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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/346

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326 C. 15 — 17. Anno vicefimo quarto Georgii II. A. D. ij^i^ Leafes ; vicldket, the building Leafcs for any Term or Number of Years not exceeding fi^ty-onc Year-, and the repairing Leafes for any Term or Number of Years not exceeding forty-one Years, to com- mence from the Date or Dates of any fuch Leafes ; and fhould and might tuke fuch Fine or Fines, or other Confideration, and fuch yearly and other Rent or Rents, for granting fuch Leafe or Ltafes, zs they fhould think fit ; in which building Leafe or Leafes, Power fliould be given to the refpeftivc Lef- fees, or their Agents, to pull down and dcmolifh the old Buildings, and to diljiofe of the Materiak, a; they fliould rcfpcftively think fit ; and alfo a Provifo, that no Leafe or Leafes of any Fart of tlie faid Eftates (except the Eftates in Ireland and Long Ai.re) fliould be granted till within the Space of three Years next before the Expiration of fuch Leafe or Leafes as were then in being: And wh:rcas the Tru- flees named and appointed by the faid Deeds of the firfl: and fecond Days of June one thoufand fcvcn hundred and forty-one, decline acling in the faid Trufl : And whereas the Powers given to the faid Wardens and Cqnimoiialty by the faid recited Aft, are not fufKcient to enable the faid Wardens and Coir.monalty to grant fuch I>eafe or Leafes of their Eftatc in Ireland, as was meant and intended by the faid KSt they fhould have Power to grant, inafmuch as by the faid Aft, the Leafes they are thereby enabled to grant, are to be for any Term or Number of Years not exceeding fixty-cne Years in Pcflii- fion, or for fixty-one Years in Pofleffion and for the Lives of any three Ferfon?, and the Li.'e ofahe Iftnger Liver of them : And whereas the faid Ir'ijl) Efl-ate is nov/ lett on Leafe or Leslbs which are" not yet expired J and the Power given by the faid Aft to grant Leafes for fixty-one Yenrs, being refirained and' limited to be for fixty-one Years in PoffelTion ; and the Power of granting Leafes for three Live--', being a Power to grant a Freehold, the fame cannot by the Rules of Law be granted to commence hi futtiro ; fo that the faid Wardens and Commonalty, as the Aft now fl.nds, cannot Icgrlly grant any Leafe of the faid Irljlj Eilate, either for fixty-one Years, or for three Lives and fixty-bne Years,- iintil the Leafe or Leafes thereof now in being are expired or furrendered, without the Aid of an Aft of Par- liament for eX'plaining and amending the faid recited Aft, with refpeft to the Power of granting Leafes of the faid E'ftate : And whereas it witl be greatly for the Advantage of the Annuitants of the faid War- dens and Commonalty, that the faid Wardens and Commonalty fhould be now ennbled, and hae Power, to grant Leafes of their faid IrlJ]) Eftat'e to comirtence at the Expiration of the Leafes thereof now fub- fifting, referving the prefent Rent, and taking the befi: Fine that can be got for the fame, according to the true Intent and Meaning of the faid recited Aft ;' May it therefore pleafc your mofi Excellent Majcfty, at the humble Requeit of yOur loyal and dutiful Subjefts, the Wardens and Commonalty of this .Myfteiy of ^f^^n of the City of £«W»'«, that it inay be enafted, dsV. ■;'!"','/.•!■■' '

  • ' Mtrdh Company nisiy gi-^iit liea'fe? bif'^t&fr Eflate in Irehnd, in Reverfion for 61 Years, oTlbr three
  • ' Lives, and take Fines, fe^r-. They may grant building Leafes for 61 Years, l^c. and repairing Leafes

"for 41 Years, of their Eftate in Long Aetc, and take Fines ; and may leafe their other Eflatcs in London " and Middlefex, for 21 Years ; and grant building Leafes for 61 Years, and repairing Leafes for 41 " Years, without F'ines. Leafes of the Eftates in London or M'ukUcfex not to be granted imtil within 3

  • ' Years of the Expiration of the prefent Leafes. No Leafe to he valid, unlefs confented to by the An-
  • '■ nuitants and Creditors, t^c. Deeds and Settlements not; altered b}' this Aft; Rights of the Crown
  • ' and of other Perfons refei'yed, PublickAft." [Amended 25 Geo: 2; c.;.^.J

CAP. XV. An Aft to enable the Parifhioners of the Parifh of St. Mary, Mington, in the County q{ Middkfcx, to re- build the Church of the fafd Parifh. PR. CAP. XVL An Aft for the more fpeedy and cafy Recovery of fmall Debts vyithin-the City ol Lhicoln, and County of the fame City, and the Liberties and Precinfts thereof; and within the Bail of Llmoln in t"hc County of Lincoln, P K. C A P. XVIL An Aft'for repairing; the Road leading from the ealft End of Brimrpton High La"c in the County of Tori, to the Tov.'n -of Richmond, and from thence to and through the Towns of Jilrigg and Ingletou in the fmd County, £0 the "Fowii oi Lancajla- hi tQ OowiMy oi Lancajer. PR, [Certain Tolls granted for 21 Yf'ars.J CAP.