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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/345

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A. D. 1 75 1. Anno vicefimo quaito Georgii II. C. 13, 14. 325 CAP. XIII. An AQ: for repearing the Road from Crosjord Bridge, through the Toxvnfliips of Strctford and Hulme, to the Town of Manche/ier, in the County Palatine of Lancajier. PR. [Certain Tolls granted for 21 Years.] CAP. XIV. An A61 for explaining and amending an Aft pafTed in the twenty-firft Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled. An AB for the Relief of the Annuitants of the Wardens and Commonalty of the Myflery of Mercers of the City of London, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. P R. W'HEREAS by an Aft of Parliament made and pafied in the twenty-firft Year of the Reign of his^'^.z. c, prefent Majefty, intituled, An A5i for the Relief of the Annuitants of the Wardens and Coimnonalty of the Mxftcry of Mercers of the City of London, after reciting that by Indentures of Leafe and Releafe, bearing Date refpeftively the third and fourth Days of October one thoufand fix hundred and ninety- nine, and inrolled in the High Court oi Chancery, the Wardens and Commonalty of the Myftery oi Mer- cers of the City of London, did grant and releafe divers Adeffuages and Tenements, Tofts, Gardens^ Ground and Hereditaments, of and belonging to the faid Wardens and Commonalty, fituate and being, in the City of London, and in the County of Middlefex, therein particularly mentioned and defcribed ; together with one full Moiety of all that great Fabrick and Place called the Royal Exchange, London, and other Tenements in, under, upon or near the fame, therein particularly mentioned and defcribed ; and alfo all that the Manor of Mercers, with the Rights, Members and Appurtenances thereof, l)ing and being in the County of Londonderry in Ireland, and divers other Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments in Ireland, in the lame Indentures more particularly mentioned and defcribed, unto Sir WtlUajn Hedges^ and feveral other Perfons, as Truftees, their Heirs and Affigns, upon Truft, amorgft other Things, to pay and fatisfy feveral charitable Gifts ; and alfo fuch Annuities to be granted by the faid Wardens and Commonalty, during the Lives of the Wives of Clergymen, or of other Perfons, furviving their Huf- bands, in fuch manner as in the faid A61 is mentioned ; and alfo reciting that by Indentures of Leafe and Releafe, bearing Date the firft and fecond Days of fune one thoufand feven hundred and forty-one, Richard Chefwell the elder. Sir Thomas Weli/ler, David Papillon and Cle^mnt Tookie, therein named, being then the only furviving Truftees in certain Indentures of Leafe and Releafe, bearing Date the firft and fecond Days of June one thoufand feven hundred and feventeen, in the faid Aft mentioned and referred to, did, by the Direftion and Appointment of the faid Wardens and Commonalty, grant and convey the faid feveral Truft Eftates to the Ufe of themfelves, and other Truftees therein named, their Heirs and Afligns, upon certain Trufts, and for divers Purpofes mentioned in the faid Aft, or in certain Deeds therein referred to ; and alfo reciting that the Truftees, in whom the legal Intereft of the faid Eftates comprized in the faid Indentures of the third and fourth of October one thoufand fix; hundred and ninety- nine, and the faid Indentures of the firft and fecond of fime one thoufand feven hundred and forty-one, was then vefted, might refufe to aft ; and that it might be for the Benefit of the faid Annuitants, that building and repairing Leafes ftiould be lett of the feveral Eftates that are within the City of London and County of Middlefex, and alfo that fuch of the faid Eftates as are in the Kingdom of Ireland, Ihould be lett for a Term of Years, or for Lives and a Term of Years ; it was enafted. That it fhould and might be lawful to and for the faid Wardens and Commonalty, and their Succeflbrs, from Time to Time, by any Deed or Deeds indented under the Common Seal, of the faid Wardens and Commonalty to demife and leafe all or any Part of the faid Eftates (except as therein after is excepted) for :iny Term or Num- ber of Years not exceeding twenty-one Years abfolute, in PofTeffion, and not in Reverfion, referving the moft improved Rent that could be had for the fame, without taking any Fine or other Thing, by way of Income, for granting any Leafe or Leafes thereof, and fo as no fuch Leafe or Leafes fliould be made difpunifliable of Wafte, and fo as the refpeftive Leffees ihould feal and execute Counterparts of fuch Leafe or Leafes refpeftively ; in which faid Aft is contained a Provifo, that it fhould and might be lawful to and for the faid Wardens and Commonalty, and their Succeflbrs, to demife and leafe the Manor oi Mercers, Part of the faid Eftates in the Kingdom of Inland, with the Rights, Members and Appurtenances, or any Part or Parts thereof, for any Term or Number of Years not exceeding fixty- one Years in PoffefTion, or for fixty-one Years in Pofteffion, and for the Lives of any three Perfons, and the Life of the longer Liver of them ; and that they fhould and might take fuch Fine or Fines, or other. Confideration, for the granting fuch Leafe or Leafes, and referve fuch yearly or other Rent or Rents- thereon, as could be reafonably obtained, fo as the referved Rent upon any fuch Leafe be not lefs than the Rent then referved to the faid Wardens and Commonalty ; and alfo that it fhould and might be lawful to. aad for the faid Wardens and Commonalty to demife and leafe the feveral Meffuages and Tenements,, Part of the faid Eftates, fituate, lying, ftanding and being, in or near Long Acre in the County oi Middlefex; and all other the Meflliages or Tenements belonging to the faid Eftates, which they ftiould deern necef- fary_to lett upon building or [repairing Leafes, according to the common. or ufual Method of letting, fuch. 2 '■ Leafes. J,