid, and the Shutting, Penning, Opening, Drawing, Ufc or Management thereof, for the Bendit and Safety of the faid. Navigation ; and making Satisfactron for the Lofu or Damage which any Owners or Occupiers of Mills or Linds fliall or may fuftain thereby ; and and Behaviour concerning all Barges, Boats or Vcfi'cls pafling by, through or with the Help of the fame; and Behaviour of^Eargemen, ^^ ^jj Bargfj^ien, Boatmen and Watermen be'Iongiiig to or working in fuch Barges, Boats or VelTels, fo as and Satisfaftion to remedy the Abufcs which have been frequently heretofore committed, or may hereafter be committed ofPerfons ^y them in the Navigation; and to give fuch; Reparation, Satisfaction and Damages to the Perfou or jiieve . Perfons aggrieved thereby ; as likewifc to the Oyt-ners or Occupiers of Meadows, or other Greunds, who fliall be damaged by the Negleft or Refufal of the Ov/ners of fuch Locks, Weirs, Bucks, Winches, Turnpikes and Flood-gates, in not opening and keeping open the fame, till the Water is funk beneath the Water-mark, as to the faid Commiiliuners, or any feven or more of them, or the major Part of them prefent at any fuch Meeting, fhall feem meet. No Alterations HI. Provided always, and be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That nothing herein contaiiicd to bj made in fi^^]] extend, or be conftrued to extend, to impower the faid Commiffioners to alter, change or remove paths or'Land- "7 of the Towing-paths, or Landing-places now ufed as fuch, or to make or appoint any new or other ingplaces, with- Towing-paths or Landing-places, on. the Banks of the faid Rivers, without the mutual Confent firft GutConfentof had and obtained of both the Owner or Proprietor of the Ground, over which the Towing-path or Proprietors, Landiiig-place propofed to be removed now^ is, and alfo of the Owner or Proprietor of the Ground on which fuch. Towing-path or Landing-place fhall be intended to be removed to, or on which any fuch new Towing-path or Landing-place ihall be intended to be made ; any Thing herein contained to the contrary notwithftanding. r"'^"i™M'^^'^ IV. Provided always. That no Order, Rule or Regulation made by the faid Commiffioners, in pur- in™ "ot to"e' fuance of the Powers by this AiSt vefted in them, at any General Meeting held upon and at the refpective ak'ered at any Days and Places in every Year direfted by this Aft as aforefaid, or at any Adjournment thereof, fhall be CeneralMeeting altered or repealed at any General Meeting held by the faid Commiffioners in purfuance of the Notice not^ appointed by hereby dirccSted to be given, when it ihall happen that no General Meeting has been appointed to be Adjournment, j^^jj ^^ Adjournment : And that it fhall and may be lawful to and for the faid Commiffioners by this AcT: Orders may be conflituted, upon any Application to them made in that Behalf, at either of the faid General iVleetings, altered, upon held at and upon the Days and Places prefixed by this Aft, for the refpeftive holding the fame in every Amplication, at Year, or at any Adjournment thereof, to alter, annul or repeal any Order, Rule or Rcgvdation mads any ftated IVleet- jjy ^^le faid Commiffioners at any former Meeting or Adjournment whatfoever, held in purfuance of '"^^* this A&, or make any new Order, Rule or Regulation, touching and concerning the fame, as the Oc- cafion and Circumftances of the Cafe may then require, and as to them fliall feem expedient; and fo as. no fuch Alteration, Repeal or new Order, be made or deemed good and fufficient, unlefs the Party or 20 Days Notice Parties applyino; for fuch Alteration, Repeal or new Order, fhall give twenty Days Notice in Writing of to be given of j^jj intended Application, to every Perfon or Perfons whom the fan;; immediately concerns, or leave luch fuchApplicat.on. j^^j.^g with the Servant or Agent of any fuch Perfonor Perfons. Coipmiffioners V. And be it further enadted by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Commiffioners, or any three may hold Sub- qj. jnore of them, fliall and may have and hold a Sub-meeting in every of the faid Counties, by or through mcetmgs, which the faid Rivers run, once in every Year, at fuch Times, and in fuch Towns or Places refpec- tively, as the AJichachnas Qiiarter-Seffions in every Year, for every of the faid Counties rcfpedlively fhall be held (and at fuch Sub-meetings the faid Commiflioners fhall have Power to adjourn themfelves, from Time to Time as they fliall think proper) for the enforcing the Execution of all or any o^ the Orders ajid Conftitutions, to be made at all or any of the General Meetings of the fiiid Commiffioners to be held as aforefaid; and at fuch Sub-meetings the faid Commiffioners,' or any three or more of them, or the Comp'wnts'^^n "aJGr Part of them prefent, fhail have Power, and arc hereby authorized, in a fummary "Vay, upon Ex- afuniitiary Way, amination of the Parties, and all Wjtnefles to be produced by them, upon Oath, which fhall be in the fame Word-s as herein before direiTied for the Examination of any Perfon or Perfons as aforefaid, (which Oath they are hereby impowered to adminiftcr) to hear and determine all fuch Complaints and Informa- . tioiis, as fliall be made or laid againft all and every Perfon or Perfons, accuf-d of ofFending againfl:, or not complying with this Ad, or any of the Rules, Orders, Regulations or Conftitutions, to be made in amd levy Fines purfi.iancc or by virtue thereof; and upon Conviction of the Uftcndcr or Offenders, to levy fuch Fines. ' byD.ftrclsand Pen; ' ' " -"'■ '- ' . , . , .-. ... - . ' . ' . > SjIc, , J -•' here fenders, by Warrant or Warrants,' under the Hands and Sea's of the faid Commiffioners, or any three or more of them, to. be .ilireflcd to the Conlfables, Tythingm.en, or other Peace Officers of the feveral Li- berties, ^or PUkcs whei-ein, or, near whercunto, a'ny Goods- or Ciiattels,- by fuch V/arrant direfted to be di- -„ , ^ . f!:raincd,;fhall be j-ani,!' ailTuch' Couifablcs, and other Officers, archereby commanded to obey and execute bV-feEcn tVthe" '"^"^'^ ^^•''"■^ accorclingly : Provided, That eveiy Perfon againil whom any Complaint or Information Pir'tytomislain- fliall be made or laid at any or'either of the faid Sub-nicctings, fnall have at leall fix Days Notice of fuch eiagaliirtv ■' CQHiplaJJU or Information, under the Hands of two or more of the faid Comniimonersi ■"'■' '"•'■"■= • ■■ "^ • yj r-.'>;t7eO jj^'i.'JJ)'; ■•ICift ■ < . *■ ■ ' ^*