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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/339

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A. D. 1 751. Anno vicefimo quarto Georgii II. C. 8. 319 VI. Provided alfo, That it fliall and may be lawful for any Pcrfon, whofe Fine, Penalty, Forfeiture or Pe'iuns-'ES-'^fd Damage adjudged againft him, at any or either of the faid Sub-meetings, fhall exceed the Sum of five [j^^^y^PP^^'^^'" Pounds, and who fhall think himfelf aggrieved thereby, to appeal to the next General Quarter-Seffions s^^,j^j_' "' of the Pearc, to bo held after the Expiration of ten Days, from the Time that the Party aggrieved ihill have Notice of the Adjudication of fuch Sub-meeting of the Cornniiflioners of the County, v.'herein the Matter of Complaint Ihall originally arifc, but not afterwards, upon giving fix Days Notice in Writing, '^ Days Notko of fuch Appeal to the Party or Parties appealed againft, or leaving fuch Notice at his or their laft Place '" *"= S'"^"- of Abodes and the Court of fuch Q^iarter-Seffions fhall hear and determine fuch Appeal, and give fuch ■Cofls to either Party, as they fhall think reafonablc, whofe Determination therein fhall be final. VII. And be it further enacled by the Authority aforefaid, That the Clerks of the Peace for the faid fe- Clerics of the veral Comities through which the faid Pavers run, fliall be, and are hereby, appointed Clerks to the 'aid ^"^^^^['^f'"',"^;'^'^' Commillioners, and each of fuch Clerks of the Peace, or his Deputy, fhall, and are hereby required to Commiffioners ;; attend, and aft as Clerks to' the faid Commilfioncr;:, at fuch of their Meetings only, as fliall be held in the County whereof he is Clerk of the Peace: And fuch Clerks of the Peace fhall refpeftively be paid out of the feveral Counties Stock, of which Countythey are Clerks of the Peace, fuch Sums for their At- and to be paid tendance at fuch Meetings refpeftively, as fhall at fuch Meetings, at which they fhall fo attend, be allowed""'^ °5 'c" i. them by any three or more of the faid Comniiflioners, by Writing or Certificate under their Hands and """'^ °^ Seals, not exceeding the Sum of twenty Shillings a Day ; and the Treafurers of the faid Counties refpeftively are hereby required to pay the fame, the Clerks of the Peace producing fuch Certificate as aforefaid. ' VIII. And whereas, for the more effeftual putting of thePowers hei'ein contained in Execution, it ' may be necelTary to view the feveral Locks, Weirs, Bucks, *Winches,_ Turnpikes, Dams, Flood-gates,

  • or other Engines, and the feveral Towing-paths upon or near the faid Rivers;' Be it enafted by the 3 Commiflionc'r?

Authority aforefaid. That the faid CommifTioners, or any three, or the major Part of them, at fuch their '™P°";"^ '" General Meetings or Sub-meetings, may appoint any Number of Commiffioners (but not a lefs Number"'"""' °' than three) as they fhall think fit, who are hereby authorized and impow;ered to go and view any Locks, Weirs, Bucks, Winches, Turnpikes, Dams, Flood-gates and other Engines, in, upon or near adjoijiing to the faid Rivers ; and likewife to view all Towing-paths, Gates, Bridges and Places proper for the fixing a Water-mark at all Locks, Weirs, Bucks, Winches, Turnpikes, Dams, Flood-gates and other Engines, and to inquire into the State, Condition and Circumftances thereof ; and to inquire alfo by Information and to inquire, - upon Oath (which fhall be in the fame Words as the Oath herein before directed for the Examination of'"'" ^"^ ^^■'•' WitnefTes as aforefaid, which Oath they are hereby impowered to adminifter) what Rates or Prices have ^nd the Rates •,. formerly been paid to, or taken by, the Owners or Proprietors of fuch Locks, W^eirs, Bucks, Winches', '°"^^^y r^"^» Turnpikes, Dams, Flood-gates or other Engines, in or upon, _ or near adjoining to the faid Rivers, or in any wife affefting the fame, as likewife by the Owners of Towing-paths adjoining to the faid Rivers; and the feveral Sums that are now paid to, or taken by fuch Owners, Proprietors or Occupiers, from the fe- and tlie .Ssms vera'l Barge-maflers navigating on the faid Rivers ; which Information or Informations thus taken, ftiall be""^ "'^^."- •" figned by two of the faid CommifTioners at leaft, and fhall be bythem tranfmitted to, and reported at, the (," ^°™ J ^°" '°-' next General Meeting of the faid Commiflioners, who, or any leven of them, or the major Part of them, commliTioners, fliall make fuch Order and Determination thereupon, as fhall to them feem juft; fix Days Notice in and reported to Writing of fuch Informations and intended Order being firPc given to the Perfon or Perfons whom the fame^<="?>^'^"^" may concern, or left at his, her or their lafi: Place of Abode. '. Meeting, &<:.. IX. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Commiflioners, or any feven or Commiffioners more of them, or the major Part of them, fhall ha-.e Power and Authority, and they are hereby enjoined W"^"=P"'^^^ and required, at their faid General Meetings, to alTefs and rate the Prices of the Carriage of all Sorts of °^^'"^S=> Goods whatfoever, from the faid City of London weftward, to the faid Town of Cricklade, and back from thence to the faid City of London, or to or from thence refpe£iively, to any other Place or Places upon the faid Rivers, or to or from any Place or Places upon the faid Rivers, to any other Place or Places upon the fame, in fuch Boats, Barges or other Veffels; and fliall forthwith give publick Notice in Writing, to be figned by the faid Commiffioners at fuch their Meetings, or any feven or more of them, to be printed and publifhed in the London Gazette; of which publick Notice the feveral Owners of Boats, Barges and ^"'*!!°P"!'' other Veflels, navigating on the faid Rivers, are hereby required to take Notice, as alfo of the Rates and Ga^j.JJ^.^. '" ' * Prices io, frorr; Time to Time, let and aifeiled, and of all other Rates and Prices, which fhall at any Time or Times hereafter, at fuch refpeftive Meetings as aforefaid, be rated and altefTed by virtue of this Aft: And if any Owner or Proprietor of any fuch Barge, Boat or other VcfTel, fhall, at any Time i'enalty of ta- after the Expiration of ten Days next after the publifhing of fuch Notice,- take i"or the Water-carriage, of '""8"'°^ ^"' any Goods or Merchandizes, above the Rates and Prices 'o fet as aforefaid, every Perfon or Perfons fo of- '"^^'"^ fending fhall forfeit the Sum of five Pounds, and fliall lofe the Freight of fuch Goods ; and if any Perfon' or Perfons whatfoever fhall break or aft contrary to any other Rules, Orders or Conftitutions^ which fhall or of aflmg con- be made in purfuance of this Aft, either for the Benefit of the Proprietors or Owners of Mills, Locksj^^iy Z^'^' Lands or Meadows, near or adjoining to the faid Rivers, or either of them, or otherwife howfoeyer; every ' ^ " fuch Perfon fo offending fliall, for every fuch Offence, likewife forfeit the Sum of five Pounds, unlefs in Ehe Cafe of Offences on which other Penalties and f* orfeitures are herein otherwife inflifted ; all which' refpeftive Penalties and Forfeitures fhall and may be recovered in a fummary Way, by Information o<c' Complaint made to the faid Commiffioners at any or either of their Sub-meetings to be heldas aforefaid ;,Appi;cation'of.' and fhall gp and be applied, one Moiety to the Informer or Informersj and the other Moiety to the the Forfsituicsi-,