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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/344

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324 I 2. Anno vicefimo quarto Georgii II. A. D. 175T. 41 tilJ eir '^'hal'°" '^^'^' ^^ virtue of this Ad, to have, i 'i'z-'d"c'.' -^nnmn, payable on their faid Capita] '57'; ' hundred and fifty-feven; and that froi hich is then hundred and fifty-feven, the faid Ann to be icciuced to tgreft after the Rate of three Pounds /ifr Centu 3 .percent. QfpH Demands which the faid Company coi SoutS-Sea Com- fame, That the faid Governor and Company of Mercliants oi Great Britain trading to the Scuth-Sas, and pany to receive other Parts of y/^HOTM, and for encouraging the Fifiiery, fhall have, receive and enjoy, and fhall be inti- reccivc and enjoy the prcfent Annuity of four Pounds per Ccr.tnm per ta] Stock, until the twenty-fifth Day of December one thoufand izzr -j^i; hundred and fifty-feven; and that from and after the faid twenty-fifth Day of Dixemhcr one thoufand feven ■which is then hundred and fifty-feven, the faid Annuity of four Pounds /xrr Centiu.i per Jwwm {hall be reduced to an Tn- " ' ~ ' " /<■« /icr yf;i«//w, until the Redemption thereof, in full Difcharge pany could or might claim of the King of Spain, on account of the Afliento, or annual Ship, or on any Account whatfoever, over and above the Sum of one hundred thoufand Founds paid purfuant to Treaty, Charges of Ma- 11. Provided always, and it is hereby further enaftcd by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Governor nagement upon and Company fhall continue to receive from the Receipt of his Majefty's Exchequer, fo much Monies out ^eir Old and of the Funds appropriated for that Purpofe, as fliall, from Time to Time, become due and payable for the to^be continued Inf^r^ft of, and Charges of Management upon fuch Part of the laid Old and New South-Sea Annuities, as &c. 'are not redeemed, and on the Capital Stock of the faid Company, as they now have and receive ; and that all the Rights and Exemptions, with regard to the Redemption of the faid Capital Stock of the faid Com-- pany, fhall be, and are hereby, confirmed in the fame Manner as they now ftand ; any Thing in this or any former Aft or AiTts of Parliament contained to the contrary thereof in an_}' wife notwithftanding. III. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Officer or Servant of the faid Company, being intrufted with any Note, Bill, Dividend- Warrant, Bond, Deed, or any Security, Money or other EfFefts belonging to the faid Company, or having any Bill, Dividend-Warrant, Bond, Deed, or any Security, Money or Effefts of any other Perfjn or Perfons lodged or depofited with the faid Company, or with him as an Officer or Servant of the faid Company, fliall fccrete, embezil or run away with, any fuch Note, Bill, Dividend-Warrant, Bond, Deed, Security, Money or Etfccls, or any Part of them, every Officer or Servant fo offending, and being thereof conviited in due Form of Law, fhall be deemed guilty of Felony, and fnall fuiFer Death as a Felon without Benefit of Clergy. See farther zd Geo. z, c. 16. OiScer or Ser- vant of the Company em- bczilling, &c. any Effects of the Company intrufted with him, to fufler Death as a Felon, 12 Car. private. CAP. xir. An Aft for appointing Commiffioners to put in Execution an Ad: made in the twenty-fecond Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second, for making navigable the Rivers commonly- called Brandon and Waveney ; fo far as the fame relates to the Navigation of the River com- monly called the LeJI'er Ouze, from 'Thetford to Brandon, and from Brandon to a Place called xht White Hmife, neav Brandon Fcrvy, m the Counues of Norfolk and Suffolk. PR. WHEREAS by an AQ: of Parliament paffed in the twenty-fecond Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second, for making navigable the Rivers commonly called Brandon and Ji'aveney, divers Perfons therein named were conftituted Commiffioners for determining all Controverfies which might arife in rnaking the faid Rivers navigable, in maintaining the Navigation thereof, in fettling the Rates of Carriage of Goods on the faid Rivers, and for afcertaining the Damages done to the Banks of the faid Rivers by hauling and drawing of Vefl'els navigated thereon ; and Power was given to the Com- miffioners appointed by the faid Aft, or any five of them, to chufe other Perfons, refiding in the Coun- ties of Norfolk and Suffolk, to be Commiffioners, inftead of fuch Commiffioners as fhould from Time to Time die : And whereas all the Commiffioners appointed to put into Execution fo much of the faid A<fl as relates to the Navigation of the faid River commonly called the Lrff-r 0u2,e, from Thetford to Brandon^ ' and from Brajidon to a Place called the White Houfe, near Brandon Ferry, have been long fince dead ;■ and that no new Commiffioners were appointed in their Stead and Place, purfuant to the Power vefled in them by the faid AiSl : And whereas fome Difputes have of late Years arifen between the Owners of. Lands and Banks adjoining to the faid River commonly called the Leffer Oiize, from Thetford to BranddHy and from Brandon to a Place called the White Houfe, near Brandon Ferry, relating to the Hauling-ways there, and other Matters relating to the faid Navigation, which cannot be adjulted and fettled by any other Means than by expenfive and tedious Law-Suits, unlefs fome further Provifion be made by Par- liament for appointing new Commiffioners, and invefting thtm with the like Powers and Authorities as were granted to the Commiffioners appointed by the faid former Adl relating to the faid Navio-ation ;' May it therefore pleafe your Majeffy that it may be enafled, fsV. '* Commiffioners appointed to put the Adl of 22 Car. 2. in Execution, fo far a? relates to the Navin-atioii of the Leffer Oiize." CAP.